khlokins Member


  • 1. Log anything that you eat while you binge. Even if you lie to your diary, your body will keep an accurate log. 2. Drink a tall glass of water or hot tea before you binge. See if maybe your body is just telling you "I'm thirsty." 3. If you're depriving yourself of certain items that you find yourself craving at night,…
  • Wow that's incredible. You did an awesome job and should feel hella accomplished!
  • From 233 to 199. I don't know if there's a HUGE difference.. but I'm proud of myself for being out of the 200s (':
  • Honestly, I'm not perfect. I have in the past, and still do struggle with my body and my looks. But something I try to remind myself is that my body is my own. It's not going anywhere, it's not going to look like girls in magazines.. but it doesn't mean it's not beautiful. I think what's helped me, is keeping myself in…
  • Gurrrrl. I'm gonna play my annoying vegan card and say it's all about the statement (; Be proud of your ethics if it's a motivation to get you on a vegan/plant-based diet. Outside of that though, Pinterest can reeally help. It really depends on what you're trying to eat. Are you trying to go Raw vegan (basically everything…
  • L.O.L. I love how it turned my profanity into *kitten*. Too good. xD
  • Why not both ;P I know I bring both.
  • Tbh I'm not a hip-hop rap person.. but this song in particular always gets me in the zone to run lol
  • ooo girrrrrll. Pinterest is amazing for some of this. Here's mine (: I know there's probably healthier ones if you look around. But most of these I've tried and loved. :3
  • I try to remind myself, that all my weight didn't come on in one day.. and it's not going to come off that way either. I feel like this all the time. I get frustrated when I feel like I've done so good, just for the scale or my measurements to just not match up with what I was working so hard for. But it's not hopeless.…
  • Here are some Pinterest pages that could help (:
  • Water and tea. Hot tea. Hot beverages can help fill your stomach and reduce your appetite. Just try to avoid sugary drinks. Which is why I suggest tea :)
  • lol it works because I'm totally a fussy eater. I feel like a lot of the foods I end up making are kid friendly ways to sneak in veggies. Because I use the same method on myself lmao
  • All my meals are plant based and vegan friendly ^^ Teryaki Tofu & Snap Peas Pineapple Fried Rice Spaghetti & Chickpea balls
  • I've pretty much had a yo-yo battle all my life, up until recently. I got myself all the way up to an embarrassing 233lbs, and decided I was done trying to do all the diet crap. So I've been eating a manageable, reasonably healthy diet, and trying to add fitness into my life that I know I'll actually maintain. It's been…
  • Being someone that has yo-yo'd their entire life.. I'd say honestly you just need to find a lifestyle that suits you. I spent a lot of time trying to hop on these quick fix diets (like keto, paleo, etc etc. ) and it's never sustainable for me. I like carbs too much. So what did I do? Added a small fitness plan to my life.…
    in Yo-Yo Comment by khlokins July 2018
  • Feel free to add me ^^
  • To be honest I can't have "cheat days". I find that it really spirals my routine out of control and completely throws me off the wagon. Instead, if I'm really craving something.. and I mean really craving it... I just remind myself that if I eat said thing, I'm going to have to burn it off to fit it in my calories. And if…
  • Being a heavy girl myself I have two comments. I don't think being severely overweight should be glorified and accepted. It is generally unhealthy and people should strive to be their own version of healthy. I know I'm overweight, and so I'm doing something about it, because it's a healthy thing to do. Having said that, I…
  • IMO you can eat super cheap as a vegan.. and you can equally eat super expensive as one.. it's all dependent on what you're buying. From personal experience, there have been times I've spent $40 on a weeks worth of groceries, and times where I've spent $100+ Imitation foods both meat and dairy alike, are usually what cause…
  • I too am around the same starting point/mindset. *ahem* allow me to introduce myself xD I'm 5'3", 200.9ish lbs and I started at 233lbs. I'm a salty/spicy food addict, and professional Pintrest recipe attempting chef ;P I'd love to have motivating friends that actually bug me to do my workouts and whatnot when I'm feeling…
  • I'm 5'3" and I go based off what mfp sets up for me. Basically it's default at 1200 for us shorties because 1200 is the lowest a person should technically eat, and we're smol so our BMR is usually kind of low. I start from there and let my phone count my steps, which automatically adds it to mfp which = more calories I can…
  • It's not really petty, but I'd really like to lose weight to help overcome my social anxiety. I live in petrifying fear of doing anything in public that might lead someone to make fun of how fat I am. It pretty much rules my life. And it sucks, so I'm hoping that by achieving my goal not only will it be a huge feat, but…
  • Pretty much what everyone else said. It can be a combination of things. A few things to ask yourself: a) You're eating healthy, but how is your sodium intake? b) Are you drinking enough water a day? d) How's your carb intake? (carbs can also make you retain water) All these things can make you retain water, making you…
  • I feel like I should post my starting, current, and next goal, as I'm realllly close to hitting my first milestone. Starting: 233 Current weight: 200.9lbs 1st milestone: Getting under 200lbs 2nd milestone: reaching 180 by the 3rd week of October Goal Weight: 135lbs
  • I'm not sure where you started vs. where you're going.. but here are some inspo's I have on my Pinterest ^^'