wm3796 Member


  • You need to be in a calorie deficit each day or for the week if that is a better approach for you. Exercise is great but often the calories you burn are overestimated. So eat back those calories with that in mind( I ate back only half of my estimated exercise calories during weight loss). I lost 25 pounds in…
  • @springlering62 Interesting… you add water. I’ve never done that, only almond milk or Fairlife milk. Is the taste still good and not watered down?
    in Ninja Creami Comment by wm3796 June 21
  • Use a food scale for all the food you eat including sauces, oils, dressings. When I started doing this I was quite off from my eyeballing and measuring cup methods.
  • I prelog most of my food before I eat most of the time. When I don’t I usually end up eating things I wish I hadn’t. When you start prelogging the junk before you eat it, you will see how many empty calories are there and may change your mind to something else… like whole foods. When I eat Whole Foods like lean meats,…
  • Make sure you are using a food scale and weigh everything you eat. Include all oils, sauces, dressings.
  • You likely need to be more stringent on your food diary and logging. Make sure you are using a food scale and not just eyeballing portions. Be sure to include all oils, sauces, etc and even small handfuls of nuts, crackers, etc can add up calories that I often didn’t realize. I found that greatly limiting eating out helped…
  • I like to use low carb tortillas, spray with olive oil, salt, and put in air fryer.
    in Chip Substitute Comment by wm3796 May 16
  • Exercise calories are often greatly overestimated by most trackers,, sometimes up to 40% more than what you actually did. Many have eaten all of their exercise calories without problems but for me I only ate half of my exercise calories back and worked well for me. I lost 30 pounds in perimenopause.
  • Try for small goals rather than big ones that are overwhelming. Examples aim to log everyday for a week and adding extra vegetables to 1 meal everyday. Then the next week you could add 2-3 mini goals like limiting snacking to only fruit or vegetables and perhaps walking for 20-30 minutes daily. Then just keep adding. Soon…
  • Blueberry muffin made with Greek yogurt and ninja creamy chocolate peanut butter protein ice cream
  • Looks like just trying to sell you bunch of supplements. I listen to several trusted MD/PhD health based podcasts and have gotten information that way. Example, Peter Attia has given names of some supplement companies he buys from. For certain basic supplements just a brand name from pharmacy meeting USP standards is just…
  • It all depends on your current weight and activity level. I would log and weigh for at least 2 weeks and then could increase daily calories by about 200 from maintenance if you want to increase your weight. You can see how that goes and further adjust as desired. If you are trying for muscle gains then ensure protein is…
    in newbie Comment by wm3796 March 27
  • 6 oz chicken breast has 52 grams protein. Also plain Greek yogurt and can add some berries to keep sugar low is good source of protein. Skyr yogurt is high in protein. Sliced turkey, lean beef cuts, eggs and added egg whites are higher in protein. I typically have almond milk with scoop of whey protein to get my first meal…
    in newbie Comment by wm3796 March 25
  • I have the Food Saver brand vacuum sealer and have been using this brand for over 10 years. The way everything lays flat and then you can just drop the sealed bag into boiling water to heat up and then eat( if it was already cooked prior to freezing) is so convenient. I frequently make double batches with one to freeze of…
  • The best thing for weight loss is being in a calorie deficit. Workouts are great for health and help in maintenance but tracking calories and staying in a calorie deficit is really the way for weight loss. Don’t stop your elliptical but also track your foods and maintain your calories below your maintenance calories to I…
  • Sugar free gum, no calorie flavored seltzer, Chobani zero sugar Greek yogurt, Chobani flips. The cravings definitely get better as you eat more Whole Foods and less processed foods.
    in Sweet Tooth Comment by wm3796 March 8
  • I would just focus on total daily calories and not worry about much else. Once that is doable can try to get your daily gram of protein needs which depends on your ideal body weight and keep your calories in check. I never really worry about the other numbers unless you have specific medical reason.
  • I have been in maintenance for nearly 7 months and weigh daily. It keeps me on track.
  • I used to drink a diet soda everyday and then switched to flavored no calorie carbonated water with only 1 diet soda on the weekend. Then after a few months stopped the diet soda completely. Sometimes not quitting cold turkey can be helpful in the long run. Just come up with a plan and stick to it
  • That is at times very challenging. These are things that work for me… chewing sugar free gum, water, flavored no calorie seltzer, go for a walk
    in Food Comment by wm3796 February 9
  • I am a member and love the workouts there. I have also been doing the strength 50 classes 2 x a week. I did not sign up for the transformation challenge but am looking forward to this months workouts. Catch me if you can on Tuesday is always so hard! Good luck with TC!
  • I just weigh the amount that I already pre logged so my mind accepts that’s the correct serving for my body and health. It really amazed me how far I was off for serving size before I started weighing and measuring food. I nearly always ate more than I thought. It also takes some time for you to adjust to eating lower…
  • Use a food scale and measure all foods. Try to limit eating out since there are added sauces, oils that add extra calories. Prelogging all meals for the day helped me not go over on calories. Some people eat frequent snacks but for me eliminating a lot of that and sticking to 3 healthy and filling meals helped a lot. Most…
  • Check out the Zoe podcast. It has some good information about different health topics with different guests, usually leaders in health and nutrition science.
  • That is normal. Eat plenty of food right now. Your body will adjust but takes some time. Congratulations!
  • That’s awesome. Keep up the good work. When at your goal remember how good you feel and keep that with you, even after your trip for long term success.
  • I have always started my garden from plants, but this year I want to try from seeds. Do the quality of the seeds matter? Do people have recommendations on where they buy seeds?
  • I don’t snack anymore but rarely. I try to add more vegetables and lean protein to my meals. When I have the rare snack, it would be an apple, plain skyr, or small serving of nuts. I would recommend weighing nuts because it is so easy to overdo calories on nuts.
  • 2 pounds in 11 days to actually good progress. Depending how much you have to lose consider aiming for 0,5 to 1.5 pounds a week. If you have over 100 pounds to lose then 2 pounds a week may be ok for at least the beginning. If you have less than 20 pounds to lose it will take much longer. However slow and steady is much…
  • If you are tired of failing and starting over, then decide right now you won’t fail and won’t have to start over. Remember the good feeling you have when you step in the scale and see the change. Think of the more energy you will have. Think of how much easier it will be just to walk, climb stairs. Keep these thoughts with…