Lost myself

Hello all,
A quick about me: I lost 80pounds thru diet and exercise. Kept it off for 3 ish years, gained it all back after my daughter a s stresses of nursing school.
I've been on my journey almost 3 months now, with different changes. I've let myself incorporate "bad" foods within my deficit. I try to exercise X3 . This past last week, I felt lost. I am not sure what it was, but u found myself sleepy all the time (work nights) no energy not even want to eat. I'm still in school and just had my last day this last Friday. I'm thinking exhaustion catching up to me, but I worry that I'll fall into my old ways again. That same Friday I celebrated and had a day date with spouse , had ramen , ice cream pop and something else I forgot. Have any you guys had these moments? I feel sucky . I really want this, my energy lacks and feel like sleeping all day.


  • emmies_123
    emmies_123 Posts: 513 Member
    I have definitely had days where my brain shuts down and it is a struggle to be awake and functioning. I usually let myself be terrible for one or two days, then force myself to get back in my exercise routine. I also make myself still log food and stick to calorie goal MFP gave me. The good news for me is that my normal diet is fairly easy to maintain at, and if i'm too tired to function i'm also too tired to feel like going out to eat.
  • ailsalw
    ailsalw Posts: 1,265 Member
    The fact you know what’s going on in your life to make you feel “sucky” is the best start!you definitely need some you time, my me time is my workouts, as soon as I finish my nightshift I head to the gym, swim, walk, anything to give me some headspace and time to just focus on me.
    Once you take that time (even a 30 minute walk) then everything else will start to fall into place.
    Take a breath, you’ve got this
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    It could be exhaustion, it could be your diet - are you eating enough? are you getting plenty of protein/fat/fibre/carbs - all important for fuelling the body and keeping the energy up. We all have days we lack energy, its usually temporary, hope you soon feel your usual self.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    whats your calorie goal?
  • Dilvish
    Dilvish Posts: 398 Member
    Sugar. Refined sugar in all it's forms (their are many) can make you feel "sucky". Cut out these types of carbs and you will feel more energized. Any healthy diet get's its carbs from fruits and vegetables and avoids pop, ice cream, noodles etc.
    I should know. Even though I ate very healthy meals, I still drank pop and ate ice cream etc. and as you age your body simply fails to process all that glucose in your system. Eventually it leads to type 2 diabetes. This is a disease that gives no warning, like high blood pressure. And yes even people who are not overweight can get the disease...
  • sandyy0605
    sandyy0605 Posts: 21 Member
    It could be exhaustion, it could be your diet - are you eating enough? are you getting plenty of protein/fat/fibre/carbs - all important for fuelling the body and keeping the energy up. We all have days we lack energy, its usually temporary, hope you soon feel your usual self.
    hi! I never thought about lack of calories I was actually under my goals.a lot and didn't think that could be the issue

  • sandyy0605
    sandyy0605 Posts: 21 Member
    whats your calorie goal?
    I am at 1600 a week
  • tiffanyleilarsen
    tiffanyleilarsen Posts: 44 Member
    I keep a couple of things in the freezer for times like that. That way I'm not cooking a delicious meal while feeling like not caring about my weight. I just have the freezer meals without thinking, knowing exactly how much I can have and stay in my calories so I don't have to think. For the last week I can practically carbon copy my meals.
  • gallicinvasion
    gallicinvasion Posts: 1,015 Member
    If this exhaustion continues, I would see a doctor to rule out any new illnesses.
  • Fflpnari
    Fflpnari Posts: 975 Member
    Im a nurse and in another nursing program, so I feel your pain. Working nights and days classes will drain you 100%. Make sure you are eating enough and proper nutrition. I do much better on a smaller deficit. Hydration?
    Are you getting burned out?? Im always feel exhausted, but try to make sure that these are in check.
    No medical issues? anemia?
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    edited December 2018
    Look to nutrition when you feel tired and drained. If you eat noodles and feel lousy..well? right? Poor nutrition and too few calories will make a person feel down, drained, tired, and depressed.

    Eat food to feed your body...and don't buy into the crap you read on here about eat what you want just fit it into your calories.
  • Klmom123
    Klmom123 Posts: 91 Member
    I agree to look to nutrition and increasing your calories . I changed my breakfast to a morning shake from my usual bagel. The shake is loaded with good stuff (spinach, berries, chia seeds) and I felt a huge improvement on energy. Same calories as a bagel .
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    sandyy0605 wrote: »
    whats your calorie goal?
    I am at 1600 a week

    net or gross? and hopefully you mean per day?
  • sandyy0605
    sandyy0605 Posts: 21 Member
    sandyy0605 wrote: »
    whats your calorie goal?
    I am at 1600 a week

    net or gross? and hopefully you mean per day?
    Yes a day, sorry brain fart! I'm guessing Gross? Based on my mfp
  • sandyy0605
    sandyy0605 Posts: 21 Member
    Fflpnari wrote: »
    Im a nurse and in another nursing program, so I feel your pain. Working nights and days classes will drain you 100%. Make sure you are eating enough and proper nutrition. I do much better on a smaller deficit. Hydration?
    Are you getting burned out?? Im always feel exhausted, but try to make sure that these are in check.
    No medical issues? anemia?
    I'm in the same boat as you right now, I know I need to work on the water for sure, had a visit with my PCP everything is normal, I am anemic but other than that nothing different
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    sandyy0605 wrote: »
    sandyy0605 wrote: »
    whats your calorie goal?
    I am at 1600 a week

    net or gross? and hopefully you mean per day?
    Yes a day, sorry brain fart! I'm guessing Gross? Based on my mfp

    No wonder you have no energy, 1600 isn't a lot if you have an active job