5'6" Ladies, what is you weight goal?



  • ajax03
    ajax03 Posts: 96
    It all depends on your body frame and how much muscle you have. You would never guess my weight in my profile pic and I am 5'6-5'7" ish. My weight loss goal is 175 maybe 170 but I was told by my trainer to not go too far below that.

    I'm right there with you! My short-term goal is 185 (I've put that on my ticker) but I'd like to maintain between 170-180 long term. I've always weighed more than I looked (and don't really ever remember being "slim" ...like, EVER), so I think I was comfortable around 170ish. Who knows, though. Once I get there, I'm sure I'll want t go further.

    My profile pic is of me at about 210. Today I'm 202.6.
  • skinnyhappy
    skinnyhappy Posts: 152 Member
    I think it definitely depends on your frame size. I have the bones of a child and I'm at 112-114, not looking to lose much more. BUT I do still have very soft fat rolls on my belly that I'm trying to get rid of. Hopefully I'll replace fat with muscle and not lose much more weight.
  • It all depends on your body frame and how much muscle you have. You would never guess my weight in my profile pic and I am 5'6-5'7" ish. My weight loss goal is 175 maybe 170 but I was told by my trainer to not go too far below that.

    I'm curious...what's the weight in your profile pic? I ask because people typically don't guess my weight correctly as well.
  • I totally forgot to put the picture up but it's in my profile now. At the time, like I said I was 185, and I was 19 and hadn't had any children. I was hippy with nice thighs and a big butt--totally OK with me. At 266, that looks too small and I can't imagine being smaller than that so I'm going to get there and decide. I definitely don't want to be smaller than a 9/10.

    You look awesome here. I know it's supposed to be about the health and not just the weight; so I amend to say, "You look so healthy and fit here."

    Thanks much! I'll see what happens when I get there. I know for sure that I want to be out of my 200's :)
  • xxamzxxx
    xxamzxxx Posts: 23
    hi im 5'6" and i want to get to my pre preg weight of 125,im currently at 138 so dont have much more to go thank goodness lol,its taken a very long time to say that,but i have a lot of toning to do especially my lower half.x
  • carousello
    carousello Posts: 9 Member
    Hey I'm 5" 6in and I'm aiming for 150 I'm 196 at the moment, I was at my happiest at 150, I am slim but still have some nice (small) curves. When I go below this I start to look drawn and skinny, that's just me but I like a few little curves!
  • slybaby
    slybaby Posts: 125
    I'm aiming for 130 but 135 would be good too:)
  • CherrySunday
    CherrySunday Posts: 301
    I'm going for 150 - 140, anything less than that and I look too skinny. That should put me in a size 6 or 8.
  • casdls
    casdls Posts: 8 Member
    I'm 5'6" and shooting for 150. Six years ago, I was maintaining at 140 and I felt great, but I'm taking into account that I'm older now and don't have as much time to spend working out.
  • naucole
    naucole Posts: 12
    I was actually looking at some great pictures and scrolled over to this post. I am 5' 5.5" and my ideal weight is back around 135 lbs. I remember being that just a few short years ago and I loved it, clothes were easy to find and always seemed to fit and for me I have a very small frame so that weight just fits for me.
  • Raven00
    Raven00 Posts: 67
    I'm 5'6 and 177 I really want to be 150 for a short term goal and my long term goal is 130. I tend to carry my weight in my butt and thighs so im doing a LOT of cardio, to slim that area down along with some strength training.
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    my goal is 152, right at the top of my healthy BMI. i have a very large frame, so i'm thinking that even at the top of my healthy BMI, i might be too skinny. for now, i'm gonna shoot for 175 and see how i feel at that weight :)
  • Im 5'7 and my goal weight is 125
  • I'm 5'5", close enough right? My current goal is 160/to be a size 10, but I should probably shoot for 150. I'm curvy, big hips and boobs, so I realized I'm always on the higher side weight wise.
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    5'6.5", and I'd like to be 125.
  • jquick3
    jquick3 Posts: 3
    I'm 5'6" and I'm shooting for 150. I haven't been that small in years -- my son is 4 and my pre-pregancy weight was 161. I went back to that within 2 months of having him, but I have gained a ton since then. I figure if I can manage to get to smaller than I was when I got pregnant with him, then I'll be good.

    I weighed 135 when I got married and was really happy with that, but I don't know if I could ever get that small again. My smallest ever was 125 just after high school and looking at pictures, I was WAY too skinny.
  • kkerri
    kkerri Posts: 276 Member

    I am too old to desire to be much lower.
  • nuttyfamily
    nuttyfamily Posts: 3,394 Member
    I am 5'6"

    When I got to the healthy range...I stayed at 145ish.

    Now I am aiming for a 130 to 33 maintenance range but keep fluctuating.
  • I'm 5'6", and currently at 125. It fluctuates between 120-125. My low point was 112 (wayyyyy too much personal stuff going on then, and it might have been less, but I hadn't weighed myself in a while... it took a looonnnnggg time to get that weight back).

    Since I started working out early this year, I temporarily dropped to 118, which caused a minor panic, but now I've been holding between 120-125. Think it's around 125 right now, and the gain is all muscle, which is a pleasantly new thing for me. I have problems keeping weight *on*, always have, and am very slim and gangly. The muscle is helping with the stick figure look. LOL!
  • winkerbean
    winkerbean Posts: 39 Member
    I'm 5'6 and my goal weight (for now) is 125. At my last weigh in I was 155 and that is too heavy for my frame, which is I guess medium sized? :)

    At my thinnest I was 118+/- and I was told by a doctor that I needed to gain weight in order to be considered healthy. Thus I'm trying to keep it in the 120 range.
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