Little over a full year of tracking my calories. In that year I have shaken off about 11 years worth of weight gain, so I am around the same weight I was when I met my hubby. Ofcourse my body is not the same it was back then, boobs and butt were first to go, lol! But I do not mind. I can now go for a bike rides again, help…
This is some hard core and long term meal planning, when I have to have everything I want to eat in July ready and growing now :D Also many work outs planned out months ahead, as this and that project have to be done during this summer around the garden.
Got a surprising compliment from a relative I haven´t seen often, but it is not that long before we met the last time. I guess that even if some people noticed the weight loss before, now I am at a point when it is enough to show I am serious about it, it is not just a fluctuation of weight. And my body is really starting…
Three things to be happy about today. -20 degrees celsius and I still went for my walk. Phone died in the cold but I was keeping warm while keeping a good pace. My motorcycle jacket zips up even over my boobs. (Not yet brave enough to try on the pants, I think those will need several more months) I lost 4 cm from my waist…
Can´t speak for others. But I was always worried if I could give up sugary things, since I seemed to have more cravings than others. I thought it would be a fight against cravings whole day every day. But it is not, the cravings did go down once I got some good food in. And I can still have some sweets every now and then…
I think that human brain works very well with set dates or even new sceneries to mentally prepare for the new. Jan 1st or any other date set you ahead marks end of something and a start of new, and it might be a great way to start a new project. Also I know that it took me a looong time to mentally prepare myself. I don´t…
I know you wanted to exercise at home, but just wanted to mention this. Here in Finland all swimming halls reserve a lane or two for aqua joggers. It is getting very popular. No pressure on the knees, and very easy to get an effective work out. My favorite exercise! They also arrange aqua aerobics classes many times a day…
I grew out of my motorcycle gear. For my mom it was scuba gear. Not cheap to buy new, so gotta fit in the old ones. So that and sex...
Good ideas :) I have actually found couple new ways, a hot bath for example works for me when feeling tired or down. As for rewarding myself, I am getting close to my next bigger target (20kg down). When I was about to reach my last big target I wanted to have a nice evening in a restaurant. But I don´t feel like it now,…
I had the energy to outplay a four-year-old :D I was babysitting, and was a bit worried that I would not have the time for my regular walk. But we ended up hanging out outside for several hours, climbing snow piles as the floor was lava. Even if I didn´t end up with that many steps, it still felt like a great work out.…
Couple of years ago I started to develop a dowager´s hump from all that sitting down. Not very flattering sight... So remember to strengthen your neck, correct your posture and stretch during the work day! I still have a poor posture, but I have lost the fatty lump on the base of my neck that comes from your body trying to…
Great ideas! At my previous office job it was not that easy to get moving during the day, and I love hearing all ideas I can use in the future. So keep the ideas coming! I am hoping to hear back from a new job any day now, and I am trying to prepare myself to keep the momentum going even if and when I get back to a desk…
38 year old from Finland here. I started at 114 kg in the spring of 2020, with a goal to lose 20 kg (seemed like a huuuge lose at the time). Now that 16 kg is gone so easily, I needed to adjust the goal to -30 kg, and we will see what happens when I am closer to that :) I´m lazy, so I can´t be bothered to go through a diet…
I tried on new shoes. I stood on one leg, took out one shoe, put the shoe on the floor, took out wool sock (Finnish winter, can´t do without), put on the new shoe, fastened it, then put my foot back down. Stood on one leg for the whole procedure, with ease.
Things I genuinely did not know. The cravings will lessen. Before starting I was discouraged with the thought that life would be constant battle against craving chocolate, sugar, all those bad things. I thought that would be too overwhelming to even try, since I was clearly one of those people who had more cravings than…
Yey! My dowager`s hump from all that sitting is basically gone! My posture is still not good, but the prominent lump where my body gathered fat to protect my spine from the pressure is gone. So happy, does wonders for the appearance :smiley:
Long post sorry. But I think I needed to write this more for me, than for you to read all of it :blush: Maintaining my weight has not ever been a priority for me, since I thought I had always been fat and would always be. So I gained and I gained. A year ago I was burned out from work and other hard things we had gone…
Just in the beginning of my journey, but my thighs don´t feel so mushy anymore. I keep poking myself in the thighs all the time just to feel them out :smiley: And my hip bone comes out when lying down.