@1BlueAurora @apullum @Panini911 @SCoil123 I'm currently at 239 last weigh in, I was hoping to make my goal to 200 by June but maybe I won't make it buts it ok. Overall I would be happy at 190 -170. I still have a long weigh to Go but the goal is not to stop and make excuses. I currently just do Zumba because other cardio…
Thank you everyone for your feedback! It is a great help!
I'm in the same boat as you right now, I know I need to work on the water for sure, had a visit with my PCP everything is normal, I am anemic but other than that nothing different
Yes a day, sorry brain fart! I'm guessing Gross? Based on my mfp
I am at 1600 a week
hi! I never thought about lack of calories I was actually under my goals.a lot and didn't think that could be the issue
Thank you everyone for their feedback, it's helped me tremendously! I feel so much better now
Thank you for your insight. I’m in the same boat as your were. I’ve been dedicated to exercising but I know that I’m really out of shape. I’ll will try thAt thank you
Thank you all for your help, I took your suggestions and went grocery shopping z hopefully the next two weeks go by fast
Thank you everyone for there advice! Much appreciated
Thank you to all the fellow posters, your feedback has helped me tremendously and now I have a clear mind that I can eat things that I want within my goal.
Thanks you posters that have replied so far. I feel anxious about this journey due to my factors have changed a lot. Before I was single, a hermit and just focused on my goal, now I'm a mother, going to school and work