Cruisin' for a Losin' 2011

Hey Everyone!

I know there are ALOT of groups out there. This is not a closed group. This is a support group that weighs in every Friday. The reason for Friday? Because if you see your progress right before the weekend, it might motivate you to keep the ball rolling throughout the weekend. Friend request me with your current weight and the current program you are following (i.e. running, walking, p90x, ect.), and your goal date and weight. You must provide me with a goal date because it helps to actually see your goal in front of you and is motivational. I will make a chart that will show weight/body fat percentage lost. Also, tell me what your favorite car is so I can add it to the chart next to your name. If you do not weigh in with me for 3 weeks I will have to remove you from the list to make room for people that are participating. Thanks and I look forward to getting to know all of you!!

One more thing, lets share the main reason why we are here. I'm here to be healthy for myself and for my family. To set a good example for my little girl!


  • Ashleysh22
    Ashleysh22 Posts: 204 Member
    oh what fun! I'm in!

    Though I must say - I am much more interested in the INCHES lost than the pounds lost. I am 1.5 weeks into a 20 week Turbo Fire program. So I guess my goal is to lose another 4 pounds and 5 inches from my waist/chest/hips in that time frame. So my goal date is December 17th.
  • TTHdred
    TTHdred Posts: 380 Member
    Thanks for creating a group and making it not closed…or restricted the requirements to something too specific.

    SW 186
    CW 181
    GW 150 12/31/2011

    Mini Goal 179 8/18/2011 Vegas Trip
    Mini Goal 160 09/18/2011

    My workout routine varies. I do mostly videos (P90x, 30D Shred and Exercise TV) and occasionally I run/jog outside. The main reason I want to lose weight is for my health, and my self confidence. Looking forward to this!
  • Please include your height in inches with your info please! Thank you!:smile:
  • TTHdred
    TTHdred Posts: 380 Member
  • I'm in :)

    GW 145 (9/30/11)

    ( I hit the gym 4 days a week - variety - keep my muscles guessing)

    Favorite Car: Audi
  • katzrich
    katzrich Posts: 17
    I am definitely in! Sounds exciting.. one dumb question from a newbie?? How do you get it to post your stats as a signature on the message boards?? Completely lost on that one lol.
  • naucole
    naucole Posts: 12
    Ok, I'll try it.

    I am weighing in at 175lbs and I am 5' 5.5".
    I am on day 5 (i think) of INSANITY
  • When you are underneath message boards, look under that part where it says HOME, RECENT POSTS, MY TOPICS, SIGNATURE, AND SEARCH. Click on signature and you can add your stats :smile:
  • katzrich
    katzrich Posts: 17
    Thanks! I found it, setting it up now!
  • Hope you are all doing great so far this week! Our first weigh-in is on Friday, even though we have just started this challenge, so don't be too discouraged if you don't lose any weight yet or even if you gain a little. I'm anticipating a slight gain since I spent the weekend in Vegas and didn't eat as good as I normally do. Vegas was a lot of walking that's for sure! Has anyone else been there? I'm going to say that I didn't like it as much as I thought I would, because I'm more of an outdoorsy sightseeing type of gal, and not so much of a gambler nightclub person. Happy wednesday!:smile:
  • laurynh925
    laurynh925 Posts: 77 Member
    Okay I'm in! Here are my stats

    CW 218
    GW 145
    Goal Date 09/25/12
    Height 64 inches
    I usually go to the gym and do the elliptical three times a week, kickboxing and toning class on thurs and an occasional workout video... kinda just whatever I feel like doing
    Fav Car - jeep wrangler
  • Okay I'm in! Here are my stats

    CW 218
    GW 145
    Goal Date 09/25/12
    Height 64 inches
    I usually go to the gym and do the elliptical three times a week, kickboxing and toning class on thurs and an occasional workout video... kinda just whatever I feel like doing
    Fav Car - jeep wrangler

    Kickboxing sounds like fun! I sometimes do Turbo Jam and it has a little bit of the kickboxing technique in it and it burns a TON of calories! Glad you could join us! :)
  • TTHdred
    TTHdred Posts: 380 Member
    Last chance workout!! Wishing everyone a great burn before first weigh in tomorrow!
  • TTHdred
    TTHdred Posts: 380 Member
    Weighing in....lost a little somethin, somethin!

    8/12 - 180.4

    SW 186
    CW 181
    GW 150 12/31/2011

    Mini Goal 179 8/18/2011 Vegas Trip
    Mini Goal 160 09/18/2011
  • Weighing in....lost a little somethin, somethin!

    8/12 - 180.4

    SW 186
    CW 181
    GW 150 12/31/2011

    Mini Goal 179 8/18/2011 Vegas Trip
    Mini Goal 160 09/18/2011

    Great Job!! Keep it up!
  • remember everyone! Today is weigh in day. Get me your weights and I will post the chart tomorrow so everyone can see where they are at! Good luck!
  • trying to fix the picture! Will be up soon!
  • ok everyone!

    So I have some good news and bad news. Bad news is I am unable to post my excel spreadsheet on this message board for everyone to see because it's too blurry, too small, too big, ect. I've tried everything for a few hours. The good news is you can still view it online. The document came out really big so I will work on trying to make it smaller to view. If you click on page on your toolbar and set the zoom to 75% that should make the whole thing viewable.The person highlighted is the one who has lost the most weight so far since we started this challenge. I included the BMI scale so everyone can work toward thier goal range. It is not too late for anyone to get included on this challenge. Just get me your stats if you want to join. Also, the cars did not upload within the document for some reason so I'm sorry for that. But maybe later this week I will have more time to play with it and figure it out. Have a great weekend and congrats to everyone!

    user name is
    password is 3a020a72
  • naucole
    naucole Posts: 12
    Sweet, I think I'm coming in second, feels good for a change to be doing good at something. Loving my new capri fit. i think my fat is moving around on my body, which is great to notice in such a short time. I guess it really pays to watch the foods you put in your mouth.
    Thank you all for letting me join. Can't wait to start back up on Monday with my workouts again. I take the weekends off so I dont have to worry about being OCD on my meals and workouts, and I can just enjoy the time with family and friends.
    No drinking this weekend so..;( but I did notice Im eating less amounts but a little more often.

    This is just great, I am so glad this program is here and you guys are great for the comments. i feel if I dont do something to post I feel Im letting you all down, and thats a great motivation for me.

    See you Monday!!
  • jenbk2
    jenbk2 Posts: 614 Member
    I woud like to get in on this one please !!!
    I am 5'6"
    GW is 194 by 10/31
    I am doing a variety.
    My favorite car is a Infinti FX 50
    I will email you my current weight