Mjkozki Member


  • lol! I got "wooed" for not caring about a comment about my reaction to a woo. It's almost like being in elementary school! LOL!
  • Thanks for the heads up. I don't think it was intentional, especially now that I understand that "woo" is being misused by alot of us, including myself! Full disclosure: I've been a bit '_itchy' the last few days. This wouldn't have bothered me a week ago. Must be the (lack of) carbs releasing my inner demons!! ROFL
  • Hi! Here's the recipe, and I gotta say, noone believes it Keto! https://www.fittoservegroup.com/finally-a-keto-cream-cheese-coconut-flour-pound-cake/ You can also head over to YouTube, type in Keto Cream Cheese Coconut Flour pound cake, and watch it made step by step. You'll get two different people, but they use the same…
  • Thanks for clearing that up. What's frustrating is that I can't find who clicked on the "Woo" so I can either clarify or refute their response. I know it's not a big deal, but I get tired of people passing judgment on things they know little about. I thought the point of the thread was simply to see what our day-to-day was…
  • Yesterday, I finally decided to make Cream cheese, Coconut Flour Pound Cake with lemon glaze. Sliced it up (12 slices) and it was amazingly good. Got on the scale this morning, and down 1 pound. Woohoo! 6/10 - 295
  • For some reason, I got 3 "woos" for listing my daily regimen. Was this intentional, or is someone questioning what I do? If you're on Keto, this shouldn't be a surprise to you. If you're not on Keto, ask a question or two before making a snap judgment. Thank you.
  • Thanks Gina! I finally got it right and have actually lost a few pounds in the last couple of days. I've decided to ignore the whole "net" carbs approach. It makes everything so much easier. I still do my bpc in the morning, because it makes it easier to get thru the day, but fortunately, I got my airfryer and frying pan…
  • And this is why I hate posting on groups. I came here BECAUSE I knew I was given well intentioned, bad advice. The fact that some went out of their way to reign me back in was much appreciated, and this was understood by all who read the WHOLE thread. I don't mind being corrected, but can we avoid harping on those things…
  • Thanks for the encouragement, pj! I play on the weekends, and I'm studio musician. Because of my right knee, standing is often as painful as sitting too long. Losing weight will either relieve me or else surgery will the next option to look at. Keeping good thoughts. :)
  • Officially down 22lbs. Next week, I start walking. Outside. 10 minutes, or until my knee signals otherwise. It's a little embarrassing limping up on stage, so I'm pulling out all the stops to get back into shape! Woohoo!
  • Me too, HBJ! But it's coming together. I just checked, and I've dropped 2lbs this morning. I'm doing the June challenge, but have also decided to reevaluate my eating every 30 days, whether the scale numbers move or not. I'm convinced every 10lbs it'll be necessary to adjust my fats, proteins and carbs. Next week: Walking!!
  • I haven't measured for the same reasons. Measuring tape isn't working for the areas that Keto is focusing on right now, though people have mentioned my face is thinner. So I'm putting my focus on how well clothes fit over the next few months, which has been satisfying so far. I'm thinking by the end of June (I'm in the…
  • Honestly, I'm only about three steps ahead of you! I know the Keto way, and I've embraced it as my time ever doing anything suggesting a 'diet (this is lifestyle change),' but I was totally confused about the ratios until I came here. Rather than possibly confusing you, I'm going to tell you to give a shout out to @kpk54…
  • No big deal, it was written in a way that read like it was referring to the group. I was concerned that she thought she was alone, that's all. [/quote] If I might interject, I think the original poster's reference to being the 'only one here currently on a strict diet' was referring to being the only one in their home…
  • Wow! you've got some low-end calories, there! I'm getting the hang of my macros, but even with my earlier errors, I know that 1000 calories a day can be challenging! How much do you weigh? How much are you trying to lose? Are you Keto-IF, OMD, what? Most important - Are you hungry? :)
  • What makes you think you're the only one on a "strict" diet? :)
  • Today's the day. KETO ON! Keto SW- 320 (2-11-19) CW:299 June GW- 289 06/3- 299 06/10- 06/17- 06/24- 07/1-
  • I take Calcium Citrate, magnesium and D3; ACV with tumeric, ginger, cinnamon, cayenne and cream of tartar (potassium) in my matcha tea; serrapeptase and choline, and I sprinkle nutritional yeast on vegetables and in bone broth.
  • G'morning! Sipping on my BPC (I've decided to keep it in my menu), and planning my last meal for the day. June: Week 1 PW - 320 CW - 299
  • Hi, I changed my start date to Monday (tomorrow), and emailed the person who handles that. In the meantime, is this where I add my start date? Is there a page that fully explains what we do, how we do it and when? This board is very confusing, and it takes ten minutes just to find this group. Thanks!:
  • My philosophy, exactly, Kpk! It may take me a while to catch on, but I appreciate the learning curve in whatever I do~!:)
  • Argggh!! ::Crying incontrollably::: I. HATE. MATH. At this point, I'd be looking for a Cadbury Egg, but I'm going to wait until 9pm and break my fast with some broth instead. :) Resetting my food scale. Thanks:)
  • Hi! Was just assigned to your team! I'm really looking forward to learning from everyone here! My name is Maia, and I started Keto weighing 320lbs on 2-11. I'm now at 300, and working towards losing -at minimum - 10lbs by the end of this month. My goal weight is 200lbs. I have been moving back and forth between IF and OMD,…
  • I. HATE. MATH. :s I'm trying to do this like you guys, but that calculator changes each time I use it, and I keep getting deeper into doodoo! lol Here's my third attempt: This time, I'm trying to copy the pie chart above. Did I mention I hate math? So, I'm 300lbs, and what I did was follow the Phinney pie chart above…
  • Melatonin. You can get it anywhere there is a Walmart or pharmacy. Start out with 5mg about an hour before bed, make sure you aren't watching television or working on the computer (it affects your sleep), then read or just relax with the lights out.
  • Hi VG! Fast is going well, how are you doing? Thanks for the input on the diary. Fact is, I didn't know that I could expand on my eating once I became "fat-adapted." When I started this, I'd eating fish, ground beef, steak, etc., and have a bag of vegetables and an avocado thru the course of my eating window, and end it…
  • Hi! Thanks for letting me participate in this challenge. I caught on to Keto real fast and lost 20 pounds in the first month, only to realize that I only had 1/2 of the information necessary to succeed. That's why I'm here. To learn the right way and avoid the pitfalls, but mostly to be accountable to and for those of us…
  • Now you've pissed me off. I hate you. I can't wait to get you are, so I can get my sister to hate me too! LOL Congrats:)
  • Got it. I'll be in fast mode at 6pm, and will remain so until Sunday night/Monday morning. That should be enough of a blank slate to do this the right way. Thanks Alot :)