I just started on Monday hehe. I LOVE it so far though :)
I'm doing this plan instead of the couch to 5k :D
If you're trying to train for a 10k, this is the plan I'm gonna follow
The bridge to 10k is a bit different. The c210k starts off easier for beginners like me lol. It builds up the same as the c25k does though. I wanna do a half marathon when I'm ready :D
Great to hear you're going to start running again! I've been running on and off for a few years but really wanna stick to it this time and follow through with the 10k plan!
years?! :(
thanks :) I think I'll run in the morning. Does running slim your upper thighs?
It's a toning workout of things like planks, crunches, leg lifts, lunges etc etc
whats the app like? I dont have an iphone or anything to download apps onto so I would just be following the written copy that you get online.
Ive tried a few running plans before but gave up within a couple of weeks :/
what do you think of this workout?
sorry, I don't have access to any weights :(
yea, but in the mean time i still need to log..
will a couple of free days sabotage my weight loss? :( I've been doing so well lately..
amazing! :O how do you know they're 60 calories? xx
Yes it is about the cake but i was curious too because i only have time to work out during the day, not at night. So mostly curious :)
thank you muchly :)
Okay so will i not store the fat if i work out then eat more?
It's just because I usually don't have time to work out at night and I don't want to store all the junk because I can't work it off after i eat it. I always make sure to work out during the day if i know I will be going over my limit for the day. Will this be okay to work out before it?
I'm no parent but you could stop buying treats and things and instead have fruit/veg for them to snack on, emotionally or not. Then, occasionally, have sweets, biscuits etc. as treats :)
it's my dad's birthday on Friday and I need to work off the cake of I'll go over my limit :(
they varie so much it would be hard to guess :(