Workout Beginner

I'm planning on joining a gym this Friday. What are good workouts to begin with? I plan on doing about 30 minutes on a treadmill and eventually developing leg days and that sort of stuff. But for now, i just want to start with the basics, developing more strength/muscle. What are basic equipment/workouts that you can recommend. Should I focus on main parts of my body that i want or should i start with a whole body workout first? I want more arm/bicep strength, abs (more of just working that part rather than expecting abs), and thigh/butt muscle. I'm unsure of where to even start as far as working out, lately, I've just been walking a mile but want to do more and have more strength.


  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,564 Member
    Full-body is going to be better for you as a beginner. Ask the person you sign up with to show you around the various equipment. After that, choose a beginner lifting program that will help you increase your strength and maintain (it's incredibly difficult to gain in a deficit) muscle. As for cardio, do what you enjoy and feel challenged to improve on.
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,208 Member
    There should be a FAQ here..

    One option is to follow any of the proven strength programs mentioned here daily, like New Rules of Lifting for Women, Stronglifts 5x5, etc. If walking is a big jump in activity for you, barbell-based programs may be too much to start with.

    Another option is to get a customized plan from a good personal trainer. Good trainers are hard to find though.

    Usually the least effective option is to create your own routine, or follow questionable workouts from Pinterest, magazines, etc. Follow a program, not a "workout". :+1:
  • FaithGonzalesss
    FaithGonzalesss Posts: 39 Member
    Cherimoose wrote: »
    There should be a FAQ here..

    One option is to follow any of the proven strength programs mentioned here daily, like New Rules of Lifting for Women, Stronglifts 5x5, etc. If walking is a big jump in activity for you, barbell-based programs may be too much to start with.

    Another option is to get a customized plan from a good personal trainer. Good trainers are hard to find though.

    Usually, the least effective option is to create your own routine, or follow questionable workouts from Pinterest, magazines, etc. Follow a program, not a "workout". :+1:

    My sister is big on going to the gym, shes seems to know alot about what workouts and equipment to use for what goals. In order for me to understand and remember everything im supposed to do id need someone there with me the first 1-2 times explaining how and what to use and all. I cant afford a trainer so she said shed go with me and explain it all and help me. Can I post the equipment ill be using for you to double check everything? itd be on thursday or so
  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,727 Member
    As a beginner, you'll want to be doing simple/compound movements like pushup/bench press, squats, deadlifts/Kettlebell swings, Pullups/Lat pulldown, OHP/Military Press.

    You should certainly learn proper technique for the isolation/accessory movements, but your focus should be on building baseline and core strength.