yxba Member


  • I quit caffeine once. After a month or two I got over the energy dips that going off of caffeine induced. At that point I had a consistent level of energy throughout the day and found it easier to fall asleep.
  • I’m just glad I kept all my old clothes from when I was gaining weight. I’m now wearing clothes from 6 years ago. I’m fitting into the smallest clothes that I own and soon I will have to actually start buying new smaller clothes. My pants can be taken in a few times and I always add extra holes to my belt so I can buy new…
    in Fat Brain Comment by yxba February 2020
  • I’d you don’t know what to do with their switch but Breath Of The Wild. It’s a great way to kill time while you’re waiting for your next meal time.
  • I didn’t find it to be that great of a diet. It’s the kind of diet that really messed with my head game. You become so focused on the negativity of all the foods you can’t eat. You’re always saying to yourself I can’t I can’t I can’t. And when you do eat something non keto then it can be very easy to turn that day into a…
    in Keto diet Comment by yxba February 2020
  • Well, I got yoga done, did my exercises and I've so far eaten about 700 calories. Im going out to a restaurant tonight with some friends so I've looked at the menu at home and pre-entered what Im going to eat. Anyone else do that? I find it helps. Once you get there and start smelling all the amazing foods you can really…
  • I like to make my own homemade salsa using cans of diced tomatoes, stevia, jalapenos and vinegar. Boil the flavors together and enjoy. I use La Cochina salsa chips which are likely not widely available. They are a very thin chip and offer a good ratio of chip surface to calorie. I view the chips as a delivery system for…
  • I just keep believing in the math. When I go a week or two without reaching a new low I just focus on the fact that it will eventually start coming down again. I've had many periods of time like this where my weight did not come down and I just stick with my calorie count and exercise level and eventually it would come…
  • Once you get to 220 just keep going. You can do it.
  • Let me know if these help
  • Ive been doing some glute activations that were given to my by my athletic therapist. They are beginning level but they have been greatly beneficial. I will attach them for anyone who wants to you use them.
  • Well.. From what Ive heard the cost is significantly cheaper and at least for a couple weeks after the procedure the care is better. They take you to a nearby hotel/care facility until you're well enough to travel. Im just think that in my case well there's a lot I want to get done and it ain't going to be cheap.
  • Has anybody looked into or tried getting these procedures done in a different country like Brazil for example?
  • Sorry to hear that. I don't think mine is that severe yet. My fear is that ive got it so young and I am basically too heavy for knee replacement surgery. So im trying to slow down the process and also get my weight to a place where if i need replacement surgery as some point i won't put unneeded pressure on the replacement.
  • Do you have arthritis as well?
  • Eat my 2000 calories. Do my knee/glute exercises and hit the yoga class tonight.
  • Hi there. I was 6'3 330 pounds in high school. When I was 19 i got into body building and got down to 199 pounds with solid muscle. Over the years i slowly but surely gained the weight back. Then when I was 31 i dealt with severe stress and mental illness due to some traumatic events. I ended up gaining heavily and winded…
  • How much exercise were you able to do? I have mine a bit lower because sometimes with life i end up missing my exercises. And i found that it could wreak havoc with my mind game. I would get thoughts like this week was a waste and start thinking im gonna gain weight ect. I base my calories on still losing weight even with…
  • Thank you for this. I really appreciate it. I hope that your husband will start to lose weight. Believe me. If i could do it so can he.
  • I’ve just had the thought in mind that I would stick to eating 2000 calories per day and eventually the weight loss would slow down. I’m hoping to be able to avoid further calorie restriction by increasing excercise as I’m more capable of it. I want to start swimming laps again in summer. Even if I lost 2 pounds a week…
  • Thanks for those words of encouragement. I don't think maintaining is in my vocabulary lol. Don't get me wrong. I will get to the point where my weight more or less maintains. But what I'm embarking on is not so simple as a period of weight loss and then life long maintenance of that weight. I am fighting a battle against…
  • Considering you lost 5 pounds in 6 weeks I would just keep doing what you’re doing. It will come in time.
  • I don’t work out with weights at this point. I had too many back problems. I’m also dealing with knee osteoarthritis which limits me further. What I have found works for me is doing yoga 3 days a week. I have recently started seeing an athletic therapist who has helped to get rid of a blockage in both of my knees and this…
  • It was just a walk-in doctor. I live in Canada and my doctor moved out of town so I’m currently between doctors so I had to see a walk-in doctor for his thoughts on this. For now I will just focus on getting my weight down to the 200 range and then I guess I’ll see how much more I can actually lose. Thanks!
  • I typically weigh in daily but sometimes I take breaks. In my case my weight can jump around quite a bit. Like i'll lose 10 pounds in a couple weeks and then i won't lose anything for a couple weeks. It can be very frustrating when you're doing everything right and you gotta wait for the weight to star coming down again..…
  • The problem with you being disciplined and losing weight is that we become a constant reminder to everyone else that they are not being disciplined and losing weight.
  • I’ve already lost 140 pounds and want to lose an additional 170 pounds.
  • I’m recently diagnosed with arthritis in both knees at age 37 due mostly to obesity. I’ve been swimming every day since I found out and personally I recommend it because it’s low intensity.
  • I have a bowl of cottage cheese and I load it with banana peppers. Tastes great if you like spicy foods.