notarunnermfp Member


  • I was powerlifting (305 squat/345 dead in competition) until my back began bothering me while peaking for a meet 1.5 years ago and have been in chronic pain for the past year. I was diagnosed with Degenerative Disc disease. After seeing my recent imaging and comparing to an MRI from 8 years ago, my long time chiropractor…
  • I have struggled with depression on and off, but the past year got really bad after a chronic injury. I finally started talking to my family about it and asked my doctor about medication. I have been on medication for about 4 weeks now and I wish I had done it sooner! I still have chronic pain from the injury, but I have…
  • I'm avoiding squats and dls because of a back injury (so these might not all apply for you). I've been doing hip thrusts, leg press- wide and narrow variations, leg curl and extension, walking lunges, goblet squats, abductor machine. I feel like I still get a pretty good workout with adjusted volume. If you pulled…
  • The cranberry juice is actually pretty low calorie. I can't remember the exact amount he specifies, but I've been drinking 4 oz a day and it's like 30 cals. It is not fun to drink though, and was hard to find. I figured I was out less than buying a preworkout or something. Anyway, I have read about it and think there's…
  • So as far as I can tell, the Uno woman who you dated for 3 months was the same one that always talked about her exes? Don't use her as your benchmark. Not everyone is like that. You've gotten a ton of opinions and one more is not going make all the difference, but here are a few thoughts I had while reading through this…
  • I have been overweight since I was a child. I would say bad nutritional & weight-loss education/depression/anxiety covers most of it. I have yoyo-ed a lot over the years, but a few big things- When I was 17 I lost about 60 lbs, but all I knew was "eat at least 1200 calories and exercise a lot" so I lost stupid fast and…
  • I use one to time my rest periods if I need to keep moving. Other than that I find a pen and paper works much quicker than trying to get a watch to understand what the heck I'm doing, and it can get in the way. I don't really see much need to monitor heart rate zone for lifting either. My heart rate can get really high if…
  • Some people may have better adherence doing one or the other, but if calories are equal it will make no difference.
  • It's more accurate to use the raw weight. I made 4 oz burger patties last week, and once cooked mine weighed 2.6 ounces. For a batch of something like rice (or meat), you can weigh both raw and cooked, and do some maths to figure out the conversion so you can log the raw weight but weigh your serving out from cooked…
  • 8/3- 9.5 8/4- 3.2 8/7- 6 8/8-13.2 8/10-13.9 8/12-15.5 8/13-6.14 8/15-8.6 8/18-17.74
  • I feel like those are pretty reasonable guidelines, but it will depend on the person of course. Some people prefer slow and steady, others just want to get fatloss over with and can handle a more aggressive deficit. As you mentioned OP, some people's goal weight may be a higher bodyfat, and it's not always necessary to…
  • I love how all the recommendations after those vids are "how to FIX the good morning squat" lol
  • Using an entry like "1 tomato" is not an accurate entry. Tomatoes all have different sizes/weights. You should weigh everything and enter/log by weight. Even packaged food items do not always weigh the same, or what the packaging says.
  • I have been biking and slowly working back into strength training. Have you done physical therapy? My PT has been working with me on new exercises and advising me on how to get back into a strength training routine.
  • Barbells, dumbbells, cable machine/hammer strength machines. (So basically most of the gym? loool) For cardio this summer I have been biking outside several days a week which has been a fun change.
  • Maybe I missed it, but are you eating back any of your exercise calories?
  • I enjoyed 5/3/1 as an intermediate program. I ran it 'less boring' so I was also doing 5x5 or 5x3's of squats after deadlifts, OHP after bench, etc. Along with some additional hypertrophy work and joker sets. With those changes it was a ton of volume which worked great for me at the time. I used it leading up to my last…
  • 8/3- 9.5 8/4- 3.2 8/7- 6 8/8-13.2 8/10-13.9 8/12-15.5 Slow start this month and trying to figure out how to start incorporating more strength training, but my last few rides have been feeling really good. Getting comfortable riding 10-15 miles a few times a week. According to my Garmin I've logged about 200 miles since…
  • I agree with cutting down to 2 days a week, or every 4-5 days. You might also consider having one of them be a lighter day. I am still pretty new to biking but I can't imagine trying to squat heavy 3x a week!!
  • Along the lines of what mom23mangos said, I’ve seen success from recomping/building muscle. These pictures are actually around the exact same body weight. Before I started lifting/about 3 years of lifting.
  • So you enjoy doing body weight work (jump rope, push ups, planks).. there's no reason to pay for a gym membership for exercises you could do at home. You might be able to find a used treadmill and weights for a good price. Sounds like you have the space! On the other hand- I have a home gym, and I've found I usually prefer…
  • Add me if you'd like! I'm 24, 5'1'', about 220 lbs and my diary is open to friends. I'm hoping to eat 1600-1800 to lose 2 lbs a week, and I'm currently biking and getting back into lifting after getting injured.
  • At 178 lbs in competition last year I hit- 305 lb squat 145 lb bench (hit 165ish during prep but cramped up on my 2nd attempt and only got 1/3) 345 lb dead Prepping for another meet after I was up 275x8 reps on squat at a lower bw, but got injured before I was able to retest my max.
  • It's not likely the OP is building muscle from walking, especially not at a 1:1 pace with fatloss... OP are you using a food scale, eating back exercise calories? Could you make your diary public and post your stats so we have a better idea of where you're at?
  • While I agree that 1200 cal is probably too low, it doesn't look like you are actually hitting that most days anyhow. I saw many days closer to 1400-1600. On the days you logged 800-1000 is that what you actually ate, or did you not log everything? Combine that with inaccurate entries on the calorie dense items and you are…
  • OP have you considered trying a more flexible way of tracking? I've tried macro counting and it can get tedious, but I know IE would not work for me either. I prefer to just have a calorie and protein goal. As long as I am hitting a fat minimum (which has never been a problem for me) I am not really concerned about…
  • Lighter dumb bells or body weight would be a better option than a smith machine. A smith machine takes a lot of the stabilization out of the movements, I would argue that it actually doesn't usually help people get a "feel" for the movements.
  • ^ I agree, I'm still not very clear on what you're doing. Your goal is to do an upper/lower split, but explaining that program does us no good as you're not actually doing that. From what I've gathered you're doing more of a full body program 3 days per week, and all of those days are at the beginning of the week? What…
  • So you have created your own programming, what about the deloads? Have you purposefully programmed/taken any easy weeks in the past few months you have been lifting?
  • This ^ Also - If your problem areas are "rolls", that's going to be a fatloss issue, not a workout issue.