Tracking and walking and losing nothing

I have been tracking and walking almost 10 km a day for the last 3 1/2 weeks and I have lost not even an ounce . I’m getting frustrated and want to throw in the towel . I have 25lbs to lose . Need help and insight


  • MichelleSilverleaf
    MichelleSilverleaf Posts: 2,028 Member
    Two things could be happening: food tracking may be off, or you're overestimating your burn. Have to ask, are you using a food scale?
  • Panini911
    Panini911 Posts: 2,325 Member
    are you weighing food and ensure you are using appropriate food entries? making your own recipies in the recipe builder?

    did you enter you stats in MFP to get the recommended daily calorie recommendation?
  • KingHurlbutt
    KingHurlbutt Posts: 169 Member
    Sadly it really is calories in vs calories out. You might need to either up your workout or lessen your calories.
  • notarunnermfp
    notarunnermfp Posts: 43 Member
    DLT1957 wrote: »
    If you are not doing low carb/keto: watch your fat intake. It sneaks up on you. If you are on low carb/keto: watch your fat intake. It's important to know and hit your macros.
    Also, classic scenario that happens to women who are starting to work out: your body is recompositioning. You might be swapping out fat for newly building muscle. It's a major frustration, and the scales just don't give a damn if your soul feels crushed by the number. (Not that I know this first hand or anything).
    Don't let the numbers defeat you into quitting.

    It's not likely the OP is building muscle from walking, especially not at a 1:1 pace with fatloss...

    OP are you using a food scale, eating back exercise calories? Could you make your diary public and post your stats so we have a better idea of where you're at?