Not sure where to post this....E-Cig



  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    "Okay heres the low down on the e-cig..its still nicotine. Basically your still smoking just without the smoke. Its the habit of "puffing" that your gonna have to break, not the addiction itself. The e-cig doesn't help with the habit...I've been a smoker for over 16 years and let me tell you I have tried EVERYTHING."

    You are wrong. You can pick how much nicotine. For the most part, I use very low, while my husband uses no nicotine at all. It does help with the habit, tremendously. If the OP asked about E-Cigs, and you don't have a clue what you are talking about when it comes to them, maybe you should just post the info on the Chantix, instead of throwing out facts that aren't factual. Not trying to get all aggro-monkey on you, but that kind of stuff really bothers me.
  • Andee08
    Andee08 Posts: 147 Member
    You need to be VERY careful when buying e-cigs...a lot of them are made in China and have VERY bad chemicals in them. You can check out the FDA's website ( for more information. I use Premium E cigs as they are Quality Controlled and go through testing. They are more expensive, but I find that they work (when I remember to charge them!). I have 3 batteries that I keep around so that I always have one charged and I do not have the excuse of not having them available.
  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    Most eCigs are made in China because a Chinese man invented the darn thing. They have excellent quality control on the eCig itself. Can't say the same for some of the liquids they sell, However, there are excellent liquids made right here in the US. But since there are currently no FDA guidelines on this product yet, it is a bit of a free-for-all when it comes to quality control. That's why you do have to research your vendors carefully.

    I recommend anyone interested in this product check out It's an online forum concerning eCigs with loads of info on different brands, vendors, etc. Kinda like MFP for eCigs.
  • barbacasec
    barbacasec Posts: 106
    I bought a new car.....
    ok let me explain... I was a car smoker... I would only smoke in the car... and the only time I really caved was when I was out drinking with friends ( who wouldnt let me once they new I was quiting) great friends :)
    SOooooo I bought a new car and told myself I do NOT want my new car to smell like an ash tray.....I bought my car on 08/09/10 and havent had 1 cig since!!!

    Oh yah and I started running made it much easier to quit ... nothing like hacking up a lung to make you want to quit!
  • aliciarenee79
    aliciarenee79 Posts: 35 Member
    I quit about 6 weeks ago. You might not like this advice but for me cold turkey is the only thing that works. All the nic replacements just kept me addicted and craving.
  • naucole
    naucole Posts: 12

    You are wrong. You can pick how much nicotine. For the most part, I use very low, while my husband uses no nicotine at all. It does help with the habit, tremendously. If the OP asked about E-Cigs, and you don't have a clue what you are talking about when it comes to them, maybe you should just post the info on the Chantix, instead of throwing out facts that aren't factual. Not trying to get all aggro-monkey on you, but that kind of stuff really bothers me.

    hence the still using.....point made
  • CharlieBarleyMom
    CharlieBarleyMom Posts: 727 Member
    e cigs are just trading one crutch for another. Nothing healthy about those things...

    I smoked for 29 years (2 packs a day). I was mentally and physically addicted.


    Yes, they make you nauseous... but nausea for 20 minutes a day is doable when all of a sudden you have no desire to smoke.

    I was still smoking and went to bed with 2 cigs in my pack... never touched another. Started Chantix in April last smoke day was May 1, 2009. Never ever again.

    I do not have the urge for one, never did after I quit. I sometimes still have the "gotta go out to smoke" feeling, but it's not an urge to smoke, it's more the urge to get up and go do something else. So I get up and go do something else.

    Good luck. They're worse for you than you even know and they are so expensive. (I quit because of the money. I just couldn't do it)
  • Tegan74
    Tegan74 Posts: 202
    I've just bought the Premium e-cig an so far I love it. The kit came with 16mg cartridges ~ I used 1 completely up and it just almost killed me lol ~ so I dropped to 11 mg an those are much better. I love love love that I can pick it up, take a draw an put it down. Maybe that sounds weird, but if I started a cig up I felt like I had to finish at least half of it. Not the first clue whether I'm smoking more or less lol but it feels like its less and eventually I'll drop to 6mg then just do away from them.
    Funny thing ~ since I've been using the e-cig reg cig's STINK ~ I can smell it in my house, in my truck, on my husband and other people. Its horrible ~ bad enough that I cant stand the thought of going back to a 'reg' cig again. THAT will help me quit forever more than anything :)
  • You need to be VERY careful when buying e-cigs...a lot of them are made in China and have VERY bad chemicals in them. You can check out the FDA's website ( for more information. I use Premium E cigs as they are Quality Controlled and go through testing. They are more expensive, but I find that they work (when I remember to charge them!). I have 3 batteries that I keep around so that I always have one charged and I do not have the excuse of not having them available.

    Thank you for your post. I quit smoking cold turkey years ago, but I had a friend that got onto the -cigs, He smoked them it in the house non stop. It created a vapor, that made me so sick, even the dogs fur was wet from this vapor. I know that they put poly propenol or something like that in them. I looked it up. Be careful!! And I can tell you what I told myself when i quit.
    "What is the worst thing that can happen if I quit? Answer, I will die? NO! Your not going to die! Your going to live longer and feel soooo much better!! This is soooo true... I hate, hate, cigarette smoke now.
  • I bought a new car.....
    ok let me explain... I was a car smoker... I would only smoke in the car... and the only time I really caved was when I was out drinking with friends ( who wouldnt let me once they new I was quiting) great friends :)
    SOooooo I bought a new car and told myself I do NOT want my new car to smell like an ash tray.....I bought my car on 08/09/10 and havent had 1 cig since!!!

    Oh yah and I started running made it much easier to quit ... nothing like hacking up a lung to make you want to quit!
  • l3ugjuice
    l3ugjuice Posts: 233

    the 'nausea' risk is not the worry; the suicide ideation and heart attacks are. Trust me, both are very real. I'm not telling anyone to not try it, because it can help you stop smoking. But they need to know what the risks are when they are deciding. ALL of the risks, particularly the ones that are fatal.

    As with any other medication, be cautious and watch for the symptoms if/when they manifest. Talk to your doc about them immediately, etc.
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member

    You are wrong. You can pick how much nicotine. For the most part, I use very low, while my husband uses no nicotine at all. It does help with the habit, tremendously. If the OP asked about E-Cigs, and you don't have a clue what you are talking about when it comes to them, maybe you should just post the info on the Chantix, instead of throwing out facts that aren't factual. Not trying to get all aggro-monkey on you, but that kind of stuff really bothers me.

    hence the still using.....point made

    Hey, I'll be honest. I love smoking. Sure, I'll quit eventually, but if I don't make the decision that I'm ready for it, it won't happen. I know it's bad for me, which is why I use the slightly healthier option of low nic e-cigs. Think you're making a point? You aren't. My argument was that you don't know what you are talking about with e-cigs, and that they do in fact help quit smoking analog cigarettes, making weaning completely off of nicotine a much smoother process. However, was it because I didn't use a medication or quit cold turkey that I'm still using my e-cig? Absolutely not. It is a personal choice of my own. Between risking a heart attack and being miserable for weeks and using an e-cig now and then, I'll stick with mine, and I'll thank you to stop making uninformed assumptions about both this topic and my personal choices.
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    Lol analog cigarettes? Love it. My dad smokes e-cigs. He's weird. He quit back at the age of 35 or so and started back up on e-cigs, not regular cigarettes, but E-CIGS at the ripe age of 53. LOL! My mom smokes like a chimney.

    I personally started smoking a few months before I turned 19 as I worked at a call center and ALL my friends smoked. Then they would go to the hookah bar and smoke some more! So I started it up and told everyone I would quit when I was 21. Ended up doing just that. I enjoyed cigarettes when I smoked then but didn't think it was a good idea to make it a long term habit.

    How did I quit? I quit cold turkey. Didn't even bat an eye. It was hard as it was a day in day out habit plus I didn't stop my husband from smoking. I did it though!

    I think anything that gets you away from the analog cigarettes is a step in the right direction.
  • 40 bucks for a bad stomach ache is now what I will tell people about e-cigs...

    Puffing away on a marlboro, getting ready to book 3 nights of cold-turkey hell in a fleabag hotel with a couple pizzas and a bottle of booze.

    Probably hang a 'you will be throat punched if you disturb this guest' sign on the door as well. Fair warning and all...
  • jgic2009
    jgic2009 Posts: 531 Member
    I am using the Livestrong app for iPhone and I love it! You tell it how much you smoke, how long you've been smoking, price per pack, etc., then decide if you want to go cold turkey or wean yourself off. I chose to wean and am smoking only 3 a day when I used to smoke 12 a day. You track your smoking and your cravings, the app shows your progress and gives you award badges based on that progress, and there's a great little community on there as well.

    I am using this weaning period (12 days down, 6 more to go until my quit date) to pay more attention to my triggers and break some of the habits (such as lighting up as soon as I get in the car, or as soon as I've finished a meal, etc), so that when I do quit it will hopefully be a little easier.

    Good luck!
  • arw060310
    arw060310 Posts: 256 Member
    Thank you EVERYBODY for your replies. The nausea issue with Chantix was major for me. It was so bad I was sick all day and took 2 trips to the E.R. because of severe dehydration ( I couldn't keep anything down), But after a night of thinking really hard about this, and talking to my husband, I've decided to quit cold turkey. My husband made me realize that I'm more addicted to the "action" of smoking, so the e-cig really wouldn't help break the addiction.Even though he is a heavy smoker as well, he said he would quit with me and we will do this together, which in Afghanistan won't be easy. I just have to focus one 2 huge things.

    In January we are gonna start trying for our first child
    The money we spend on cigarettes is completely 100% unjustifiable.
  • PenTool
    PenTool Posts: 50 Member
    I just have to focus one 2 huge things.

    In January we are gonna start trying for our first child
    The money we spend on cigarettes is completely 100% unjustifiable.

    Excellent! Print that out and hang it all over your house. Make it the wallpaper for your phone/mobile device. Every time you have a craving, look at those quotes.

    One more thing...what helped me (along with Nicoderm patches), was working out hard. Three of my friends and I would play racquetball every day for about 2-3 hours after work. Feeling your body work hard, and realizing the physical toll smoking takes on your body in the form of lack of wind, or endurance, helps a lot, both mentally and physically.

    But as soon as you quit, your body and health improves by leaps and bounds. I'm convinced working out helped speed up that process for me.
  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member
    40 bucks for a bad stomach ache is now what I will tell people about e-cigs...

    Puffing away on a marlboro, getting ready to book 3 nights of cold-turkey hell in a fleabag hotel with a couple pizzas and a bottle of booze.

    Probably hang a 'you will be throat punched if you disturb this guest' sign on the door as well. Fair warning and all...

    hmmm wonder why stomach ache?
  • Same as the reason I got stomach aches from the nicotine lozenges - too much nicotine at a time. I smoke ultra lights so I guess it doesn't take much to go over the hit I'm used to.
  • MamaKatel
    MamaKatel Posts: 180
    I highly recommend that you just try and quite. My husbands family is from Germany and they ALL smoke. He had two aunts, one uncle and his mom all die of lung cancer, its awful! His mom suffered so badly during her last years. Sometimes you don't realize the harm until its too late. I know its hard to quite, my husband has been smoking for the past 15 years and has quite for the most part but he still chews because he needs the nicotine. Its not good :(