Not sure where to post this....E-Cig



  • Chairless
    Chairless Posts: 583 Member
    processing nictotine takes about 200 cals a day i have been told. there is no reason why you would gain on a good diet with exercise.
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    I quit cold turkey 7 years ago and never looked back. Best thing I ever did.

    It's not as difficult as its made out to be. It's all about marketing. Cigarette companies and Stop-Smoking companies have pounded into smoker's heads that it is so difficult and impossible for so long that everyone believes it. This way people keep buying their cigarettes, gum, patches, pills, and etc. I mean think about it... if the patch (for example) really helped you quit smoking... you wouldn't need their product anymore and they'd lose a customer.

    The only REAL way to quit, is to quit. You just do it. It's not as difficult as it's made out to be.
  • Quitting cold turkey's not bad. I've done it three times in the last twenty years. So long as there is no one within murdering distance for the first 2-3 weeks, you're golden...

    Plan on picking up some e-cigs tonight, so funny to see this thread. Good luck to all.
  • thegymbunny
    thegymbunny Posts: 602 Member
    cold turkey...
    I know of a great support site.

    two months quit so far
  • It's not as difficult as its made out to be. It's all about marketing. <bunch of other nonsense>

    Whatever, it's hard as hell. Glad it was a breeze for you.
  • kklindsey
    kklindsey Posts: 382 Member
    I have them but they have not helped me quit BUT I am not sufficiently motivated to quit yet. I highly recommend Vapor4Life and my biggest recommendation is that you get a manual one, not automatic. The manual one has a button you hold down so that you get more of a "hit" of vapor and feels more like real smoking. You can start out at differnt levels of nicotine and work your way down to no nictoine.
  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member
    It's not as difficult as its made out to be. It's all about marketing. <bunch of other nonsense>

    Whatever, it's hard as hell. Glad it was a breeze for you.

    It's the same as any other's different for everybody. I personally am finding it hard as hell also! Makes me want to kick babies!
  • thegymbunny
    thegymbunny Posts: 602 Member
    It's not as difficult as its made out to be. It's all about marketing. <bunch of other nonsense>

    Whatever, it's hard as hell. Glad it was a breeze for you.

    It's the same as any other's different for everybody. I personally am finding it hard as hell also! Makes me want to kick babies!
    I was the worlds biggest see you next tuesday for a few weeks.
    I STILL have rough days.
  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    Quitting cold turkey's not bad. I've done it three times in the last twenty years. So long as there is no one within murdering distance for the first 2-3 weeks, you're golden...

    Plan on picking up some e-cigs tonight, so funny to see this thread. Good luck to all.

    Having been within murdering distance the 3 times I'd say DON'T GO COLD TURKEY!!!!! It was not a fun experience for either of us.
  • l3ugjuice
    l3ugjuice Posts: 233
    Quit cold turkey on April 1 2009, havent looked back since. Man (or woman, whatever) up and quit. No more excuses.

    No, it's not any fun. I'm not going to lie to you. I actually rented a hotel room and stayed in it for 3 nights, because I did not want to be around my wife and daughter (actually, I'd have LOVED to be around them....I didnt want them around ME). After 3 days, the nicotine is out of your system and the physical withdrawal is largely over. I say largely because your brain chemistry isnt quite back to normal at that point: you are still going to have some physical withdrawal symptoms (like insomnia, or the opposite, fatigue, etc) for a couple more weeks...but it's largely in your head after three days. Suck it up and hang with it.

    I feel for you. I've been there. It sucks. But the only way you are going to quit is by stopping. That's it. So, here's my advice for people on MFP who want to quit smoking.


    2) take a break from your diet for a couple of weeks. I dont care if you pack on 20 pounds in that time, it's worth the weight to quit...and you really are going to have to put something in your mouth to get over the psychological impact of giving up the HABIT of smoking.


    4) Make a list of reasons why you want to quit. Write them down. Carry it with you everywhere you go.

    5) Have I mentioned you need to just STOP smoking?

    6) This is the odd a new pack of cigarettes. Just dont open it. Carry it with you. This is the only way it worked for me, because it was the only way I could actually reduce quitting to a minute by minute problem rather than an OH MY GOD I CAN NEVER HAVE A CIGARETTE AGAIN EVER FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE! problem. I CHOSE to not smoke, one cigarette at a time, 100's of times per day. For months. I still have that pack, by the way...and it's still unopened.

    7) Just. stop. now. right. this. second.

    There is no fun way to quit smoking. There is no easy way to quit smoking. There is no magic pill. There is no magic button. There is no stop smoking fairy. It's work. It's hard. You just have to do it.
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    It's not as difficult as its made out to be. It's all about marketing. <bunch of other nonsense>

    Whatever, it's hard as hell. Glad it was a breeze for you.

    I find that some people let their excuses stand in their own way. If you're standing at the beginning of any journey telling yourself "This is too hard" or "This is impossible" you're only making it harder on yourself. You might as well quit before you even start.
    I choose to stand at the beginning of MY journey telling myself "This is going to be easy... one step at a time... no excuses". I tell myself WHY I CAN DO IT (because of all the stuff you called nonsense) rather than WHY I CAN'T DO IT (because it's hard as hell). And then: I just do it.
  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    I quit 2 years ago with an eCig. Saved my life. DON'T get the ones at the mall or off the radio ads - they're poor quality and over-priced. I've tried many types, and I recommend a Joye 510 brand as a starter kit. They can be had online for around $50. You DO NOT need to buy cartridges - the ones that come with it are refillable if you buy your own nicotine liquid. Much cheaper and you have hundreds of flavors to choose from. A web site I've found to be reliable and quick is They ship fast and their prices are good.

    I still use my eCig after 2 years, but that's because I enjoy it and it's not harming my lungs like tobacco did. Since changing my lifestyle, I've given up just about everything else I enjoyed, so my little nicotine habit is my one vice. Good luck!
  • arw060310
    arw060310 Posts: 256 Member
    Quitting cold turkey's not bad. I've done it three times in the last twenty years. So long as there is no one within murdering distance for the first 2-3 weeks, you're golden...

    Plan on picking up some e-cigs tonight, so funny to see this thread. Good luck to all.

    I'm sorry but this is sooo funny I literally LOL'd. You are so right. I get MEAN. Not just crabby, I get MEAN. Good thing my husband is deployed....
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    I started using E-Cigs about six months ago. Really easy to accidentally quit smoking with those. Now if only I would stop bumming smokes off of people at parties, I'd be golden. Gotta make sure to keep it around for when that urge hits. The best thing is you get to decide how much nicotine you want, so really easy to wean off completely, and you can even buy juice with no nic if it's just the habit you are after. I'm going to send you the email I typically send out to people when they see me with mine and ask about it.
  • Bought mine tonight and I'm out of smokes, so giving it a shot.
  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member
    Go router go!
  • PenTool
    PenTool Posts: 50 Member
    I quit several years ago using Nicoderm patches. They really helped with the cravings. So much so that I didn't even finish the entire supply of patches.

    Maybe the e-cigs would help when used in combination with something like the Nicoderm patches.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,909 Member
    Ok. So I've been trying to quit smoking for a long time now. And it's seriously the hardest darn thing I've ever done in my life. My friend recommended getting an electronic cigarette. And even though they are kinda pricey, the refills are still WAY cheaper than actual cigarettes.

    So could anyone recommend a good brand of e-cigarettes from personal experience?
    Could somebody please give me legitimate advice on just plain quitting? I really WANT to quit. But the addiction part is (literally) killing me.
    Set a goal date to quit cold turkey. Sounds extreme, but if you train your brain that there will a set date to actually quit forever it will help.
    I used to smoke. Not heavily, but enough that it bothered family and friends of the smoke. I promised my wife I would quit when we got pregnant. When it happened I really wasn't ready, so she gave me a month to prep. I set the date a month out.............then I smoked like a fool! But when the date arrived, I tossed out leftovers smokes and quit cold turkey. Now I will tell you I dreamt of smoking for like 3 weeks, but then it subsided and now I don't miss it all. If I could change one thing in my life, it would have been never to start since I know it compromised my endurance.
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    I was a smoker. I went through a lot of the "Excuses/Reasons" that people will use to reason or justify why they smoke. :smile:
    I smoked for 25 years and I quit Feb, 14th, 2011. I just passed the 6 month mark.

    This Ebook.. Pdf file was important in me quitting. webpage
    Here's a thread with a bunch of quitters.

    I also went to Dr, and used Champix, it worked. Great.
    Other things I did.
    - Change habits.
    - chewed gum
    - chewed on a straw
    - "smoked" a straw. (I guess that can be my cheaper version of a e-cig).
    - keep busy. When your bored is when you want to have a cigarette.
    - drink lots of water to help flush out the nicotine.
    - downloaded a quit smoking program that kept count of how many cigarettes I avoided and how much money I saved.

    I started calling them death sticks, and kept telling myself I was smarter than that to slowly kill myself.
    I also made note of how many cigarettes I smoke in a month.
    Other things in life we measure per month. Time to measure your cigarette consumption / month.
    Mine was 750/month.

    So which sounds better, and more "healthier"?...
    I smoke 1 pack a day........... or...... I smoke 750 cigarettes a month.

    In 6 months. I have avoided over 4500 death sticks, and saved over $1600.

    Good luck to everybody.
  • naucole
    naucole Posts: 12
    Okay heres the low down on the e-cig..its still nicotine. Basically your still smoking just without the smoke. Its the habit of "puffing" that your gonna have to break, not the addiction itself. The e-cig doesn't help with the habit...I've been a smoker for over 16 years and let me tell you I have tried EVERYTHING.
    The closest I have ever come to quitting is by taking Chantix. Yeah it makes you ill...thats its job. Yeah its expensive but within a month you'll save that money on not buying cigarettes. You dont have to take a full does, cut the pills in half, make them last longer. Yeah it gives you very vivid dreams, so what...
    It makes you sick because thats how its teaching you the relationship between smoking and health. ITS SUPPOSED TO MAKE YOU SICK, but your only gonna get sick if you smoke, not any other time. JUST WHEN YOU SMOKE. Its re-training your mind to associate cigarettes not with pleasure but with sickness.
    It has worked a few times for me, and I'm a die hard fan of cigarettes, have been since the very first one.
    What got me was going to the club...and the casino...both times within a month of stopping. So if your serious about quitting and you've heard the just stop buying them, i quit cold turkey blah that everyone around has said to you before, try Chantix. (i sound like an ad, LOL) but for this die hard fan it worked, but there is a down side....if you quit the first time and re-start smoking...that second time doesnt make you as sick...if you try it a third time, its even harder to quit, so my advice is dont bother with the e-cig its not going to get you the results you need if your a "real smoker" who has tried everything else and failed.
    Chantix is about 145.00 for the first prescription, but to me it was worth every penny. You can cut the pills in half and still get the same results. Stay away from people who are smoking, clubs, casinos, bars wherever people are smoking, it will still grab you, that urge, until you are months out, cigarette free...

    And good luck!!