jjreverse Member


  • I agree with everything above. I also fast until 2pm or so, usually wake up at 9. Workout fasted most days as well. But mostly I do this because once I eat “breakfast”, I’m constantly hungry and looking to eat eat eat. Fasting until a certain time also allows me to cut out 700-1000 calories pretty easily just based on my…
  • I have troubles sometimes getting off the last 10-20 lbs cuz my metabolism isn’t great. IF helped reset things in my body and I felt clearer. However, I started using the 8 hour “eating window” as an excuse to pack in calories. I now do about 12/12 and watch my calories and macros, and the new system has had better…
  • Yea I average how I feel and how many times I almost puked and roughly gage that against running at 7mph which I know is close to 100 calories per 10 min. Most often my guess would be 150 calories per 10 min OF WORK. Also, I don’t always do the extreme stuff like burpees, jump squats, and high box jumps. MyFP does kinda…
    in Tabata Comment by jjreverse October 2017
  • Vegan here. I make foods like seitan, falafel (sub 50% cauliflower and bake/pan fry for less fat), make roasted beans, and try to make other foods with pea protein when possible. If you're ok with soy, there are amazing tofu-like products at your local Asian market in the fridge. Be sure to check ingredients and nutrition…
  • Coconut milk rice pudding I also make frozen banana purée with vanilla and rice protein, dash of salt
  • Just a convo starter. But basically asking, out if all of your snacks that you prep yourself, what do you believe is the healthiest? Looking for ideas for me to add to my diet.
  • lol that's for you to decide. My take on "healthy" is well-balanced with fiber and macros, plant-based, and nothing artificial.
  • I bake them then let them fully dry by turning off the oven, and letting them sit in the residual heat for a few hours. So the last batch lasted about 10 days in a container, and I'm still alive to tell about it.
  • Beyond today you can refer my profile and see my Nutrition and exercises, with more detail than above. Also: starting weight: 215 lbs. 6'5" ~ 18-20% body fat
  • Day 4 (1:15 Medium Cardio, FASTED) 90g strawberries (30 cals) 28g protein/supergreens (120cals) Fiber Supp (15 cals) Chia seeds (30 cals) 3 broccoli balls (120 cals) 10g scallions (5 cals) 150g Broccoli (50 cals) 100g Lentils (115 cals) Salsa (15 cals) Worchestershire (10 cals) 65g blueberries (30 cals) Kind Popped Bar…
  • Day 3 (Fasted Chest/Shoulder Weight Training, no cardio) 73g Lentils (80 cals) 157g swt potato (125 cals) 94g corn (60 cals) 58g salsa (20 cals) 10 cals sauce Broccoli ball (40) 300g broccoli (100 cals) 10 cals sauce Banana (105) 2 broccoli balls (80) 48g pumpkin seeds and walnuts (260 cals) 100g firm tofu 85 cals 85g…
  • Day 2 (Fasted Back Weight training, warm up cardio) 2 broccoli balls (80 cals) Banana Broccoli ball 1 oz peanuts (170 cals) 1/2 oz carob chips (50 cals) 4 Tbl Lentils 4 Tbl Spinach 1/2 Ear Corn (35 cals) 30 cals sauce A few ice breaker duos <5 cals each 220 cals Protein / fruits shake Soy yogurt plus granola Total 175 cals…