I need a fitness buddy....



  • nicolet04
    Hi folks!! I am a new newbie as of today and would like to join your group....looks like you have an amazing thing going....I am trying to regain the energy level of my youth and destress as much as possible. Need to resructure my diet completely. Just want to start making better choices for myself. I recently (last week) started the BL Cardio dvd and am able to do all three levels, but, i feel it. Just did two days in a row yesterday and am giving myself the night off...my quads are super sore!!! I have been reading and reading about the p90x...can any of you girls tell me if it would be a good second step after I am done with the BL cardio????

    Thanks! and I hope to be checking in daily......trying to convince myself that I want fresh fruit instead of that frosted strawberry poptart in the pantry......uuugggghhhhhh!


    Welcome to the group!!!:flowerforyou: great job on the workouts!!! as for p90x, i just started it monday and i luv it!!! i normally get bored by the end of my workouts but i really like this one alot!! u do something different everyday and its alot easier than i expected..... totally worth it!!
    oh....and throw out those poptarts!!! if u want something sweet try 1/2 cup low fat cottage cheese with 1/2 tbsp raspberry or strawberry jam....most people think it sounds nasty, but i luv it!!!
  • nicolet04
    hello! so I just ate a whole pesto pizza from Trader Joe's. Then I stumbled across this website, signed up, and read some of the posts here and think that you all have a great support for each other! I need something like this to keep me motivated, and because of this website I've come to the resolution that I REALLY need to start exercising again. Tonight I'm going to do a few laps on the track and run a few stairs! All of your successes are encouraging me as well :smile: I'll try to check in everyday to see how everyone else is fairing too.
    I'm not going to buy frozen pizzas anymore.

    Welcome!!! :drinker: keep coming here and u will saty encouraged and motivated! eventually u will luv to workout!! i can actually say this is the first week since i started excercising that i didnt dread working out:drinker: good luck with the workouts and keep them up!! oh...and no more frozen pizza's:wink:
  • nicolet04
    so i just finished(well before i wrote all the posts) p90x kenpo with my hubby. i cant believe i actually did 2 workouts today....2 1/2 hours!!! i cant remember the last time i did that much!! i am off to bed now...hope everybody had a fantastic night!!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hello Buddies & Newbie Buddies!!

    This is a great bunch, we try to be encouraging & keep it encouraging so welcome!! Today is going to end up being a REST day for me. I have so much to do! I have lunch planned with an older sister from my congregation & then I have to pick up my 6 month old nephew to give my SIL a rest to recover from some recent surgery she had. I'm a bit nervous about taking care of 3 children today!! My youngest is almost 1 year & she can be very clingy & my 3 year old is very, very clingy! It should be interesting.... :smile: :smile: Maybe I should wear my HRM to see how many calories I'll burn trying to keep everyone happy!! :wink:

    Have a great day buddies & keep movin'!! :drinker:
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Good Morning all!

    Welcome to the newcomers. Congrats on making the decision to live a healthier lifestyle!

    Just take things one day at a time and make sure you log every single morsel you eat... I find that being able to see what you are eating and being accountable, by coming here and telling others what you accomplished as fas as exercise, makes me feel good.

    My friend bailed out on me yesterday :( but I went for a long walk with my dog :) my HRM showed 490 calories burned... i think my dog is getting too old for these long walks (12 years old). She was walking behind me, which she never does and she was limping, so I picked her up (40 lbs) and was carrying her home, when this girl stopped and asked me if I wanted a ride. Thank God, cause I didn't think I would make it... I'm not that fit yet ;) No more 90 minute walks for her :(

    I'm making today my rest day... Hope everyone on a rest day, makes great food choices.

    Nicole is making look into this PX90... I get bored easily too, but if it's as diverse as you say, I might try it... how much is it?

    Make it a great day everyone!
  • SammyD
    SammyD Posts: 50
    Welcome to all the new people!!
    I haven't been on the last few days because I haven't been out of bed!!! I have one of those colds that stays up in your head and makes your face hurt:sad: My throat is sore, thats the worst part, and I've had so much Sudafed in me the last few days I don't think I'm safe to operate an elliptical:tongue:
    I think I'm finally getting over it though, so I hope to be back at it tomorrow. It was nice here yesterday so I walked around the block just to get out of the house...but then I came in and collapsed for the rest of the night!

    Good to hear how much everyone is doing and the commitments to eat better. I know food is always my biggest challenge! Hang in there and keep moving!!
  • suprjewels
    I've done 15 min on the bike and did my bowflex routine this morning. I got my wii fit last night. I couldn't get the kids off of it. But, today they both have school. so, after I drop them off it's all mine. I'm so excited. I'm going to wear my HRM to see what happens. YEAH!!! I've waited a year to get it, I'm way to excited. :bigsmile: :laugh:
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Welcome to all the new people!!
    I haven't been on the last few days because I haven't been out of bed!!! I have one of those colds that stays up in your head and makes your face hurt:sad: My throat is sore, thats the worst part, and I've had so much Sudafed in me the last few days I don't think I'm safe to operate an elliptical:tongue:
    I think I'm finally getting over it though, so I hope to be back at it tomorrow. It was nice here yesterday so I walked around the block just to get out of the house...but then I came in and collapsed for the rest of the night!

    Good to hear how much everyone is doing and the commitments to eat better. I know food is always my biggest challenge! Hang in there and keep moving!!

    Sorry to hear you're under the weather... definately stay OFF of the eliptical while on drugs :) Hope you get better really soon.
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    I've done 15 min on the bike and did my bowflex routine this morning. I got my wii fit last night. I couldn't get the kids off of it. But, today they both have school. so, after I drop them off it's all mine. I'm so excited. I'm going to wear my HRM to see what happens. YEAH!!! I've waited a year to get it, I'm way to excited. :bigsmile: :laugh:

    Yay for you getting your Wii Fit... I don't own it, but from what I hear, you will get a workout....Enjoy!
  • kerimcdonald
    Wow. I've heard great things about the wii fit. I thought about getting one but want to make sure it's worth it, you will have to let me know.

    My heart goes out to everyone who isn't feeling well. I wish you the best for speedy recovery.

    All of uour new folks- welcome!! Everyone here is amazing and when I feel like doing laundry is workout enough for the day, I look on here and am inspired to get moving, and fast.

    Question- Where do you get a HRM, how much is it and, and how do you figure out calories burned or is that on there. Thanks for all the help!! :happy:
  • shannan74
    shannan74 Posts: 115 Member
    Hey Ya'll!

    I tried this website back in January and quit and since then I've gained 12 lbs in 3 weeks! UUGGGHHH. I need HELP! I think I'm a little depressed, have no money for the gym and am training for a new job. ( luckily I got one).... I'm working swing shifts and my sleeping pattern is all screwed up and I am having difficulty setting myself a work or eating schedule. I am 34 years old almost 35 and have consistently gained 10 lbs per year since I turned 30. It has go to stop. I can't ad 50 more before I'm 40! Today I had way too many calories... I drank a lot of water and I am trying to get started working out. I did 8 minutes on my elliptical that burned 100 calories. I don't want to be so sore that I discourage myself for continuing working out daily. Yesterday I walked for an hour only burning 245 calories. The day before I did work out video's with some girls. I think my problem is how much and what I'm eating. I've got to get back on fruits, vegetables and whole grains! Any encouragement or advice is appreciated.

    Shannan in SC
    "Bikini Bound"

    Welcome!!!:flowerforyou: first off you have to make a commitment to urself and u have to want it. i make workingout my #1 priority before anything else(besides my kids.) even if its only 20 minutes...thats better than 0 minutes and u WILL feel sooooo much better afterwards! i dont have a gym memebership, i do it all at home. 30 day shred is a great 20 minute workout if u dont have lots of time. if u really have no time, park in the farthest parking spot wherever u go and always take the stairs. Good job on the elliptical today and ur workouts the past couple of days!!! keep it up...u wont regret it....u will regret it, if u quit! as for food, eat things u enjoy, but alternate them to make them healthy. eat small meals every 2-4 hours. u have to really want it and commit to it or u will not succeed. good luck!!
  • shannan74
    shannan74 Posts: 115 Member
    Hey Ya'll!

    I tried this website back in January and quit and since then I've gained 12 lbs in 3 weeks! UUGGGHHH. I need HELP! I think I'm a little depressed, have no money for the gym and am training for a new job. ( luckily I got one).... I'm working swing shifts and my sleeping pattern is all screwed up and I am having difficulty setting myself a work or eating schedule. I am 34 years old almost 35 and have consistently gained 10 lbs per year since I turned 30. It has go to stop. I can't ad 50 more before I'm 40! Today I had way too many calories... I drank a lot of water and I am trying to get started working out. I did 8 minutes on my elliptical that burned 100 calories. I don't want to be so sore that I discourage myself for continuing working out daily. Yesterday I walked for an hour only burning 245 calories. The day before I did work out video's with some girls. I think my problem is how much and what I'm eating. I've got to get back on fruits, vegetables and whole grains! Any encouragement or advice is appreciated

    Shannan in SC
    "Bikini Bound"

    Welcome!!!:flowerforyou: first off you have to make a commitment to urself and u have to want it. i make workingout my #1 priority before anything else(besides my kids.) even if its only 20 minutes...thats better than 0 minutes and u WILL feel sooooo much better afterwards! i dont have a gym memebership, i do it all at home. 30 day shred is a great 20 minute workout if u dont have lots of time. if u really have no time, park in the farthest parking spot wherever u go and always take the stairs. Good job on the elliptical today and ur workouts the past couple of days!!! keep it up...u wont regret it....u will regret it, if u quit! as for food, eat things u enjoy, but alternate them to make them healthy. eat small meals every 2-4 hours. u have to really want it and commit to it or u will not succeed. good luck!!

    Thanks for the words of encouragement. I'm starving and trying to keep my calories for supper.
  • shannan74
    shannan74 Posts: 115 Member
    so i just finished(well before i wrote all the posts) p90x kenpo with my hubby. i cant believe i actually did 2 workouts today....2 1/2 hours!!! i cant remember the last time i did that much!! i am off to bed now...hope everybody had a fantastic night!!

    Wow, I am envious of your stamina!
  • shannan74
    shannan74 Posts: 115 Member
    Welcome to all the new people!!
    I haven't been on the last few days because I haven't been out of bed!!! I have one of those colds that stays up in your head and makes your face hurt:sad: My throat is sore, thats the worst part, and I've had so much Sudafed in me the last few days I don't think I'm safe to operate an elliptical:tongue:
    I think I'm finally getting over it though, so I hope to be back at it tomorrow. It was nice here yesterday so I walked around the block just to get out of the house...but then I came in and collapsed for the rest of the night!

    Good to hear how much everyone is doing and the commitments to eat better. I know food is always my biggest challenge! Hang in there and keep moving!!

    I hope you start feeling better. I had that crud last week. I was in bed for days too....
  • shannan74
    shannan74 Posts: 115 Member
    I've done 15 min on the bike and did my bowflex routine this morning. I got my wii fit last night. I couldn't get the kids off of it. But, today they both have school. so, after I drop them off it's all mine. I'm so excited. I'm going to wear my HRM to see what happens. YEAH!!! I've waited a year to get it, I'm way to excited. :bigsmile: :laugh:

    Yay for you getting your Wii Fit... I don't own it, but from what I hear, you will get a workout....Enjoy!

    Can't wait to hear if it makes you sweat!!!
  • nicolet04
    hey fitness buddies!!! i just finished my workout for today...i did p90x yoga. i only did 45 minutes of it cause to me it is sooo boring. i think im gonna take a walk outside today cause its actually nice outside!!

    spicy- p90x is around $120....i think.(i am borrowing mine) totally worth it cause u get 12 different workouts!!!

    shannan- if u r starving, try drinking a big glass of water...it usually helps my hunger for a little while!! if that doesnt work maybe have a half cup of fruit!

    hope u all have a super day!!
  • suprjewels
    I LOVED the wii. I sweated but, not alot. because it was my first time there was a lot of stopping and my "trainer" showing me how to do the next thing. But, what was great is that they add the time you are actually exercising not the learning time. So it told me when I hit 30 min. I did better than I thought on my balance. I'm actually a master in some of the yoga poses. I was quite shocked and proud. I used my HRM and I burned 140 calories. I worked out for an hour but alot of that hour was instruction. I think it will be better tomorrow now that I know more of what to do. I felt my muscles burning in quite a bit of the exercises.
    I bought my HRM on woot.com for a one day sale and got it for I think $24. It adds the calories burned for you. You have to figure out how many calories you burn sitting on your butt. Then you subtract it from what it tells you that you burned. I love my HRM. It comes in quite handy with my weight lifting on the bowflex. It's also alot more accurate than my gazelle and bike. Love it. I hope I answered some of your questions.
  • dskline1
    dskline1 Posts: 123
    Hi folks!! I am a new newbie as of today and would like to join your group....looks like you have an amazing thing going....I am trying to regain the energy level of my youth and destress as much as possible. Need to resructure my diet completely. Just want to start making better choices for myself. I recently (last week) started the BL Cardio dvd and am able to do all three levels, but, i feel it. Just did two days in a row yesterday and am giving myself the night off...my quads are super sore!!! I have been reading and reading about the p90x...can any of you girls tell me if it would be a good second step after I am done with the BL cardio????

    Thanks! and I hope to be checking in daily......trying to convince myself that I want fresh fruit instead of that frosted strawberry poptart in the pantry......uuugggghhhhhh!


    Welcome to the group!!!:flowerforyou: great job on the workouts!!! as for p90x, i just started it monday and i luv it!!! i normally get bored by the end of my workouts but i really like this one alot!! u do something different everyday and its alot easier than i expected..... totally worth it!!
    oh....and throw out those poptarts!!! if u want something sweet try 1/2 cup low fat cottage cheese with 1/2 tbsp raspberry or strawberry jam....most people think it sounds nasty, but i luv it!!!

    Thanks for your reply....I know I know about the poptarts, but, I swear that I am addicted to them!!! Crazy, huh? Anyway, today I did eat my ol faithful for breakfast, but instead of eating another pkg of poptarts I opted for a good ole fashioned pbj....prolly the same amount of calories, but hopefully better nutrition wise and I am still full from lunch....not sure how I will fit in dinner. Do you put your cottage cheese / jam mixture on anything? I am really looking forward to the p90x....will hopefully order it at the end of the month and wait very impatiently....lol Again, I appreciate your post...I have SOOOO much to learn.....~Sheryl
  • shannan74
    shannan74 Posts: 115 Member
    OK Today I went over my calories but only by 200..... and I did 15 minutes of aerobic exercise and 10 minutes elliptical burning a total of 260 calories..... I feel better about myself today for sticking to it. I also went to the grocery store and bought high fiber oatmeal ( maple brown sugar YUM) and stuff to make a salad and some bananas. I've always heard if you shop at the perimeter of the grocery store instead of down the isles you will eat much better. Meat, dairy, & produce are always around the perimeters....
  • kerimcdonald
    Great job with the shopping. You are right. All of the good stuff is on the perimeters of the store. I have to send my daughter or husband down to get stuff out of the bad isles. If I walk idly by, I have a better chance of grabbing junk and looking at the calories and thinking, "hey I can work that into my meal". I really don't need the junk, an apple or veggies are much better.