

  • hence the still using.....point made
  • Today's weigh in was excellent!! 169.4 Waist is 40.2 Hips are 37.8 WHOO HOOOOO I'm under the 170 mark
  • Okay heres the low down on the e-cig..its still nicotine. Basically your still smoking just without the smoke. Its the habit of "puffing" that your gonna have to break, not the addiction itself. The e-cig doesn't help with the habit...I've been a smoker for over 16 years and let me tell you I have tried EVERYTHING. The…
  • Sweet, I think I'm coming in second, feels good for a change to be doing good at something. Loving my new capri fit. i think my fat is moving around on my body, which is great to notice in such a short time. I guess it really pays to watch the foods you put in your mouth. Thank you all for letting me join. Can't wait to…
  • I was actually looking at some great pictures and scrolled over to this post. I am 5' 5.5" and my ideal weight is back around 135 lbs. I remember being that just a few short years ago and I loved it, clothes were easy to find and always seemed to fit and for me I have a very small frame so that weight just fits for me.
  • I have that same weakness but I had to find something that still had that chocolate taste. Try the Special K 90 calorie bars, yeah their not that great but they can curb that taste for something chocolate and sweet!!
    in OREOS Comment by naucole August 2011
  • Laura, I don't have many tips for I am just starting out this program as well, but as Shaun T would tell you, you gotta dig deeper. Keep going, just check your heart rate for the first few workouts to make sure your not "overdoing" it. Don't be afraid to stop and walk in place, I do and I still feel it. I have heard that…
  • Thank you all for helping me feel welcome on this start of my new journey!!
  • thank you!!
  • your so welcome......but it is true for me!
  • Ok, I'll try it. I am weighing in at 175lbs and I am 5' 5.5". I am on day 5 (i think) of INSANITY