kzrkzr Member


  • I didn't go to the doc. I think it may be a muscle problem. I have had this happen to this same leg before, and the doctors did nothing but wrap it and send me home. I do not need the extra expense for that! The pain is still really bad..I am walking with a limp. I have been treating it my way..and I pray it gets better…
  • So .. today I'm pretty sure my injured calf muscle just completely ripped! I can barely walk, and the pain is horrific. I'm going to try to go to urgent care in morning if I can walk well enough. hugs and prayers
  • my youngest turned 22 on the 15th Where does time go? My daughter goes to heart doc tomorrow. Please keep her in your prayers. She is 7 months pregnant now. The baby is doing good. I'm so excited to meet her! I will be going with her tomorrow....pray for me...I tore a muscle in my leg..and I am having some pain...little…
  • I'm so sorry Bren! You are in my prayers! prayers for us all hugs
  • Thank you, Bren for thinking of me! My daughter is having a sweet baby girl...I had to keep that secret for over a month lol. 95 percent of people thought it was a boy lol I've been working in my garden and trying to stay busy. prayers for all of you
  • Day 4 Fasting Day1-3 lost 6 pounds :) It has been a long battle but with the Lord's help I am going to win this time!!!!!
  • I did a 48 hour water fast. I had a snack of some cabbage I cooked after that...and now back to fasting 48 more hours! I am determined to get healthy. I have also been walking at my beautiful trail. I've got to do this!! I have a grandbaby coming!!! I'm so excited. My daughter is doing a gender reveal party next weekend.…
  • "For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:" Romans 1:20 (KJV) Prayers and hugs
  • I am on day 3 of juicing and eating healthy! Going through detox There is nothing like fresh juice made in my Juicer!
  • (To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David, to bring to remembrance.) Make haste, O God, to deliver me; make haste to help me, O LORD. 2Let them be ashamed and confounded that seek after my soul: let them be turned backward, and put to confusion, that desire my hurt. 3Let them be turned back for a reward of their shame that…
  • 9Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good. 10Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another; 11Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord; 12Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in…
  • 29 But if from thence thou shalt seek the Lord thy God, thou shalt find him, if thou seek him with all thy heart and with all thy soul. 30 When thou art in tribulation, and all these things are come upon thee, even in the latter days, if thou turn to the Lord thy God, and shalt be obedient unto his voice; 31 (For the Lord…
  • Bren, I'm hanging in there. Thank you for asking. I believe my white cells are still elevated, because my lymph nodes are still swollen. I am planning myself a very healthy eating plan. I have to get healthy for my grandbaby on the way. I'm so very tired of being sick all the time. hugs and prayers
  • I'm gonna be a grandma ya'll. My daughter is expecting in July! I'm so excited and very thankful! Pray that everything goes well for her. thanks!
  • Went for my 3 month wbc was double what it should be. she called me back in yesterday...did more blood work. My wbc is still high and so is my ABSOLUTE LYMPHOCYTES...she said where I add the flu, and was so sick it could be the after effects of my body still fighting...ugh...she said I do have a bulging ear…
  • Marilyn, you are right about exercise! The best thing we can do for the body! I love to walk at my favorite trails, that is my favorite kind of exercise! I have been so respiratory issues are getting better...but now I am having other health issues that are hitting me hard! hugs and prayers
  • Please STOP TESTING !!! Those swabs have Etheline oxide poison that causes cancer…. And probably have nanobots also. But the PCR tests are not accurate anyways and not even specific for Covid. The gentleman who created the PCR test came forward and said that they are not for Covid testing. Shortly after he disclosed this…
  • still having a slight issue is the extreme fatigue.. Feeling tired all the time is horrible! I believe the "cold" that everyone is getting and is not going away is linked to the covid vaccines and shedding...I NEVER got the vaccine but sadly those who did can shed on those who didn't! IMMUNITY TO SICKNESS WAS…
  • Yes, Bren!!! I will definitely help you eat your greens!! YUMMY!
  • still feeling rough... please keep my daughter in your prayers A pic of a halo around the moon I took in my backyard. It was so beautiful. Happy New Year!
  • I had a little bit of energy yesterday...but BOOM...back in bed most of day and body aches so bad... This bug is a destroyer...ugh...but I'm hitting it with all natural bombs that I can prayers and hugs
  • Well...I got the flu for sick that I could not get of the bed for two food...just pain that was soooo bad!!!! I'm finally able to walk.. I made me some HCQ which is grapefruit, lemon and orange boiled for 2 hours and then I cool it and put into mason jars...homemade natural antibiotic that has…
  • I was looking back through posts...and noticed that several of my posts were not very strange... I am doing ok. I've been having some upper right stomach pain..gonna put a castor oil pack on it and go from there... praying for you all love and hugs
  • Kim, cut up an onion put half in a plastic bag and the other half in a plastic bag. Put your feet in those plastic bags and put a sock on over them. That will help you so much!!!
  • It is almost 10 p.m. ...and my mother is still sending me hurtful texts...please pray for me...
  • Can you believe my mom is still stirring drama...she has me upset...right at ThanksGiving! How can someone be dying from cancer and be so ugly!...but she has been emotionally and mentally abusive my whole live just about...I always hoped and prayed she would change...but she probably never will....and my sister treats me…
  • We are going to see some regional banks go bye-bye this week.... get your money out of the banks! Love the color Kim ...nice and beachy! ;) The clock with your names on it.. is so neat!
  • Bren, we still do not have's so frustrating... thank you for your prayers! Some pics from my garden
  • My daughter just got out of ER...thank God it was not as serious as her physical therapist had suggested...she still needs answers as to what is going on though...she has a ENT doc referral ...just remember her in your prayers...thanks so is making me nervous...because they can't seem to find out what is goin on…
  • beach trip went lovely...i will try to post some pics later please pray for my daughter things are not going well...i will post more later...just please pray!!! thank you