How much exercise a week, and calories burned. Need help!

Hello everyone, I'm fairly new posting in the community. Just a quick into to my weight loss Journey, from 2012-2013 I lost 80 lbs by exercise and healthy eating, I was single, non social and worked as a waitress plus gym 1 hour and 30min workout video each day.
Now it being 2018 life has changed obviously. A mom to a toddler, work overnights, school . My goal is to work 3x week minimum but I really try for 5/6. Some days I'm so tired I don't work out. My current exercise is Zumba, Jillian Micheal 30 min workout video( I use on my busy days) and eplitcal/treadmill. I currently weigh 259 as of today. Mfp has me at a 1650 daily, I usually have 200 left depending on the day and days I don't work out I always am careful staying at the 1600 , 1.5 pounds a week . I would like some advice on how much exercise per week. My goals are short term, my goal is 180 by my birthday in June but u would be happy if I make it to 200.


  • Panini911
    Panini911 Posts: 2,325 Member
    whatever amount you can fit in. I lost much of my weight without any gym or anything just walking. For weight loss you only need to eat less calories than you use over time.

    also, if MFP says 1650 daily you should aim to eat ALL those every day. not stay 200 under daily. and eat back exercise calories. exercise really to me means i can eat more. I was running for awhile but after an injury had to stop. it has been 2 mts of no running or gym or anything and i am still keeping my goal of 0.5lb lost a week (I am on the last few pounds).

    80lbs to loose in 7 months is about 11lbs a mt which is very aggressive. you may hit 2lb/week t the first few months as you can safely loose more but as you get closer to your goal it's recommended to slow down the rate of loss to 1 and then 0.5.
  • MeganReid1991
    MeganReid1991 Posts: 170 Member
    I work out 4-5 days a week for only about 15 minutes to 30 minutes.
    All strength training. Not really doing it for weight loss. Already lost 20 pounds without working out. Doing it to tone.
    I do eat 100 to 200 calories less during the week so I can eat a few extra calories on the weekend. That’s what works for me!
  • debtay123
    debtay123 Posts: 1,327 Member
    i eat back at least 50% of my exercise calories back- but mfp already has our deficit factored in that's why we get to eat exercise calories back
  • daj150
    daj150 Posts: 815 Member
    If you are using a device to calculate calories burned, then I would say eat the calories back. If you are using a less accurate device, a calculator, the fitness machine, or a MFP category, then it will be far less accurate and I would say it's better to not eat all of the workout calories back, because they may be a lot higher than what you actually burned. Otherwise, it's calories in vs calories out, so if you are at a deficit, you will lose (typically). Good luck in your journey!
  • debrakgoogins
    debrakgoogins Posts: 2,033 Member
    Exercise is not a requirement of losing weight. Eating less calories than you burn is what makes a difference. I can't say it any better than this post...check it out.
  • sandyy0605
    sandyy0605 Posts: 21 Member
    Thank you everyone for there advice! Much appreciated