

  • Im with you on the 4pm stuff! I have tried to re-adjust so that my cals in the evening are a little more bc I get SO hungry and the cravings just jump out at me. I seem to do the self sabo pretty frequently lately, and after my last post, I am trying right now to re-stock my fridge and cabinets with healthy versions of my…
  • lol, thank you guys!! I'm glad to know Im not the only one out in the adult world that missed the whole "domestic" week at school! lol. I have a to do list now :) -George Foreman -Chicken sauces/flavorings/dressing -Ground turkey (I always forget about that!) -Veggie patties -Boboli :) hehe -and and "indulge" reward day-…
  • oh I want in!! I think this would be good for me since I am "rebooting" again for the 3rd (or 4th) time!! Melina: Start Weight (150) / Goal Weight (140) / Current Weight (140)
  • meeeeee!!!! I notice sprints work really good for that last bit in the past
  • So I thought I wasnt making much progress one month after my last "start date" and I was getting frustrated with what was in the mirror. So the hubby suggested I measure again to see where I was. :) now I feel better! btw, cholesterol came down 25 freaking point! woohoo! Start date 1/13/09 to today 2/24/09 Weight: 154---…
  • O.M.G I just got over being sick (cough, stuffed & fever) for the THIRD time in 6 weeks! WAHT IS GOING ON!!! So I'm back to the exercise routine tomorrow (again) after being MIA for a while (since Wednesday last week). Good news is that I don't think I went over in calories that whole week (woo hoo!)
  • 6" double turkey on wheat with spinach, tomato and pickle, pepper & vinegar :) mmmmmmm
  • Ompa, lompa, doopity doo..... heh heh heh!
  • hehe so excited, I forgot! Its updated now!
  • So I found a system that works :) 3-4 days of the week Run/cardio in the morning, weights at lunch and Pilates on weekends tracking food on my own mini notebook jus to keep me from mini snacking. I find I dont really eat more than my alloted amount normally on my own anyway, its the mindless snacking that gets me! and…
  • Thanks sani ;) I usually have a "snack at home" (I live with 3 boys so they always have goodies) so that usually takes my "earned cals, but I am eating them at least 4 days of the 7. (My workouts usually SOUND like a good workout, but at the beginning I usually half-*** it, so I know I still need to keep my cals in check…
  • omg WHY is it SO HARD for me to stick to this!?!?! This is round 3 with "starting" my meal logging and reporting already THIS MONTH. I am having such a hard time with the munchies! I know its just boredom but my body really FEELS hungry :( What do you guys do? blah! On a lighter side, I worked out 3 days last week and this…
  • Ditto! FYI just an idea if you dont like celery like me, my mom used to chop up apples reaaaaallllyyy small and put them in our tuna with tomato. ITS SO GOOD! It gives it a little kick and crunch and its much less than relish. (unless of course you just chop up a dill pickle and mix it in. Thats the other thing I do, and…
  • lol sumie, me too! I watched the news before going to the gym this morning, and I was like, "dang. I really dont have a reason NOT to go!" lol :) keep it up!
  • Well, I was looking for a fitness buddy of my own but it looks like you have a good group going! Any room for one more? Im coming back *again* and since I'm still getting over a gnarly cold, I'm starting slow- 25 minutes on the elliptical yesterday, plan to do it again today and Pilates tomorrow. :) Heres hoping! lol
  • Been there! I just wanted to encourage you not to give up :) I know sometimes a week feels like forever, but your body is probably doing what mine did- wait to see if the routine was actually going to last before letting anything go. It tooke me 3 weeks to see any differences and then when I did, I DID! Im on my day one…
  • 10 pounds came back with me , but I'm back! I got sick and couldn't work out so the dent I had made quickly disappeared since I didnt have a chance to get it to stick for more than a month before that happened. But Im better now and the food tracking has started and the exercise routine is is full swing on Monday :) right…
  • Once I get to my goal and see that I am able to maintain it for at least 4 months, I'm buying my first pair of 7 jeans. I fluctuate too much to let myself spend too much on jeans right now, because in 2 weeks they'll be in the "skinny clothes" pile and Ill never see them again. That and Im going to Vegas with my sister in…
  • wow there are a lot more re-starters than I thought there were going to be! Im glad Im not alone!! Ditto for starting the entries again, I dont know why weekends are so hard for me to track food on. Lunchtime workout here I come :)
  • omg, I dont know how my hubby does it either. I keep trying to get him to at least TRY to read it so I have an inside person, but he wont :) I just finished the 12 chapters of Midnight Sun that they posted and I am LOVING it! Its very much what I hoped was going on in his head when I read Twilight. I cant WAIT till they…
  • So far I havent weighed (my little monthly friend gave me a visit) but some progress anyway- I made it to the gym 3 out of 4 days this week and I have cut down on my snacking and it didn't bother me! *excited!* Ill weigh next week and see what it says... dum dum duuuuuuuummmmm!!
  • I read that blog they put up too about Midnight Sun and, since the first time I saw it, they updated what we can read from the leaked version of the draft (just one chapter) to like 200 pages. It's up there for us all to see, but this was the update from June that I read underneath it- Im hoping the latest additions to…
  • I dont like running in general. I think it might have something to do with my nose/airway (my left nostral always feels plugged) so after like 20 minutes, my whole body just screams at me. I can do intervals of sprint speed which isnt too bad but Id rather to line drills outside (I like how they go by faster. 15 min and Im…
  • omg I'm 24 and I love the darn series. I got hooked. Actually, like 10 of us at work did and we all finished all 4 books in one week! I was surprised that I was so interested in it.. I think the author started to notice that we were adults reading this thing tho, b/c the last 2 books were getting a bit, um, suggestive?…
  • omg, we have "secret spooks" at work and everyday mine is leaving me candies on my desk! My workout buddies at work and I were talking about how much CHOCOLATE we are mindlessly going through. We put all of it in a grocery bag (huge!) and I took it home to the hubby and his friends and they devoured it. lol.
  • Thanks Alicia, I am really greatful to you for that! And you guys are right, its only one day. Plus I can still eat a healthy dinner, so I dont have to write off the calories for the day... **putting away my soda*** Love this community!
  • Im 24 and Im totally in! I am so tired of feeling TIRED and heavy. starting weight :141 (well If we are starting from when I actually began dieting in July, it was 154) Current weight :141 Goal weight :130 (I can live with 135, but I really want to tone up)
  • So I found out my cat has cancer and I am really upset about it- I cant really cry at work in front of my clients so instead I bought a soda and M&Ms and got a Lean Cuisine pizza (I know its a lean cuisine, but still, its not the best choice) so apperantly I eat when Im sad and need to stuff it. Good opportunity for…
  • Ive tried the "jump right into it" method and all that got me was a good month, then a burnout, followed by putting on everything I had lost plus 10 pounds. I am finding the slower start to be more effective and the changes I am making are lasting a LOT better. Plus I don't feel like Im going to keel over from exhaustion…
  • Always a SoCal girl, originally in the desert tho (yyeeeaaahhh I dont like 120 degree heat!) Now in sunny San Diego! (and loving the 70 degree days- ahhhh!)