Vonny198334 Member


  • Absolutely & that's the most difficult part! Have said before here on the forums, folk cannot do right for doing wrong sometimes! You have some people who are really sad that noone has commented on their hard work & accomplishment due to weight loss while others wish everyone would just shut up entirely! Then you get the…
  • Totally agree! That particular comment was a few months ago & it was the "you were quite big you know..." part that stuck in my craw because...I DO know all too well! I've lived it since I was a child :D. I've only been doing this whole thing for 11 months...I'm 35 so I dunno....just felt like a crude (though no malice…
  • Big thanks for this! We're our own worst critics I think but I do try to remember that no matter how I will look at goal (Healthy BMI, 30lbs away) my life is so so much better than 77lbs ago. Though just now, my battle is trying to align my brain with body...work in progress! Haha! Second part though, man o MAN, can I SO…
  • Argh, so frustrating for you! Don't know if it's any help, but I had a similar problem so I put some dumbell weights onto the scale. The reading was a few pounds out so I reset the scales before reweighing the same amount again - they were bang on. Just a wee idea, know how irritating it can be when you can't rely on what…
  • Thanks so much, that means an awful lot! Just can't believe I'm here, feel like I was only just celebrating size 14 jeans...my brain needs to play catch up I think haha
  • Thanks so much <3 Awww so many well dones, know you've worked your backside off to get here too! It's super strange, isn't it?? Today I happened to be by the shop I usually buy my jeans from & I decided to try some on....can't believe I'm saying this but....today I bought some size 12 jeans! Did an experiment with my old…
  • I'm into UK size 12 trousers as of today & on my way to size 12 in jeans too (thank goodness for belts!!) More than that though, I'm the smallest I've ever been in my adult life. Can't believe that less than a year ago I was struggling to do up size 22 trousers/jeans...if I could get them past my thighs & backside in the…
  • I began very obese so I know this won't be everyone's experience... But the sag & firm as I affectionately call it! When you lose fat in a certain body area, the skin wrinkles & puckers for a week or two (where it looks lumpy but feels "empty"?!... presumably it's filled with water), then it smooths out again while another…
  • I've never really been comfortable with compliments but that's on me... absolutely believe most folk mean well so I just say thankyou to those I don't know so well & say "oh shoosh you!" while hugging those that I do know well :smiley: I'm not sure what an alternative to "you look fantastic/beautiful/great/amazing/teeny"…
  • That's amazing!! So many well dones & congratulations! <3
  • I began by rewarding myself for every stone lost (14lbs) but it soon went out the window & when I'd made any progress I was proud of, I'd treat myself to a little something! ;) Clothes is a big one for me....I'm a slave to the sales racks & do love to buy things slightly too small & try them on weekly...so satisfying when…
  • Absolutely! I understand where you're coming from, if I'm irritated or frustrated it can be really difficult to don the lycra. I've learned to do it regardless because not only do those moods produce good workouts when I get into it, but afterwards I am much more clear headed. On any day I don't really feel like exercising…
  • I understand totally. I had a really rough & stressful few days last week where I really could only force down enough food to stop me getting a headache. I fortunately haven't had too many of these days since I began this new lifestyle, but I just think of them as calories "in the bank" now. As such we are off to our…
  • Me too! I love low calorie subs. Crisp wise, pop chips are around 93cal per bag, graze/nakd chocolate bars about 140 per one (former is like a rice crispy cake, latter chocolate is seriously like a bar, but pressed fruit) & a whole packet of chewits comes in at 115. They stop me feeling deprived, keep me sane & are so low…
  • I'd lost about 3 stone (42lbs) before the comments began. The very first one was "I didn't ask because I didn't know if you'd just got tighter trousers on!" Well, I had... because my old ones were 3 sizes too big by then! Think as others have suggested, people don't always like to comment, especially if they aren't certain…
  • Agree with everyone else! We are our own worst critics & notice things about ourselves that noone else does. A few months ago I discovered that one of my thighs was losing faster than the other. Took a backside selfie in the mirror while wearing workout gear & there it was...this random chunk of fat. I was initially…
  • Had to go clothes shopping yesterday for a trip I'm taking in a couple of weeks. Saw this shirt that I really liked. Most of the clothes I have currently (for my top half, size 16 in denim & 14 in material on the bottom half...hello pearshape!)are stretchy material by coincidence & have been a UK size 10 or 12. Because…
  • [/quote] You look amazing!!![/quote] Thanks so much <3
  • "The time passes anyway. You can either spend it creating the life you want or living a life you don't. The choice is yours." Remind myself of this one often :)
  • Hope I'm okay to post, I may be half an inch too short at 5ft 5.5 & too tall for the short girls! :# :D Love this thread though, everyone has worked so hard & looks amazing <3 Began last week of July 2017 & 61lbs down as of this morning...50 to go haha! Changes are coming thick & fast just now. Began exercising at the same…
  • Today I woke up with really bad TOM pains. First thought? Need to work out ASAP to get rid of this... I was a couch potato, so just 8 months ago I'd have been on that sofa with paracetamol & a hot water bottle feeling no better for it(never did work for me)....instead I'm having my after workout latte thinking the pain is…
  • Love these, it's amazing what spurs us on! I've had many in my life but none of them jolted me out of my terrible lifestyle... suppose in my case everything just sort of snowballed & came to a head... The one that will always stick in my mind & definitely SHOULD have been my catalyst was actually about 5 years ago though.…
  • Yesterday I went to put on any one of my FIVE prettier coats for the first time in a few months. Tend to wear a hiking coat for doggie walks/hikes etc when it's cold & just sling on woolen cardies if I'll be predominantly indoors in civilization. It was too cold & rainy for no coat, but sadly, not a single one looked okay…
  • That is AMAZING, so many well dones! Hope you're super proud!!! Not quite sure how it happened, but I've 4lbs to go until I'm in onederland...think I was 18 the last time I was there...
  • It's a tough place to be, I'm sorry you're experiencing it :( I tell myself things very similar to the folk who have posted already. My biggest one is to tell myself that I can stop anytime I want...but that won't give me the results I want....so the choice is mine & mine alone. I'm over halfway to goal & had I given up…
  • I hear you! I've struggled with this all through winter. Indoor means changing out of warm clothes at 5am into chilly lycra & outside means mud, cold, wind & the extra bonus of having to wash my doggy companions off after every walk. A hot latte beside the radiator is much more appealing. Except, that won't help me meet my…
  • Ahh, I'm sorry you're having a rubbish day. :/ It can be hard in the beginning (or at any point!) as you get used to your new choices. There's no point of reference for whether it's "working" & you wonder if feeling this way is even worth it. I'm far from an expert but am down 54lbs so far (still the same to go) & all I…
  • Ahhh, I hear you! Not sure what country you are in, but if it's the UK, Evans design shoes built for this purpose. Wide fit & heels well supported etc. Extensive range too. :) https://m.evans.co.uk/en/evuk/category/shoes-250471/view-all-footwear-1881515
  • I've been using my bands for around 7 months & although I'm nowhere lean enough yet to *see* much of a difference, I do have very definite albeit slight definition poking through. Mainly though, I definitely feel stronger, my balance is so much better & on my toughest band, my muscles still feel it the next day. I once…
  • I've often seen folk say that weight loss is more mental than physical & I completely agree. There is so much more to it than "eating less & moving more" for those of us with certain mindsets/struggles. I've not succumbed to what you could classify as a binge yet(I say yet because I am fully aware that I've my whole life…