I need a fitness buddy....



  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    I had an awesome work out today!! I went to step class but my regular instructor is away on vacation so another girl filled in. We didn't use the steps but rather those huge exercise balls! We danced around, jumped & jacked, knee lifted, squated & lunged until I thought I'd scream!! It was great! I really feel it in my shoulders! It was really fun to mix it up a bit!

    The wii sounds like alot of fun!! My husband wants me to get something special with our tax return this year... hmmm.... maybe I'll consider purchasing one of those...

    Have a great day & keep movin'!! :drinker:
  • ttoombs
    ttoombs Posts: 220 Member
    I'm in. Anybody have any suggestions for somebody that has a steel rod in their leg. I have to be careful my knee is kinda bad, that's why the rod. :frown:
  • momtothreebabies
    momtothreebabies Posts: 106 Member
    IVE MISSED YOU ALL!!!!!! I am finally back after a whole month of sickness! uti into a kidney infection right into stomach flu, then right into strep throat! Darn those kids and there illnesses they feel like sharing with mommy!!!!!!
    Well, i havent lost any weight, but i havent gained any weight, which is good, i did lose and inch and a half off my tummy!!!!! So i dont have to start all the way over again. Today i finally feel like myself so im off to do some tae bo!!! Im soo ready for spring and getting to play outside and go for walks etc!! Anyone with me! LOL.
    Ugh, i sure have missed you guys!!!!!
    Great job everyone and welcome welcome to all the newbies!!!!
  • hey buddies!!! just finished day 5 of p90x....today i did legs, back and ab ripper x!!!! i was gonna do another hour on the treadmill, but i didnt realize that this would be a killer workout...i luv it!! it was almost an 1 1/2 hours so i shouldnt complain too much!

    welcome to the new people!!!

    jaelle- glad to see ur back and feeling better!! it is hard to have kids that are always passing around their sicknesses.....i try to push through it and it always makes me feel so much better!:flowerforyou:

    ttoombs- welcome!! maybe try some swimming or a statinary bike! im not in the sme situation so sorry if im not much help!

    great workouts everybody!! keep it up!:drinker:
  • Hi folks!! I am a new newbie as of today and would like to join your group....looks like you have an amazing thing going....I am trying to regain the energy level of my youth and destress as much as possible. Need to resructure my diet completely. Just want to start making better choices for myself. I recently (last week) started the BL Cardio dvd and am able to do all three levels, but, i feel it. Just did two days in a row yesterday and am giving myself the night off...my quads are super sore!!! I have been reading and reading about the p90x...can any of you girls tell me if it would be a good second step after I am done with the BL cardio????

    Thanks! and I hope to be checking in daily......trying to convince myself that I want fresh fruit instead of that frosted strawberry poptart in the pantry......uuugggghhhhhh!


    Welcome to the group!!!:flowerforyou: great job on the workouts!!! as for p90x, i just started it monday and i luv it!!! i normally get bored by the end of my workouts but i really like this one alot!! u do something different everyday and its alot easier than i expected..... totally worth it!!
    oh....and throw out those poptarts!!! if u want something sweet try 1/2 cup low fat cottage cheese with 1/2 tbsp raspberry or strawberry jam....most people think it sounds nasty, but i luv it!!!

    Thanks for your reply....I know I know about the poptarts, but, I swear that I am addicted to them!!! Crazy, huh? Anyway, today I did eat my ol faithful for breakfast, but instead of eating another pkg of poptarts I opted for a good ole fashioned pbj....prolly the same amount of calories, but hopefully better nutrition wise and I am still full from lunch....not sure how I will fit in dinner. Do you put your cottage cheese / jam mixture on anything? I am really looking forward to the p90x....will hopefully order it at the end of the month and wait very impatiently....lol Again, I appreciate your post...I have SOOOO much to learn.....~Sheryl

    great job on only 1 pkg of poptarts today..lol!! its a process, one change at a time, one day at a time! as for the cottage cheese/jam, i just mix them together in a bowl and eat it plain!!! yum yum:smile: thats actually what i ate for breakfast. another snack u could try is 1 slice whole grain bread(i like sara lee 45 calorie) toasted, put 1 tbs all natural peanut butter on top and then top it with a little unsweetened applesauce....oh soooo good! u have made the first step already...coming here, so just keep it up and u WILL see results!!

  • I did my normal bike/bowflex routine this morning. Then I got myfitness coach today. I had to try it out. I've done a 15 min flexibility workout and am about to do 30 min core body workout right now. bye fitness pals! Woohoo:bigsmile: :drinker:
  • I did my fitness coach for 30 min this morning and burned 338 calories according to my hrm. I was sweating. It was fun and exhausting.
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    I splurged yesterday & bought the family a Wii I also picked up the Wii Fit & balance board! What fun!! I didn't really get to work out just a little run on the Wii Fit. Most of my day was shopping & setting up the game! But, it's going to be fun!!

    Today I have to hit the treadmill hard to prepare for my family's(Mom, Dad, Brother & his Wife) visit.

    Have a great day everyone!!

  • shannan74
    shannan74 Posts: 115 Member
    I splurged yesterday & bought the family a Wii I also picked up the Wii Fit & balance board! What fun!! I didn't really get to work out just a little run on the Wii Fit. Most of my day was shopping & setting up the game! But, it's going to be fun!!

    Today I have to hit the treadmill hard to prepare for my family's(Mom, Dad, Brother & his Wife) visit.

    Have a great day everyone!!


    Good Luck with finding time to excercise and prepare for company,.
  • shannan74
    shannan74 Posts: 115 Member
    I did my fitness coach for 30 min this morning and burned 338 calories according to my hrm. I was sweating. It was fun and exhausting.

    Good for you! Doesn't it feel great to sweat!
  • shannan74
    shannan74 Posts: 115 Member
    OK... I wasn't very good this weekend. It is now Sunday and I didn't work out Friday or Saturday. I went over my caloric intake limit by 500-600 calolories both days. I t hink I'm taking in too many calories first thing in the a.m. . I've been eating 2 packs of oatmeal and then an hour later eating a banana. I think I need to cut back to one pace of oatmeal and then maybe just do a banana in the a.m. for breakfast.

    Also, I don't drink during the week but as soon as I get the chance to see my bf on the weekends we drink together and that is making me intake too many calories.

    So, this week I only eat one pack of oatmeal in the a.m. and make sure I exercise daily ( even if 100 calories is all that I'm burning.)
  • I just signed up here a about a month ago and never ran into this topic. I would like to join in and be accountable.

    I walked the dog for 30 minutes today and ate a healthy breakfast so far today!!
  • shannan74
    shannan74 Posts: 115 Member
    I just signed up here a about a month ago and never ran into this topic. I would like to join in and be accountable.

    I walked the dog for 30 minutes today and ate a healthy breakfast so far today!!

    Well, welcome to the support group. Congrats on walking the dog for 30 minutes. Keep Moving!
  • shannan74
    shannan74 Posts: 115 Member
    So today I had a banana for breakfast and a salad for lunch and I'm full so far,( not sure how long this will last.) I think i want to buy the px90. I hear everyone talking about it. I was torn between spending the Money for the gym or the px90. Seems like px90 may be more convenient as their isn't a close good gym near my house.
  • I am proud of myself because I went to a pampered chef party tonight with alot of food. I only had 2 ritz crackers w/pieces of cheese, and quckamole with 4 tostitos. I had water to drink.. Ohhh and I had one strawberry.

    I still have 500 calories for today, but it's almost time for bed and I don't need them. So that's pretty good.

    It was nice reading what everyone has done today too!! Shannon.. don't worry about not working out over the weekend. Tomorrow is a new day. Try to get a workout or a walk in tomorrow.

    Looking forward to being accountable more. Looks like it worked.. LOL
  • hey fitness buddies!!! i have been super busy this weekend so i didnt get to post my workout yesterday.... i did p90x kenpo! it was an awesome workout! today is my rest day and im sure glad it is, cause i was kid free last night and went out with some friends, and didnt get to bed until 7am this morning and i got up at 11, so i am sooooo tired! i cant wait for bed!

    Welcome to everybody new!!!

    hope u all had a great weekend!!
  • I played on the wii fit a bit today. I'm going to play some more after I get my DH andDS off the xbox 360:grumble: :grumble: My fitness coach on the wii kicked my butt yesterday. My calf and back of thighs are killing:noway: :laugh: So I know it worked. Today is my rest day but, can't stay off the wii fit. It's just so much fun. :bigsmile: Welcome to the newbies!!:drinker: Hope you had fun last night Nicole!!
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Happy Monday fitness Buddies!

    I usually don't ge online on the weekends...

    According to my HRM:
    Friday- 60 min. - Rollerblading = 619 calories
    Saturday - 60 min - Step Class = 709 calories
    Saturday - 60 min - Weight training = 690 calories

    I'm, by no means, a gym bunny.... I was trying to make up a week of no exercise :(

    Sanifrey - So happy for you and your family getting a Wii.... I have heard from so many people how fun and addicting it is... listen to suprjewels already.:laugh: I might treat my family with my tax return :)

    Nicole - You are kicking butt with that Px90... I'm glad you are not getting bored :)

    Superjewels - Don't hurt yourself, girl... I'm so glad your getting a good workout while having fun. :wink:

    Shannon - Good job on noticing where you might be "wasting" calories.... try having low calorie alcoholic beverages. However, you already know if you exercise, you earn a treat yourself once in awhile without the guilt ;)

    Welcome Rondie!
  • shannan74
    shannan74 Posts: 115 Member
    I'm off today. I got up and ate a 385 calorie breakfast and then did 23 minutes on the elliptical to burn 307 calories. Yeahhhh... My goal was 12 minutes. I'm also going to do more working out today so I'm excited to see how many calories I can burn.

  • shannan74
    shannan74 Posts: 115 Member
    spicey, I was about to type and hit my touchpad ( it is sensitive) Spicey: you sound like you are a machine right now. Good for you!
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