I need a fitness buddy....



  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Heeelllloooooo!! Where is everyone????

    I'm still sick but I'm hoping to do a light walk on the treadmill! I just feel like I should do something!!

    Keep movin!!
  • SammyD
    SammyD Posts: 50
    I haven't logged on in few days, whoops! :tongue: But I have been working out! I started a new class called Physical Transformation that is really intense. It's a blend of cardio and strength training 3 times a week and its kicking my butt.
    Tonight I did 5 min each of: jump roping, aerobic stair-stepping, kicks on a bosu ball, stationary bike and suicides...and that was just the warm up! Then we did a whole bunch of upper arm stuff with barbells and free weights and topped it all up with ab work.
    The trick to this class is that the instructor won't let you use wimpy weights (so no 3 and 5 lbs like what I usually do!) and we do each exercise to fatigue point.
    My arms are starting to get tired just from typing this I worked them so hard tonight! But I feel great!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    I haven't logged on in few days, whoops! :tongue: But I have been working out! I started a new class called Physical Transformation that is really intense. It's a blend of cardio and strength training 3 times a week and its kicking my butt.
    Tonight I did 5 min each of: jump roping, aerobic stair-stepping, kicks on a bosu ball, stationary bike and suicides...and that was just the warm up! Then we did a whole bunch of upper arm stuff with barbells and free weights and topped it all up with ab work.
    The trick to this class is that the instructor won't let you use wimpy weights (so no 3 and 5 lbs like what I usually do!) and we do each exercise to fatigue point.
    My arms are starting to get tired just from typing this I worked them so hard tonight! But I feel great!

    That sounds awesome!! You should definately see some serious results from all of that!!

    I'm still sick today & I haven't worked out since Friday (aside from some house work on Saturday) I really feel like I need to do SOMETHING today, so I'm hoping, hoping, hoping to maybe pop in a Biggest Loser dvd later! I figure that would be better then the boring treadmill! I'll be sure to report back & let you know!!
  • nicolet04
    Happy monday to the very few people left on here!!! i know we wont regret it:wink: so i just finished my workout...i started p90x!!! i did core synergistics today and it was an awesome workout!! some of the things were really hard to do but i did the best that i could!!! hopefully i will see great results!!

    Sanifrey- i hope u feel better soon :flowerforyou:
  • nicolet04
    Hey everyone!! Hi Nicole! I hope you start feeling better soon. You have been sick for a while. Have you been getting any rest?? I haven't been doing any workouts but I have been working my butt off at work. Not too sure that it counts but I have been working so hard! My diet hasn't been good at all either so I haven't been too encouraging lately. I vow to get back on the bandwagon here soon. Hubby and I are supposed to start working out together this weekend. Hope everyone is doing good!!

    thanks!! i feel like i have been sick for ever...some days r worse than others, but i always push through it and do something! i do give myself 2 rest days a week, but thats gonna be 0 now cause i started p90x and its 7 days a week. I feel like i get enough rest (8-9 hours of sleep at night) so i dont know whats the deal. it feels like an ongoing cold....maybe its the season! i will be glad when it gets warmer!!! so anyway..... jump back on the wagon cause i miss seeing you on here!!!:wink:
  • catnrolly
    I am in!

    Here's my confession of the day... I ate two cookies and a handful of chips at lunch. I can only eat ~350 calories at dinner and I still have to work out.. ugh...
  • kerimcdonald
    Sanifrey- I hope you feel better soon!! My daughter was sick with what sounds like the same thing, and she was miserable, so my heart goes out to you.

    I haven't been on in a few days, I had family here, but I definitely did my workout. We live in a historic community, so we walked all over since it was warm and read the dates on buildings to try and find the oldest one. Goofy, I know, but it kept us walking around for 3 hours. Crutches are really hard to walk on for that length of time, but I totally feel it and I'm glad we did it.
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    HEEEYYY!!!! I'm so happy to see everyone!! I was missing you guys over the weekend!! All of my favorite threads were slow!! It was really tough on me!! *sniff* *sniff* JK!! But, okay, maybe a little tough!! :wink:

    Anywho, glad to see everyone keeping busy!! Thank you for the get well wishes!! I'm feeling a little better. It kinda subsides during the day but picks up again at night & into the morning. I was able to do my Biggest Loser dvd & some crunches!! So glad I got that in! I'd like to do some push ups tonight as well during commerical breaks!

    P90X sounds awesome!! Enjoy!

    I also love the idea of a 3 hour walk around town! Not goofy at all!! If more people did stuff like that Americans wouldn't have the weight problems that we do!

    Well, I'm off to go veg!!

    Keep movin'!! :drinker:
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Sanifrey - sorry you got sick, but so proud of you with sticking to "staying active". CONGRATS! on achieving one of your goals early.... You are really doing a great job!

    Nicole - You are still one "Tuff Cookie" hope you are ding much better too.

    Welcome! to the new names

    My father passed away at the age of 81.... :cry: I was out of the country all last week. He didn't suffer and lived a full life :smile: I'm comforted to know that.

    I returned on Friday and took a long walk with my dog... burned 740 calories... it was the middle of the day and I think the sun caused me to burn more calories than I normally do when I walk for 90 minutes. I haven't done anything since. :embarassed: I weighed myself this morning and I'm still 170... no gain, no loss.

    I'm planning on doing the gym this afternoon... I hope I make it.

    You guys are KICKING BUTT! I need you guys to keep it up so I can follow :)

    I'm planning to go to the
  • nicolet04
    hey everybody!!! i just got finished with day 2 of my p90x journey! i did cardio X today! the beginning was a little slow but i loved the rest!! the yoga kills my wrists...any suggestions?? im a little scared for tomorrow...shoulders and arms.....my husband is doing it with me and he already did this one and it looks tough...wish me luck...lol:wink:

    spicy-im sorry to hear about ur father:flowerforyou:

    well hope u all have a great day!!!
  • suprjewels
    Hi everyone. Been gone awhile. Lots of stress and not dealing well with it. Not exercising so had nothing to report. But, happy to report I did my bowflex/bike routine yesterday and today. I actually did 30 min extra yesterday since it was a day off for my workout partner. I'm trying to convince myself that I can get my stress out better with exercise than with calorie consumption. So any agreements and pushes towards that idea would be very welcome from my fitness buddies!!! Thanks! You all are wonderful and so encouraging.

    Spicy~ my prayers and love with you and your family for your loss
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    HEELLLOOO Buddies!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Today, I did the BL power sculpt dvd & then Jillian's cardio kickboxing!! Good stuff!! I have a feeling I'm really going to feel it in the morning though!! I have plans to go to step class in the morning, hopefully I can get up, get the girls ready (if everyone is healthy) & get there on time! I didn't make it at all last week due to our colds but we're doing much better now, so I'm hopeful!!

    I'm looking forward to the Biggest Loser tonight & my 100 calorie bag of kettle corn!! :bigsmile:

    Keep Movin'!! :drinker:

    spicy - I am very sorry for your loss, my thoughts & prayers to you and your family!
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Thank you for all your prayer and thoughts... :flowerforyou:

    I made it to the gym yesterday? Yay! I did 35 on the eliptical and 25 strength training. My HRM showed 529 calories burned... I'm feeling those hacksaw squats today.... and it feels good :)

    My girlfriend is joining me at the gym today... hopefully she will stick with it and help me stay motivated. :) I will let you all know tomorrow.

    Make it a great day!
  • kerimcdonald
    spicy- my prayers for you for your father. I'm glad to hear that he enjoyed a long life beforehand. You are handling things very well.

    suprjewels- Stress makes me feel like crap. I feel defeated and want to curl up with my loyal boyfriends Ben&Jerry. But now, I've broken off the relationship with food and when I'm stressed, I walk. I walk and think and take control back of my life, I look for solutions, or rational feelings and breathe the fresh air and watch my neighbor kids play and people walking their dogs and remember that I am the only one that can let myself stress out, and I deserve more than that. We all do. Losing weight is stressful anyway, and we can't turn off all the other of life's stresses just because we have a lot on our mind, no matter how much we need it. But we control how we handle it, we deserve that much at least.
  • nicolet04
    Hey!! so i just finished day 3 of p90x!! i did shoulders,arms and ab ripper! i know i will definatly be feeling it tomorrow! hope everyone is having an awesome day...keep up those workouts!!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hey Buddies!!

    I had a great step class today! We did a ton of crazy ab work so I'm really gonna fell that tomrrow!! I also did my pushups today so I'm feeling good!!

    Keep movin'!! :drinker:
  • shannan74
    shannan74 Posts: 115 Member
    Hey Ya'll!

    I tried this website back in January and quit and since then I've gained 12 lbs in 3 weeks! UUGGGHHH. I need HELP! I think I'm a little depressed, have no money for the gym and am training for a new job. ( luckily I got one).... I'm working swing shifts and my sleeping pattern is all screwed up and I am having difficulty setting myself a work or eating schedule. I am 34 years old almost 35 and have consistently gained 10 lbs per year since I turned 30. It has go to stop. I can't ad 50 more before I'm 40! Today I had way too many calories... I drank a lot of water and I am trying to get started working out. I did 8 minutes on my elliptical that burned 100 calories. I don't want to be so sore that I discourage myself for continuing working out daily. Yesterday I walked for an hour only burning 245 calories. The day before I did work out video's with some girls. I think my problem is how much and what I'm eating. I've got to get back on fruits, vegetables and whole grains! Any encouragement or advice is appreciated.

    Shannan in SC
    "Bikini Bound"
  • dskline1
    dskline1 Posts: 123
    Hi folks!! I am a new newbie as of today and would like to join your group....looks like you have an amazing thing going....I am trying to regain the energy level of my youth and destress as much as possible. Need to resructure my diet completely. Just want to start making better choices for myself. I recently (last week) started the BL Cardio dvd and am able to do all three levels, but, i feel it. Just did two days in a row yesterday and am giving myself the night off...my quads are super sore!!! I have been reading and reading about the p90x...can any of you girls tell me if it would be a good second step after I am done with the BL cardio????

    Thanks! and I hope to be checking in daily......trying to convince myself that I want fresh fruit instead of that frosted strawberry poptart in the pantry......uuugggghhhhhh!

  • jnellup
    hello! so I just ate a whole pesto pizza from Trader Joe's. Then I stumbled across this website, signed up, and read some of the posts here and think that you all have a great support for each other! I need something like this to keep me motivated, and because of this website I've come to the resolution that I REALLY need to start exercising again. Tonight I'm going to do a few laps on the track and run a few stairs! All of your successes are encouraging me as well :smile: I'll try to check in everyday to see how everyone else is fairing too.
    I'm not going to buy frozen pizzas anymore.
  • nicolet04
    Hey Ya'll!

    I tried this website back in January and quit and since then I've gained 12 lbs in 3 weeks! UUGGGHHH. I need HELP! I think I'm a little depressed, have no money for the gym and am training for a new job. ( luckily I got one).... I'm working swing shifts and my sleeping pattern is all screwed up and I am having difficulty setting myself a work or eating schedule. I am 34 years old almost 35 and have consistently gained 10 lbs per year since I turned 30. It has go to stop. I can't ad 50 more before I'm 40! Today I had way too many calories... I drank a lot of water and I am trying to get started working out. I did 8 minutes on my elliptical that burned 100 calories. I don't want to be so sore that I discourage myself for continuing working out daily. Yesterday I walked for an hour only burning 245 calories. The day before I did work out video's with some girls. I think my problem is how much and what I'm eating. I've got to get back on fruits, vegetables and whole grains! Any encouragement or advice is appreciated.

    Shannan in SC
    "Bikini Bound"

    Welcome!!!:flowerforyou: first off you have to make a commitment to urself and u have to want it. i make workingout my #1 priority before anything else(besides my kids.) even if its only 20 minutes...thats better than 0 minutes and u WILL feel sooooo much better afterwards! i dont have a gym memebership, i do it all at home. 30 day shred is a great 20 minute workout if u dont have lots of time. if u really have no time, park in the farthest parking spot wherever u go and always take the stairs. Good job on the elliptical today and ur workouts the past couple of days!!! keep it up...u wont regret it....u will regret it, if u quit! as for food, eat things u enjoy, but alternate them to make them healthy. eat small meals every 2-4 hours. u have to really want it and commit to it or u will not succeed. good luck!!