MuffinTopAssassin Member


  • Hello, I joined for August and made a very good start to my Weightloss. I may join again in future however can you take me off for the September challenge and I will contact you again when I want to rejoin. I am currently doing three peoples jobs and therefore not having the time to join in the conversations here, just…
  • MuffinTopAssasin PW: 189 CW: 190 1lb on this week. My 4 day cycling weekend was full of rocky road, tiffin and biscuits. But also 130 miles cycled and being v careful this week. My lovely friends baked and brought the sugary goodies and one piece led to another. I had alcohol as well, which I don’t usually do, and didn’t…
  • Early weigh in as I’m away for the weekend. PW 189 CW 189 A maintain this week
  • MuffinTopAssassin Pw 189.5 Cw 189 Loss 0.5 I am lucky to drop half a pound as I overate all last weekend (Fri, Sat & Sun). But I then enjoyed double-classing at the gym during the week and counted all my food on the app to ensure I pulled it back. I am out today and really need to ensure I make food choices I can calorie…
  • Username: MuffinTopAssassin PW: 191 CW: 189.5 1.5 off 😊 Phew! I was nervous all week that I would put some of the 7.5lb loss back on! I’ve been full of cold so there’s been zero exercise and so many lozenges! 🤧 But I feel great this morning so it’s back to the gym, then I have my grandaughter this weekend. We are going for…
  • Oooh that sounds fun! I’ll look it up 😊
  • Username: MuffunTopAssassin PW: 198.5 CW: 191.0 Oooh 7 and a half pounds off!!! 😃 I do love a Week 1 loss, it’s a real boost !!(though I know it includes ‘water weight’) My pledge was to add weightlifting and yoga to my weekly gym routine, which I have. And by counting calories I realised my food portions had well and…
  • @Tail0rMade22 What is Beat Saber? It sounds interesting! 😊
  • First day back to Weightlifting. I really didn’t feel like it, but knowing I’d made my commitment to this group got me in the door. And of course now I feel FAB! (Though I can tell it’s going to smart a fair bit over the next few days. 😬) Did my usual dance class too - which made me happy to be alive!! Hope everyone had a…
  • Thanks for the UserName feedback! I thought it was a good one the other day but then had a sudden fear that it was a bit naff or something, so before joining up to this challenge I went to change it but it wouldn’t let me - so I’m glad some of you have mentioned it! Phew! 😅 LETS DO THIS!!!! 😃
  • 1. Tell us a little about yourself? I’m 53 and a mum of two adult children. I started my family early and am now having the time of my life doing the things I would have done in my 20’s if I hadn’t been knee-deep in nappies! Im a keen cyclist and have just cycled the width of England which was 160miles (257Km) over 4 days…
  • Hello 👋🙂 MFP USER NAME: MuffinTopAssassin YOUR CHOSEN WEIGH-IN DAY: Saturday YOUR CURRENT WEIGHT: 198.5 YOUR ORIGINAL STARTING WEIGHT 198.5lbs (I’m new here) TEAM PREFERENCE Downsizers please :)