Keto failure



  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    jla5774 wrote: »
    I'm currently weigh in around 200 and looking to lose at least 50-70 pounds (I'm 5' 2") do you feel 1200 calories is where I should be aiming?

    That seems low for your current weight. Where did you get that calorie goal?
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    jla5774 wrote: »
    Yes it was spray oil. I didnt cook it, it was at someone's home so I couldn't add extra fat or oil.

    Spray oil will still have the same number of calories as regular oil. It's only advantage is that you typically use less of it. It is still 9cal/gram. I find that about 1 second of spray is about 1 gram.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    jla5774 wrote: »
    I'm currently weigh in around 200 and looking to lose at least 50-70 pounds (I'm 5' 2") do you feel 1200 calories is where I should be aiming?

    How active is your job and how much activity do you get otherwise (intentional exercise, not things like grocery shopping, laundry, or housecleaning)?
  • jla5774
    jla5774 Posts: 16 Member
    Figured it off of the keto calculator on
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    jla5774 wrote: »
    Can you help me locate it better so I can log better?

    Unfortunately, the green check marks are used for both user-created entries and system entries. To find system entries for whole foods, I get the syntax from the USDA database and plug that into MFP.

    For packaged foods, I verify the label against what I find in MFP.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    You've had good advice, and I agree with all of it.

    If you are in a calorie deficit, you will be losing fat. The scale just is not reflecting that yet. It happens. It's annoying but it happens. The scale will reflect fat loss eventually. Ketosis is no guarantee of fat loss. Some find it easier to lose weight when very low carb but you can maintain or gain on it too. It's just a way to eat, like vegan or paleo.

    Did you take any "before" pictures or measurements? Some find that tells a more accurate story than the scale. If you haven't done it yet, consider doing it soon.

    I once dropped my carbs to way below my normal and increased protein. I was eating at a deficit but I gained close to 10 lbs in the first 3-4 weeks. In weeks 5-6 my scale dropped about 15 lbs. If you are eating at a deficit, the scale will eventually move. Hang in there.
    Good luck.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    jla5774 wrote: »
    Yes it was spray oil. I didnt cook it, it was at someone's home so I couldn't add extra fat or oil.

    Food for thought: Spray oil usually shows 0 calories on the can. Unfortunately the FDA allows manufacturers to list anything under 5 calories as 0. So it could be 4 calories per serving and still be listed as 0. Next, look at the serving size on spray oils... usually it's something like 1/10th of a second spray. Who does that? Nobody. I don't know about you but even if I have a good nonstick pan I want a little carmelization on sauteed veggies, so I will spray likely 2-3 seconds on the veggies with the spray oil. So that would be 4 x 10 = 40 per second of spray, x 2 for 2 seconds of spray.. now you're hitting up to 80 calories coming from a can that lists as 0 calories.

    Any time I use spray oil and I am worried about being accurate I'll log at least a tsp of oil. As I said.. food for thought. I actually rarely use the spray oil because of this, I'd rather just add a tbsp of EVOO with my veggies and sautee them. Then I log 1 tbsp of EVOO (120 cals) and I know I'm much more accurate, tastes better as well.

    Spray oils are 9 calories a gram. A good way to be accurate when using them is to weigh the can before spraying, spray, then weigh the can after.
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    rsclause wrote: »
    From what I understand you want to cook with saturated fats like bacon grease, coconut oil or butter. A little less option is olive oil because under high heat it can start to burn. OP do you feel like you are in ketosis? I don't count or test but I am less hungry and have zero cravings. I think it is common knowledge that men seem to lose faster than women. My wife and I started this at the same time and that is holding true. Her weight has moved a few pounds but she noticed that she had to move in a notch on her bra, the last place she wanted to lose. I on the other hand am down 13 pounds and she can look at my beer gut and see the difference. We both are approaching three weeks so stay with it. Something else to try is intermittent fasting. Eliminate breakfast to reduce calories and at lunch and dinner eat until full. Good luck and stay the course.

    Bacon grease for me smokes before EVOO but they aren't far apart. Canola oil has a higher smoke point but for taste I like EVOO. If a specific diet style works for you i'd say give it a try, and you don't know if it works until you try it. Having said that, the only way any of the fad diets like Keto or IF work is with a caloric deficit. Keto also has its fair share of risks associated with it depending on a person's individual health situation. I'd consider consulting a doctor before starting Keto, and at the very least getting an annual checkup with blood work to rule out anything that might cause problems while on a high fat diet like Keto.

    The first thing people lose when going on a Keto diet is water weight, the second as they adjust to eating a lot of fat and protein with almost no carbs is a little actual fat because they feel full longer and actually eat at a calorie deficit. After they adjust it isn't always something that keeps working because some think that they can eat all they want as long as they stay under their carb limit (mistake). Once the initial weight loss stops (you should actually already be counting calories), even on a diet like Keto, you have to buckle down, count calories accurately (IE: weigh your food/liquids/condiments/everything) and stay at your selected calorie deficit. Then the realization sinks in that fat, which is now a larger percentage of your diet, is 9 calories per gram instead of 4 calories per gram of protein and carbs. All of a sudden you realize you're hungry all the time and crave carbs and protein. At that point, I see no reason to stay on a high fat diet like that unless you have some health reason to stay on it. The long term risks of eating abnormal amounts of fat outweigh any subtle uptick in fat loss you might gain over a simple calorie deficit. I don't think I would ever stay on a Keto/low carb diet long term, possibly only to power through a plateau, lose that last 5-10lbs or that last 2% of body fat. And even then it'll probably be my last ditch effort. I like fatty foods like anyone else, but would be hungry all the time when I ran out of calories. As far as IF goes, I think all it really does is promote binging. Starving yourself for 2/3rds of the day so you can eat an abnormal amount of food in one sitting doesn't really seem like a good idea to me. I tried it, never could get over forcing myself to overeat in a small window of time. It may work better for someone who doesn't exercise at all and has fewer calories to work with, but I burn so much each week I was having to eat 2000-2500 calories in a 8 hour window. It was tough, and I gave up. Didn't work in the slightest for me for additional weight loss.

    As far as men losing faster, I'll have to throw my hat into the doubt bin on that one as well.

    Bottom line is that if it works for you, then that's great! I think if someone wants to try a specific type of diet they should do just that as long as they do their research and don't go into it with unreal expectations based on the latest fad woo going around.

    Just my .02 (opinion only, no real science involved above), anyone should feel free to debunk it. ;)
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    Oh and going to a doctor for me is just not going to happen. Not out of fear but I only go to the doctor if I am sick to the point that I need intervention and that is very rare. I am the first line of defense in guarding my health. It was doctors and experts that advised me to lower fats and increase carbs. I no longer felt that is good advise for me. Time will tell.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    I'm going to stay out of this but just want to point out that plenty of people who frequent these boards who eat carbs IF (skip breakfast). I'm one of them.

    I have a very small eating window and don't shy away from carbs at all. You're not starving yourself doing this. It's just a natural eating pattern for some of us, and for other people it's not. It's not a big deal.
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    I was a eating a huge breakfast of two eggs two toast with butter & jam and two strips of bacon guy. By 9:00 am I was shaking and needed a snack. I could not fathom missing a meal on purpose and didn't ever miss one. My wife rarely had breakfast and didn't care. Regardless of diet or plan I am sure anyone can get trained or accustomed to what ever eating schedule is their current norm. Even though I am Keto I am still not really fasting yet because it still feel foreign to me. Maybe I will and maybe I won't time will tell.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    A lot of us people who come by it naturally found that skipping breakfast made us feel less hungry throughout the day. I just have tea throughout the day until around 3:00 or 4:00 and I'm fine. When I ate breakfast, if I didn't eat something every 3 hours or so, I was a crazy person. It was really weird. I've heard other people share similar stories.

    I think this is similar to how some people thrive on low carb diets and some people thrive on more mixed macros. It's just down to individual differences.
  • jla5774
    jla5774 Posts: 16 Member
    A lot of us people who come by it naturally found that skipping breakfast made us feel less hungry throughout the day. I just have tea throughout the day until around 3:00 or 4:00 and I'm fine. When I ate breakfast, if I didn't eat something every 3 hours or so, I was a crazy person. It was really weird. I've heard other people share similar stories.

    I think this is similar to how some people thrive on low carb diets and some people thrive on more mixed macros. It's just down to individual differences.

    So if you are only eating during g a very small window do you watch calories? Do you eat whatever you want? Have you lost weight this way? Curious. I have a lot of weight to lose and am wanting to try different techniques to help me reach that point.
  • jla5774
    jla5774 Posts: 16 Member
    rsclause wrote: »
    From what I understand you want to cook with saturated fats like bacon grease, coconut oil or butter. A little less option is olive oil because under high heat it can start to burn. OP do you feel like you are in ketosis? I don't count or test but I am less hungry and have zero cravings. I think it is common knowledge that men seem to lose faster than women. My wife and I started this at the same time and that is holding true. Her weight has moved a few pounds but she noticed that she had to move in a notch on her bra, the last place she wanted to lose. I on the other hand am down 13 pounds and she can look at my beer gut and see the difference. We both are approaching three weeks so stay with it. Something else to try is intermittent fasting. Eliminate breakfast to reduce calories and at lunch and dinner eat until full. Good luck and stay the course.

    My first couple weeks went well. I know everyone says water weight but I was already down and dieting so I'm not sure i buy that. Now i have not changed much and the lose is down to nothing. I do feel I am in ketosis and have been enjoying this way of eating, now craving, ect. But my main focus for it was weight loss.