LinkedEmpire Member


  • Thank you for everyone's responses. Intuitively I've been feeling the need to see a doctor to check hormone and vitamin levels and get a T3 test. I do retain water weight often and not sure why but 19# worth? Idk about that. During the week of ovulation is when I notice I'm tighter and more energetic so I actually see and…
  • You can try frozen meal packs that are steamable in the bag, pop it in the microwave. I tried this Southwest style quinoa blend and added it to my meal with honey chiptole chicken. Or eat it as a salad by itself with sour cream, avocado, and lime. (It was a blend of corn, black beans, swt potatoes, red quinoa and already…
  • I feel better. I no longer have diabetic foot pain or shooting pains up to my knees. I can bend down and over without feeling stiff, achy or feeling tired. After weeks of learning to put it all together, I understand macros and training much better and feel an energy balance that was a downward spiral before. I took note…
  • Is this app also called map my fitness workout trainer? Do you still use it?
  • Ignore the gym bunnies. Remember you don't need to pay for your existence, just work toward the best pay off you can give yourself. They might be thinking the worst but they're not the best example of what is healthy or normal. I don't care what their end result is, I'd be more concerned why they're just hanging out at the…
  • Great mention. Water is peaceful and relaxing, gentle on joints. Improves serotonin too. Nothing better than something that soothes and relaxes as an after effect too.
  • I also think I didn't chill the batter long enough. Trial and error it goes.
  • I bought that one too and didn't care too much for it. My favorite is the white chocolate macadamia. As soon as I perfect that bad boy in my own recipe.... I'm going to try adding xantham gum to it, as a gluten alternative. It might add the creamy texture I'm looking for. I've made 2 batches so far. The first came out a…
  • I'm glad you guys are mentioning heme vs non-heme iron. With an iron deficient condition, I'm curious if non-heme iron isn't drawn as a bodily reserve, with the absence of readily absorbed iron? I hope that makes sense.
  • I eat it as a fish sandwich. I pan sear it with olive oil based butter, salt/pepper and either make a sauce from the butter with lemon juice or deydrated and ground lemon peel. Lime works too. Placed in a sandwich thin with vegan mayo, choice of greens, avocado and/or red onion. I had cod tonight with peanut/chili/garlic…
  • I noticed it in the last 3 pints. I live not even 1/2 mile from the store and pick up the ice cream right before check out. I weighed the servings when I got home and noticed a good chunk missing. The only flavor I don't notice that mishap is plain chocolate. I made 1 flavor so far, similar to white chocolate macadamia. It…
  • I understand your worry. Using a food diary for the first time opens a can of worms you can't put back in the shelf. I cut back on sugar too, natural and artificial. I understood that too much of a good thing led to some issues. This platform helped me learn moderation, opened me up to food staples that made certain things…
  • Interval training is intense, kudos to you 💪. When I was doing HIIT, I took a class labelled as level 3. I told myself, I can do this 🤷. No. 😒 Sometimes I think these classes are more of a leg day that doesn't end, even when it's over. My quads were torched. I felt like jelly sliding off the bread. Then the bread smacked…
  • I'm loving the garlic and lemon combo. 🍋🍋 I've used them before as sandwich wraps, filling was tuna and avocado salad. I had this really good soup that was like Italian wedding soup but instead had the chard, chunks of Italian sausage,a tomato base and I think some Navy or cannalini beans in there. Wish I could find the…
  • 🤔.. Daikon Green beans Lingon sauce (maybe, unless it's more used than I know of) Sumac La Croix Purple potatoes
  • They look yummy 💪. I had the same thing last week for lunch for about 3 days as a burger.
  • Thank you. I believe I responded to what macro tends to be more satisfying via personal preference, but I don't believe I requested a correction as though I were confusing myself.
  • Mfp had a peanut sauce I've been using..ok almost a stir fry. It's under the dinner tab I think for peanut chicken.
  • Hawaiian fried rice You can use diced ham in this recipe too. What do you think about dressing the beef in a coconut simmer, so the flavors match? Chimichurri sauce…
  • Old thread but just wanted to say that I was on a heavy carb diet..I miss spaghetti and Mac n cheese bc it goes back for a lot of us. But the mfp route has me eating more fats. TBH, I don't miss having pasta and rice everyday throughout the day. I don't get sugar cravings anymore either. I feel full longer between meals,…
  • I got a B too. Working on getting an I. 🤞 I've seen some progress. Doing a lot more bodyweight exercise where I have to use my core to stabilize. I follow it up with yoga.
  • Is Fiji water on that list? It had something in it beginning with S. Or is it selenium? Ack, bump.
  • I like to dip chocolate chip cookies in orange juice. It tastes better than milk 🤷. Eat ice cream in a mug.
  • It's frustrating for sure. Not everyone makes it clear despite feeling defeated as though you'll never get it. I was undereating cal at first and overestimating calories burnt. In other words if I was burning 500 cal that day, I wasn't eating those calories back. I say that because reading through sources, everyone says…
  • I have 90 lbs left to lose. Being on here and getting gears oiled up is the most positive thing to keep with you for life. We're proud to have ya here to share our journey. Don't expect physical changes right away unless you're into extremities, I'm not. 'Dieting' is hard but remember, it's unlearning some things to begin…
  • Edamame, nuts, avocado, spinach, mushrooms, tuna, whole grain & seeded bread and general legumes are rich in potassium, iron and/or magnesium. From what I understand, because I track micronutrients a lot for my own reasons, sodium/potassium/magnesium all work together as your body's electrolyte process. Together, they…
  • Oatmeal and bananas. If I had no teeth and lost my senses, it'd make sense.
  • I thought my favorite flavors would be on this list. Since they're not, I can breathe now.
  • Frugal to me is shopping around. As in, why pay 3.49 for the same thing I can buy at the dollar store for a buck? Meal planning can be more of finding substitutions for things you like that don't quite fit in right now such as swapping chips for popcorn or Jiff PB for an all natural PB. I say this because as you figure out…
  • I chop, slice and dice my veggies for different stir fry, soups, salads. I will say I don't do the whole separating thing because what I want today might not be what I want tomorrow lol. I keep a bag of frozen turkey meatballs at all times because it's already portioned, throw it in the steam basket, fry up my veggies, add…