RhiAndy11 Member


  • Thank you very much :-) super proud of myself. It got painful around 18miles but then from speaking to people that seems to be when most hit a wall. i saw lots of people walking from that point. the pain didnt stop me and it was definitely worse in training before i saw the physio and they taped up my ITband. Not sure i…
  • UPDATE: Saw a physio. Gave me some exercises to strengthen my glutes to avoid extra pressure on my IT band. Got taped up for the race. Physio said paracetamol was safe. long story short.... i turned up i did my best got my medal all is good would have preffered under 4h30m obviously but happy with 4h50m
  • Thanks for the advice everybody :smile:
  • unfortunately child care is an issue! plus the fact that im a bit of a fair weather runner ha. Thanks for the replies guys. il just do what I can. my stubborness will get me over the finish line im sure :smile:
  • Yeh i see your point. il do my best!
  • yehhh as much as that thought has crossed my mind....i signed up to a marathon and i dont have it in me to quit...even if that means walking over the finish line. i can say i tried. i have my half marathon medal (2h3m) now i want to try for a full. call me crazy
  • well im doing a long run once a week. 13+ miles and 2 shorter ones. 3-6 miles. the shorter ones are occasionally on the treadmill weather dependent. I havnt quite made 17 miles yet though. some of that is possibly motivation. i like a 10 mile run....more than that feels like a chore. i definitely only plan to run the one…
  • ooo that article is a tad scary. Thank you! il skip on the pain meds then eek. it mostly hurts when running down hill. If i do 6 miles i dont feel it at all and nothing in between but once i reach 9 miles the pain starts to niggle. totally bearable though until i get past half marathon....then its a struggle. it starts in…
  • p.s. i have run further than 16 miles pushing through the pain but need to do that 26miles!
  • garmin vivosmart hr+ does what you want it to do. good for running and walking. gps. syncs with mfp and strava and mapmyrun. buzzes each mile/km telling you your pace. buzzes when u reach daily step goal. buzzes for phonecalls and texts
  • i hear planking is the best way to tone your stomach?! but i dont know for sure. The advice i see on here since i started is just calorie deficit and be super accurate with counting. it will go eventually. good luck
  • my husband is a physiotherapist and his advice to me is that if my muscles are sore i should rest until they arent so they have had time to heal
  • i am all for being nice and friendly to someone who likes to chat when you bump into them by chance....however, she admitted to changing her schedule to workout when you do-i do think that borders on creepy but she is getting cut slack because she is an older lady...had this been an older man i dont think many would think…
  • i have downloaded mapmyrun today. i have synced it with my garmin watch so im hoping i wont have to actually open it for it to record my activities....it should just get the info from my watch. will send you my details to connect to me and we can try some challenges?!
  • i just started with an aim to run 5km (my 1st attempt was a huge failure lol only managed 3km)...but once i did 5km a few times i aimed for 8km....then 10km. im comfortably running 10km now and thats only in a month and a half (i did used to run quite a bit last year and had run a 10km feb 2016 but after the summer i got…
    in Runners Comment by RhiAndy11 July 2017
  • im a runner. well i ran lots up until a year ago and then i lost it a bit. im back to it, atleast twice a week, and back up to doing 10km but aiming for a half marathon. maybe november but definitely february. add me :smile:
  • yes that is strange. hopefully just a one off?
  • i must say im a little confused by your post. i have this watch too. The steps i run are included in my step count for the day. the calories burnt is dependent on your heart rate?! but every time i pog an exercise...any calories burnt during that time is added to my mfp calorie allowance for the day. As for my steps...very…
  • i stand corrected....so mfp allowed me an extra 22 calories taking into account my garmin step count (1222 for the day). however, when i open the garmin app it says over 1800 calories-im guessing its saying this is how many calories iv burnt that day? but obviously you want to be in a calorie deficit if you want to lose…
  • hello, sorry im probably not going to be any help, im just curious. i don't really understand how this garmin fitness tracker works. do you start the day with a 0 calorie allowance and then as you do steps it gives you calories?! thats the only way your calorie allowance makes sense to me because... with mfp i start the…
  • So when you get your 'lunch break' in the middle of the night what do you do? Just sit there playing candy crush or do you have something to eat because its been hours and hours since you last ate and you need to the energy to continue to the end of your shift?[/quote] i eat around 10pm and then when i get a break i go for…
  • ooo good luck. definitely want to aim for a half marathon too. really not sure about a full marathon though!! maybe see how the half goes 1st ha
  • good luck!
  • ok guys. poor choice of words lol. no need to mean about it. metabolism 'slows down' maybe?! its in the article i posted and the consultants where i work follow this mindset so il stick with what they advise!
  • thanks for the cheers! feeling chuffed. SUCH a great feeling @jenilla1 what to aim for next!? 15km?!
  • Thanks :smile:
  • https://www.superwellness.co.uk/staying-healthy-on-night-shift/ This is pretty much the info passed on to us nurses from the doctors
  • no or very low carbs is probably your best option here. just short term to fit in the bridesmaid dress. not the healthiest option but we have all been there. good luck x
  • i work nights too. mfp counts calories midnight to midnight so thats what i do. i find i can go without eating much over night generally?! but if i do eat then i try to stick to eating before midnight and after 6am. i take snacks or a sandwhich. on the day i start nights i will eat breakfast and then hold out for a late…