kenziestabes Member


  • Took an ID photo and actually liked how it came out! I forgot to mention with this: I kept thinking to myself looking at it, "It looks good, but it doesn't really look like me." Like, no, it DOES look like me. This is what I look like now. My mental image of myself is about 30 pounds heavier. I'm excited about how I look.…
  • Took an ID photo and actually liked how it came out!
  • How much I've come to love "family style" restaurants. My weight loss has been focused more on macro nutrients and portion control rather than restricting certain foods. Social eating had become a problem since I would stress over what I would order at a restaurant that wasn't one of my go-to places. In my part of the…
  • Mini goal is to lose the vacation weight and get back under 183 (weighed 185.5 this morning). That and get back to actually tracking what I eat. All things considered, only gaining 2.5 pounds (some of which is probably water weight) isn't all too bad. I'll lose it before the end of the month, and then I'll be back on track…
  • Hey everyone! I actually have not weighed myself since I last checked in on the September board. I've been moving from an apartment to a townhouse, and right now, the scale is still at the apartment. Traveling this week too, so I'm just going to be lurking this month. That said, moving has been a fantastic leg work out. 3…
  • As someone who used to struggle with drinking enough water: accountability. Some people don't realize how little water they drink throughout the day until they log when and how much water they drink. Also, timing is incredibly important for hydration. The same amount of water drank in one sitting will not hydrate you as…
  • Age: 27 Height: 5'10" SW: 247 CW: 186 GW: 182 UGW: 165 9/1: 185.8 9/7: 184.9 9/15: 186.5 9/22: 183.0 9/29: 182.4 (-0.6 pounds) Less than half a pound off from my goal weight for this month! Admittedly, between vacation, guests visiting, and prepping for a move (this Saturday!) this month was a whirlwind. Proud of how close…
  • Quick caveat: I've been very open about my weight loss efforts with my hair stylist. I walked in to get toner for my highlights and she made the comment, "You get smaller every time I see you!" Something I'm looking forward to, so a future NSV: I'm moving apartments and my roommate and I decided we were going to keep an…
  • I most likely will not be under 180 by the weeding in two weeks, but I will be just shy of it. My mini goal is to maintain healthy habits during a busy month ahead and establish a new work out routine going into the winter where I may not be able to walk outside as much. My other goal is to lose 9 pounds before the new…
  • It's easy enough to stay "keep them out of the house," but harder to do. Never go to the store without a list. I only allow myself 1 item not on the list, unless it's something I truly need that I forgot to write down (for example, an ingredient in a recipe I already planned to make). The other thing I try to do is only go…
  • Age: 27 Height: 5'10" SW: 247 CW: 186 GW: 182 UGW: 165 9/1: 185.8 9/7: 184.9 9/15: 186.5 9/22: 183.0 (-3.5 pounds) 9/29: And the weight melts off. My suspicion is that I was still holding onto quite a bit of water weight post vacation. I may even still be able to meet my monthly weight goal! So, the next few weeks are busy…
  • Age: 27 Height: 5'10" SW: 247 CW: 186 GW: 182 UGW: 165 9/1: 185.8 9/7: 184.9 9/15: 186.5 (+1.6 pounds) 9/22: 9/29: Weekly goals: 1. Work out 4+ hours a week 2. 1 strength training workout 3. Incorporate sit ups and push ups 4. Walk the dog every day she doesn't go to daycare 5. Eat out 3 times a week or less (except on…
  • So the only food/beverage I've truly given up is soda/pop/coke. I used to crave it like crazy, but the other day, I split one with a friend (it was hot outside, we were tired, and we had a long day ahead of us.) It was way too sweet! I ended up dumping my half into my reusable water bottle and drinking a 50/50 mix of Coke…
  • Age: 27 Height: 5'10" SW: 247 CW: 186 GW: 182 UGW: 165 9/1: 185.8 9/7: 184.9 (-0.9 pounds) 9/15: 9/22: 9/29: Weekly goals: 1. Work out 4+ hours a week 2. 1 strength training workout 3. Incorporate sit ups and push ups 4. Walk the dog every day she doesn't go to daycare 5. Eat out 3 times a week or less (except on vacation)…
  • Alright, this is the month of the music festival, so we will see who wins: food truck calories or standing/walking/extended NEAT calories. Other events this month:* Attending a football watch party * Friend coming to visit from out of state * Packing to move/changing my address for gas/electric/renters…
  • Age: 27 Height: 5'10" Starting Weight: 247 pounds (July 2021) Current Weight: 187.1 pounds Ultimate Goal Weight: 165 pounds Pounds Until Goal: 22 pounds August Goal Weight: 184 pounds August 3: 187.1 pounds August 10: 186.1 pounds August 17: 185.4 August 24: 186.8 August 31: 185.8 (-1.0 pounds) Weekly Goals: 1. Work out 4…
  • @CupcakeCrusoe I've been trying to stick to the SMART method of goal setting because I've found more success in it. Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Timely
  • Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face.
  • They'll make even less with the loss of ad revenue after the mass exodus of users this will cause.
  • It says a lot that they can't think of anything new to bring to the app. Moving previously free features behind a pay wall, a subscription based one no less, instead of creating new features people would be willing to pay for is a mistake. You know what would have been an innovative feature for premium, as opposed to…
  • @seltzer_lover I just saw it! If they think hiding the barcode scanner behind a pay wall is going to get more people to sign up for premium rather than find new apps, they are sorely mistaken. I'll have to check out Lose It.
  • Age: 27 Height: 5'10" Starting Weight: 247 pounds (July 2021) Current Weight: 187.1 pounds Ultimate Goal Weight: 165 pounds Pounds Until Goal: 22 pounds August Goal Weight: 184 pounds August 3: 187.1 pounds August 10: 186.1 pounds August 17: 185.4 August 24: 186.8 (+1.4 pounds) August 31: Weekly Goals: 1. Work out 4 hours…
  • No problem. I know you were just talking about your day, but I've seen how seemingly innocent comments have hurt people unintentionally, especially when they can be seen as "othering" a group of people. Hope my comments didn't come off as aggressive!
  • One side of the argument: "My body should not be political." Other side of the argument: "Not murdering people for existing shouldn't be political." Whether you agree with either sentiment or think both are factually wrong, they are diametrically opposed viewpoints which both claim to have the moral high ground. Just like…
  • I'd like to avoid political and religious talk on this thread and I'm very cognizant that people may have differing opinions on controversial issues. Find to talk about one's day, of course, but I'd be concerned that that underlying judgment toward a particular political or religious belief may isolate members of this…
  • Due to a leg injury, I haven't gone running in well over a month. Decided to run a mile and a half yesterday morning. 15 minutes flat. I ultimately want to shave a minute or so off that, but that's a lot better than I was expecting!
  • Age: 27 Height: 5'10" Starting Weight: 247 pounds (July 2021) Current Weight: 187.1 pounds Ultimate Goal Weight: 165 pounds Pounds Until Goal: 22 pounds August Goal Weight: 184 pounds August 3: 187.1 pounds August 10: 186.1 pounds August 17: 185.4 (-0.7 pounds) August 24: August 31: Weekly Goals: 1. Work out 4 hours a week…
  • I saw 185 on the scale this morning. I'm exactly 20 pounds from goal. Hoping to get to goal before next summer. Once I'm under 170, I'm focusing on muscle development.
  • So my lease is coming to an end in November, and a place I'm seriously considering has a start date in October (about 1 month overlap). It's about 0.8 miles (1.3 km) away from where I currently live, so I decided I'd just walk over and check out the neighborhood. It's cute! Have a tour set up tomorrow morning and planning…
  • While I was walking my dog this morning, she decided she wanted to run down the stairs instead of walk (she often does this, so it's not really an issue). That said, I felt my shorts slip a little bit and had to quickly tug them back up as we got to the bottom of the stairs. I don't think I can fit a size down yet, but it…