FaithGonzalesss Member


  • Well i went to the gym today. Im really discouraged now. There was alot of people there so i couldn't focus. there were the typical strong intimidating guys around the weight type stuff area. I wanted to do like 20 minutes on tradmill then find myself on a machine thing that affiliated with weights. But all the guys were…
  • My sister is big on going to the gym, shes seems to know alot about what workouts and equipment to use for what goals. In order for me to understand and remember everything im supposed to do id need someone there with me the first 1-2 times explaining how and what to use and all. I cant afford a trainer so she said shed go…
  • Well i did some research. Green tea is supposed to be a diuretic. Im assuming thats why its supposed to help with (water) weight loss. I personally now think its not the greatest theory for losing weight. I actually think it’s ridiculous. To everyone saying its stupid, your right. Im back to my normal healthy/nutritional…
  • Ive been vegan for about 4 months now. Ive lost alot of weight but its starting to go up. It may just be water weight or hormonal/period weight but ive also been eating more than my normal this week so i haven't been feeling the greatest. But my vegan experience has been amazing.
  • Thank you
  • When should i notice a difference if protein deficeincy is the problem?
  • i actually have been experiencing hair loss. Not to an extreme but i definitely notice a difference. This started before i became vegan and i do take daily vitamins. im just hoping my hair is "shedding".
  • I apologize if i may seem immature in this discussion
  • i like the theory of changing my own body. I have piercings and tattoos and all but i like the modification of my body. i can gain weight in places i wanna gain weight, lose weight wherever i want to lose weight. I don't mean in the way of being small- too small. ive always been at a healthier weight. my diet changes often…
  • well, ive eating just fruits for days and it did impact my weight a little. i never claimed to try this for science. purely of my own fascination ffs
  • 100% carbs was an exaggeration
  • There's a lot of aggressiveness here.. I don't expect this to make me lose weight, I just find this stuff fascinating. not a waste of money or time, it takes literally 8 seconds for me to down a cup of green tea. Once i get back to my normal diet, basically 100% carbs (im vegan), ill restart just for the fun of it for me.
  • i love the theories of altering my body. weight loss/weight gain and such. so stuff like this fascinates me. whether it makes me lose weight or not ill be glad to be able to say it did or didnt
  • yes, i can see how its frustrating and i apologize
  • I think by some of the stuff ive been saying it does sound like i don't understand the process of weight loss. But i do, i just wanted to TRY this random, false, fad diet. I dont have any expectations of weight loss from this. i expect weight loss from healthy eating, lower calories sometimes and working out.
  • I dont depend on this trend to actually lose weight, i just find stuff like this interesting.
  • There seems to be a bit of strain or tension on this discussion. I apologize if I've offended or upset you.
  • well thats not all accurate. Ive lost about 30 lbs and it wasn't just by eating less calories than my body burns a day.i changed my diet.
  • i just find it interesting. things said to make you lose weight or alter your body. It may not be legit but i still find it interesting.
  • its possible but nbd
  • i actually hate tea. i was making the tea, putting ice in it and downing it super quickly lol. im not depending on it for weight loss, i just like trying stuff like this and find it interesting. once i restart it ill be back on my regular diet and drinking the green tea ill see what it does to my weight and body.
  • ya, your right. but ive temporarily stopped. Once i start again and eating my normal ill learn from it and notice stuff.
  • im not basing my weight loss solely on it once i restart the green tea. ive been consistently loosing weight every week so im just doing it to see what itll do.
  • i drink ONLY water, i know its supposed to help with weight loss because of the caffeine, it may be true or not. i just like trying stuff like this.
  • have you done research on it or just making assumptions?
  • I could get a kitchen scale but my family isnt really weight obsessed. Like dieting. My sister is sorta. But if i got a kitchen scale my dad would think id be going too far, way too far with dieting like to where hed need to worry about me. and i also live with my mom some time of the week and my dads some time of the week…
  • i am actually on my period and can gain from 3-8 lbs even with me eating lightly on my period. i just always get anxious that it wont go away, that itd linger. Im also vegan so my entire diet is basically carbs.