healthybabs Member

Down another 1.4 today, 116.1 total with 13 to go!


  • I was in your boat a few years ago......if you smoke, stop-if you don't exercise, start. Replace bad fats with good fats. ...meaning relace butter olive oil or coconut oil, whole fat dairy for low fat dairy, eat avocados, walnuts, olives,. There are many good sites out there. I find Mayo Clinic and Web MD to be a couple of…
  • I have one and use it on and off. I hate the band on the arm and I hope they could refine it with a better inconspicuous look. I also find the Velcro wears out and I have had to sew the closure on. I do find it to be quite accurate and it did help me to learn what my true calorie burn is as well as my sleep patterns.
  • I know some folks absolutely swear off all bread, I do not and maybe you do not either. I love the Fiber One English muffins or a slice of Ezekiel's bread toasted (both loaded with protein/good carbs and plenty of fiber) I top them with many things such as just peanut or almond butter (natural-no sugar added), a tablespoon…
  • REMINDER! If you go to: and register you'll receive a $20 credit off your first order of $30 or more! Order $49 worth of stuff and get free shipping too! I have TONS of suggestions if you're looking for ideas of what to buy. Great site, SUPER FAST shipping.…
  • same here, been on MFP for years with little to no success using the traditional methods. Was sleeved 6 months ago, down about 55 lb so far. Best decision I have ever made. NOt without its challenges, but so worth it.
  • walking only for 2 swimming, no machines, no zumba, no yoga....NOTHING per my doc. Remember you just had major surgery. You MUST let your insides heal. A few weeks is certainly not that long to avert a trip to the hospital due to complications. Your healing from that would be 10 times worse.....Be patient you…
  • I wear Champion brand work out tights. I don't wear any other shorts over them, don't see a need. What is the difference between these and "compression" clothes? They hold everything in nice and tight. Do you just wear shorts and a t-shirt and you are looking for something that is tighter? If so, hit up Target and try on…
  • How is the consistency of these? Are they light or heavy? I made the recipe that has been floating around FB which is a box cake mix and a can of pumpkin, that's it, no water or egg whites. I did add protein powder and used a sugar free cake mix. Added some pumpkin pie spice as well. Flavor was good but consistency was…
  • Awesome article, I just shared it with my FB group. Definitely saved to my favorites as it has lots of great info and recipes. thanks for sharing!
  • That Is just awesome!!
  • So I just recharged and relinked my body media to MFP. We can reset our calorie goal as low as 1000 calories/day which I am fine with since that is what I have MFP set at now which is the high end of my daily intake. I set it to lose 2 lbs/wk so my daily burn needs to be 2000 calories/day which is for moderate exercise and…
  • I do have a body media and it does have a monthly charge. To be honest I have not used it since I had my WLS 3 mths ago. I will check it out more thoroughly tonight when I get home from work to see how far down you can adjust the goals to suit our needs. PM me if I forget.
  • Jules, does she know you had WLS? Maybe seeing you and the progress you have made will spark some conversation. I am sort of in the same situation with one of my cousins who had the surgery and seeing and talking with her started me to consider surgery and eventually have it. Now another one of our cousins is reaching out…
  • The recommended amount on MFP is 3500/day. I have HBP and am on medication for it. My doc says no more than 1500. HBP is one of the leading causes of stroke. A good reason to eat clean, stay away from all processed foods, boxed, canned etc. Stick with lean protein, fruits, veg and complex carbs and you can't go wrong.
  • maybe a visit to the ER if the pain is too bad. that is what they are there for. Better than having something really serious happen during the night. At least they could run some tests for your surgeon to see first thing in the morning.
  • I had the same problem. I wore my body media fit and logged my calories for 15 minutes. Now I can use the same entry and just adjust the minutes. I did that for a lot of my various exercises for accuracy. I am finding that I will probably have to do them again to adjust for the recent weight loss. I burned 292 calories for…
  • Happy to stay I started losing again in week 4 and continue to lose. I did get quite mindful about how much I was eating made sure I wasn't going over my 4oz per meal. I used my scale faithfully for each meal. Continued my exercise and got in as much water as I could with a minimum of the 64 oz. the bod just needed time to…
  • I get everything I need at CVS too. I just started buying their calcium w/vit D chews, they are great. I also buy the CVS Spectravite chewable multi vitamin. I get my Biotin and sublingual B12 when they have BOGO too! I also get my protein powder there too, Body Fortress is awesome. Best prices and one stop shopping!
  • Just sent you a friend request, I was VSG'd on 3/19. Let's get this done together!
  • these look great, I think I will try them but will probably bump up the protein with some protein powder. Pan size? and how long did you bake them? not sure I saw that info.
  • After many years of failed attempts I quit smoking and drinking cold turkey almost 4 years ago for my health. I knew I needed to start somewhere. From there it was numerous failed attempts to lose weight. I finally decided to have VSG last August which I just had 11 days ago. When I went my info session at the hospital my…
  • Can't want to see all the yummy new recipes you find. I wonder if any of the lifting magazines have recipe sections...just a thought for a new recipe resource to add to your arsenal.
  • toast and peanut or almond butter (Ezekial's or Rudy's breads are nice and high in protein) boiled shrimp w/hummus (instead of cocktail sauce) Greek yogurt edamame cottage or ricotta cheese on ryvita smoked almonds hard boiled eggs turkey or ham roll ups
  • Thanks for the tips. Will slow it down and take smaller sips today. Also going to stay away from straight water to see if that makes a difference. I love Mio and have it in all flavors. vitamin waterzero is also great and you get the little nutritional vitamin benefit.
  • I don't really know what the "right" number is for me. I am 5'4" and as best as I can remember 130 always felt pretty good to me and I thought I looked pretty good. I played a lot of sports in high school and am still very muscular . Funny thought, my best friend told my husband that I have always been heavy....I have…
  • that is awesome...maybe it will work for Easter!!
  • I have never been in the hospital and I am 55. This is HUGE for me and have completed all the research I possibly can get my hands on. I made the most of all my appts instead of just blowing thru them with ho-hum answers to their questions. I have made all the nutritional changes in addition to stopping smoking, drinking…
  • Great info Fred, I guess based on this I should be at 1300. I wish MFP would make the default 1500 as opposed to 3500 since I think so many people think that is acceptable just because that is there.
    in Sodium Comment by healthybabs March 2013
  • I think you can. As my doc explained it, the body does need some sodium. I take medication for HBP and a huge contributor besides obesity is sodium overload which severely taxes the heart. RDA for sodium is 3500 which MFP presets to. My doc has advised to stay around the 1500 mark and I do try to do that.
    in Sodium Comment by healthybabs March 2013
  • You can buy a low sodium soy sauce, or I prefer Bragg's amino's. Tastes just like soy sauce but is much better for you, get it at a healthfood store if you have easy access to one.