RadishEater Member


  • Make sure you really take a break on your rest days! I found once I started exercising more than once per day that rest days were hard to rest on, I wanted to go on hikes, hit the gym, go running. Just be mindful that you are honestly giving all of your body a rest.
  • what about gum causing heart burn? That is my go to evening "snack" it keeps me from munching on things in the kitchen while I clean up then read before bed
  • Barre class and we have a class called abs+ but really it's just a circuit style class where the instructor make a giant effort to use a different piece of equipment each week which I like from the bosu, stability ball, free weights, all sorts of bands, weighted bar. Unfortunately I for the upcoming semester they are…
  • I also don't like hot and humid weather and consequently move less. I probably take less mini walks, have less inclination to take stairs, do less house work (no AC) and less moving activities all because it is hot and humid I dislike sweating all the time. Incidentally, I find I am struggling to maintain my weight more on…
  • The chart for 5'7" gives a range of 121-154 lbs, which seems right on par with every other chart I have checked including aarp, NIH, cdc. I think if you are neither busty or pear shaped it is quite feasible to be at the low range.
  • My parents commented on that I shouldn't get too boney. Which when they said it I felt a bit huffy but it was true in some aspects. Because I am quite pear shaped, I can still have a bit of a belly and large rear end, yet be ribby on the top (the lack of boobs doesnt help at all). I was really focused on losing that last…
  • If you do intense stationary bike work equivalent effot to a spin class, I would highly recommend against using converse, vans, Keds because I have forgotten my exercise shoes and my feet/arches hurt afterwards. Special spin shoes are pretty rigid, so I use a rigid running shoe for that class. Likewise the elliptical with…
  • I haven't had ice cream in perhaps a year and OMG did the enlightened coffee ice cream taste great! It had a weird after taste but getting to eat a pint was so satisfying!!! I can't wait to try more It was creamy and chock full of coffee flavor, but as I said earlier I haven't had real ice cream in year so idk what actual…
  • Just made a milkshake out of enlightened coffee ice cream + kaluha + bourban! So tasty
  • Can you make it inrecipes instead of meals then you can set the serving size to 8. Other way is add the whole meal to your diary (all 800 calories) then to each Individual item I. Your diary for that meal go and change each amount to 1/8 * original. I.e if your pizza had 1 cup of cheese ,3 pepperoni, 1 prepackaged crust…
  • However if you already did buy it , apple cider vinegar gives a nice kick to the Aztec clay face masks... Smells horrible, not the most pleasant face mask glop, but it definitely works better than all my other facemasks especially in the summer heat with no ac, I need something stronger.
  • So true! As a nerd bookworm and was very self conscious about weight in highschool, if health class would have mentioned how to eat and fuel for healthy body aka not the stupid food pyramid but the basis of cico and needing 1200 to fuel your body and eating to support exercise, I'm pretty sure I would have had a life…
  • I second an open discussion. While @TavistockToad points our you are responsible for you own motivation to lose weight, having a significant other with significantly different health ideas can really squash that motivation. People already have that one voice in the back of their heads that is saying "ohhh make the peanut…
  • Spinning takes patience for some people to build up muscles AND mental endurance. If I run for 24 mins and I would need longer on spin bike to burn the same amount or calories, but the Gap is closing!! Getting closer to only 5 mins apart. However, when I started spinning that gap would have been way larger. Also outside…
  • It is only difficult if you body prefers to store fat there. People with smaller breasts find it is the first place to go. You may not even go down to a C if you continue to lose weight, but hopefully you will. I am the opposite aka pear shaped and the last 10 lbs that came off was more from my upper body (breasts,…
  • I like to eat 0% fage yogurt with blackberries
  • In a spinning express every so often the set up would be "5" tabatas back to back. But the spinning instructor would hace everyone pick 1 round to do their actual tabata then the other 2 rounds should be just fast sprints and 1 round of medium pace and 1 one round you could fake pedal with no judgement. After one tabata…
    in Tabata Comment by RadishEater July 2018
  • Lol you wrote makes your post seem a bit rude, or perhaps that is just how it comes off when I read it in my head; if you clicked back a page you would have seen the OP posted on update. Congrats to the OP on pushing through and finding balance on pushing hard in a workout and too much that you hate it.
  • My Dr pointed out to me that just because you eat lots of fruits and veggies doesn't mean your body is getting enough soluble fiber, and nutrition labels mostly list a total count of soluble and insoluble and not break it down. Adding benefiber seems to be working for me. I have two servings first thing in the morning (…
  • My mom has that foot problem and definitely likes vionic for shoes. She wears supportive shoes all the time. No more flimsy house slippers, she has supportive house shoes.
  • it definitely depends on your activity setting. I am at a desk job, but my walk to the gym which I don't do everyday burns about 100 calories, then on weekends I might want 5miles one day and 3 miles the next so I definitely add that as an exercise. I would be one cranky person if I didn't eat those 350 calories. Also half…
    in Walking Comment by RadishEater July 2018
  • Eat what you like in smaller portions to stay within your calorie limits. Do healthy swaps for things you aren't dieing to have. Try skinless chicken breast instead of skin on thighs, mix in some ground turkey with your ground beef If you are cooking, cut out all but one 1 tbpn of oil. Most recipes that use cream or sour…
  • About to go for my Saturday 5 mile walk. Walking is a great way to burn calories but not feel the intense hunger and need for protein right after like I do with Hiit or spin classes so it is nice to mix it up. Have been walking off calories for over a year now!
    in Walking Comment by RadishEater July 2018
  • I do 10 mins of rowing and I feel like I'm dieing and that is with breaks; I go at the vigorous row rate according to myfitnesspal! It definitely exercises most of the body. 20 mins would definitely be a good workout.
  • Yay over half a year, if you haven't stopped to think and congratulate yourself on sticking with it for half a year, do so!!
  • I know people carry weight differently but calling 130 extreme seems a bit extreme for 5'8". It is at the low end of BMI but it is far from underweight. I am currently 129 and 5'7.5 5'8is, but having very small chest cuts off alot of extra weight. Dropping down 7 lbs to 123 would be a giant difference on me (which I have…
  • Oddly enough 2-3 ounces of Greek nonfat yogurt with a couple berries works for me for cardio (spinning running) I know some people dislike dairy before working out. Some people like bananas but the thought of those makes me nauseous. Before horse riding I eat a tablespoon of almond butter, since it is calorie dense it…
  • Humans love to quantify things. It isn't surprising it is hard to let a number go. A lot of people say they have a maintenance range of 5lbs so technically you could set it to be between 115-120 and aim for the middle. Or tell yourself that you are giving yourself a break and staying at 120 for a couple months and then…