tusshay Member


  • I lack motivation but have found that if you reduce your calories and stick to it, it works. I’ve been in a workout rut. But tend to drop 1lb a week if i stay within my calories which is about 1,200 per day. What do you do daily ?
  • Hey there, how’s it going? What’s your goal? What do u do daily? I just walk (sometimes) minimal workout and count calories. Slow going but it definitely works if you stick to it.
  • Ask yourself what WOULD make you happy! If it’s not the number on the scale, what is it? Something deeper? Maybe you need a vacation? Time spent with loved ones?
    in Struggling Comment by tusshay March 2019
  • I agree a healthy gut is necessary! I’m doing my best to stay in track. We eat out a lot. Salad for lunch every day and veggies ! I’m trying one with a prebiotic and probiotic. I dont have any issues but I want a healthy gut lol Going to try it for a month and see if there is any difference at all. I’ve heard good and bad…
  • I’m a mom of 1 but it feels like a few more 😂 he sucks all my energy
  • This looks really good ! I’m going to see if my store has this ! Thank YOU
  • Called a few companies (bowflex, Solee) they both said as long as the garage it’s kept in is climate controlled the warranty is good for 1-5years. Proform is the same way and it is in the written warranty 🥴 poopski!
  • Good call BPETrosky ! I will hunt that thing down today. DancingMoosie. I was looking at a golds gym treadmill they seem nice! There are 3 of us using it and 2:3 use it daily. We need a good one.
  • Not sure where my reply went?! Agreed it would be spendy. Now I have to find a good one without breaking the bank. We have had Proform for as long as I can remember. They used to be great with the warranty up until now with their no coverage for treadmills in the garage comment. I might actually call them and see if I get…
  • We have had 2 in the past 2 years (we flooded and lost the 1st one) now the 2nd craped our on us. We spend about $700 on them but the warranties suck because we keep it in the garage now they say it’s not covered. Think it’s the motor and that’s pricey to fix or replace. I’m thinking just get a new one. The hubs won’t let…
  • Add me too, looking for the same ! I’ve been on here for a while but quit for too long. Now I’m back at it. Slow and steady for me I guess bc I cant find a quick fix. Tried everything and the only thing that works it to be accountable for what I put in my mouth (hmmm that sounds a little weird)
  • How often do you walk ? I try for 5 days a week but feel it’s not doing enough for me. I will never be a runner lol
  • What’s your secret ? How did you do that? It’s awesome
  • Mini goal is more like a daily goal of staying on track and eating salad for lunch. Not indulging like the other 1/2 Keeping to my 1,200-1,500 daily calories
  • Yep I think im going to try skim milk. I was looking at creamers online but I put about 1/2 cup in a 20oz mug of coffee X2 daily. I think any creamer in that amount would just be WAY too many calories. Plus my splenda 😔 Skim milk for the win 🙌🏻 Thanks guys
  • Think I might jump on that once a month train! But only on a day I feel good about it. Any other day and that scale is hidden under something in the bathroom 😂 For me weight loss is a marathon. One I start and stop and then start again..... next year. The changes I’ve made, I’d like to keep this time. I’ve even found sugar…
  • You’re right. I gotta keep that in mind.
  • Thank you for the insight. I guess I do need to look at it differently. It just feels like I’m working really hard and not seeing anything different. I know im doing all the right things but expectations might be too high. I probably am missing something on my logs here and there. I definitely don’t log my exercise because…