I need a fitness buddy....



  • pinkyjane48
    I just got over being sick (cough, stuffed & fever) for the THIRD time in 6 weeks!
    So I'm back to the exercise routine tomorrow (again) after being MIA for a while (since Wednesday last week).
    Good news is that I don't think I went over in calories that whole week (woo hoo!)
  • suprjewels
    I"m back after being sick as well. My Sweet DD gave me her cold. Lucky me didn't get it even half as bad as her. I'm still fighting it off but, did do my bowflex workout this morning. I'm dead in the evenings from fighting this thing. So I have to change up my routine and get more of a workout in the mornings. I prefer to workout at night so this is going to be a struggle. Wish me luck!!
    Hope everyone is moving lots and feeling great!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hey people!! What I great day!! I've met a mini goal of reaching 175!! I was hoping to achieve it by March since that's the weight I was when I got pregnant & here I am, a few weeks early!! I'm so very happy & grateful to all of you here for pushing me & encouraging me to keep at it!!

    My workouts today were my pushup challenge test = 40, so I'll be repeating week 5 to get stronger. And, I did Jillian's cardio kickboxing & the BL cardio max workouts 1 & 2, for a total burn of 528!!

    Feelin' good!!

    Keep movin buddies!! :drinker:
  • kerimcdonald
    Great job Sanifrey!! I did my 20 minutes of mild stretching (all I'm allowed after surgery), but I miss my running and can't wait to get back on track!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Calorie Counter
  • suzanne63
    suzanne63 Posts: 616 Member
    I took a long walk /jog to go pay some bills today.Then I came home and did some toning.The weather has been weird for February this week.It was warmer and kind of nice today for a walk/jog.I really enjoyed it.It says it is suppose to be cold again next week though.So I am enjoying the good weather now for a few days.It's not much longer untill spring.YEA!I can't wait.

  • nicolet04
    i got my workout in today...kinda. i did my stationary bike for 90 minutes. i just really dont feel like i am doing much when im on the bike cause i am also watching tv. i am sick so i just took it easy!! atleast i did something!!!!
  • kerimcdonald
    I have been cleared to do no impact yoga/stretching, and get to walk on crutches. No more wheelchair!!:happy: But I do have to admit that I've lost a half inch off of my upper arms, but I found it on my thighs. So I thought that no impact meant useless. Yikes!! It reallyis hard. Your core has to work twice as hard. So I'll do as I'm told and do 30 minutes every day except my rest day. Good luck to everyone! How are the mid weeks going?
  • suzanne63
    suzanne63 Posts: 616 Member
    You all are doing so good.I did a little toning today.My sweet heart my little boy tommy woke up with a fever this morning.So I think he is getting sick again.Please pray for my little buddy to feel better.So I will probably just do toning at home and not go for any walks for a few days to be with him.

  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Busy busy busy!!

    I did the BL sculpt video & jumped on the treadmill as well as some ab work to bring my burn to 501. I just got finished scrubbing the floors & cleaning the bathroom!! I figured it took about an hour for that. I should've worn my heart rate monitor but MFP says 198 - so I figure it's probably closer to being about half of that! Anyway, I'm feeling great!! It's 60 degrees here & it's great to have the door open to let some fresh air in!!

    Keep movin buddies!! :drinker:
  • suprjewels
    I did 12 min on the bike this morning and my bowflex routine. I'll do my bowflex routine again tonight and an hour on the gazelle and some ablounge thrown in there for some fun. :laugh:
  • nicolet04
    i just got done with my workout for the day...i did my own circuit workout today. im in a hurry and and i dont have time to post the whole thing, but its similar to the ones that i have posted in the past! good job on those workouts!!! keep it up!!
  • kerimcdonald
    I walked around the mall for a couple of hours on crutches. Holy cow!! That is a lot tougher than I thought it would be, but I'm glad that I did it.

    Great job everyone for squeezing in those workouts.
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    I did the BL Cardio & treadmill for a burn of 588 according to my Polar!! Feelin' good!!

    Keep it up buddies!! :drinker:
  • nicolet04
    just got done with p90 fat burning video and ab ripper 200! i feel great, and now i am off to give my kids a bath and clean the kitchen! yeah!!! LOL
  • kerimcdonald
    wow nicolet04, if exercise can make me excited about my housework, I am going to try much much harder LOL!! Great job on the routine though!
  • timbrok
    good gracious. I just read through the entire page. I feel lazy compared to some of you. I guess being a fitness buddy may be pretty good for everyone. :bigsmile:

    I don't think I'll get crazy enought to be happy doing housework, but if it helps shed weight, maybe I'll do some laundry!!:laugh:
  • nicolet04
    just got done with my workout....30 day shred level 2. i felt very weak today, i could hardly get through it.....maybe its cause i am still sick and i have worked out everyday this week....good thing tomorrow is a rest day!!! have a great weekend and keep up those workouts!!!!
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    Hey everyone!! Hi Nicole! I hope you start feeling better soon. You have been sick for a while. Have you been getting any rest?? I haven't been doing any workouts but I have been working my butt off at work. Not too sure that it counts but I have been working so hard! My diet hasn't been good at all either so I haven't been too encouraging lately. I vow to get back on the bandwagon here soon. Hubby and I are supposed to start working out together this weekend. Hope everyone is doing good!!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    So glad that I worked out early today because I am getting sick!! It started hitting me tonight after dinner. Now, I'm sniffling & sneezy & my head hurts! great...... Anyway, I did my week 5 day 1 of my pushup challenge & I did all treadmill for my cardio today! I just really felt like I needed to run!!

    Tomorrow will probably end up being a rest/sick day, but that's okay because I was able to work out M-F this week!!

    Keep it up!! :drinker:
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    WOW is it quiet here!!!

    Today was actually my rest day, as I did end up getting sick! However, I did do some cleaning today for about 2 hours so that's something!! :drinker: I'm hoping to feel a bit better tomorrow so that I can get back to my routine!!

    Keep movin!!