Sbozek123 Member


  • Anyone still doing this game?!?! I'm back on and you can add me if you'd like - It's been a year, but I need to get myself in shape! Xbox tag - Serene Mom
  • Not sure if you are all doing this still, but add me - Serene Mom!
  • I wear my HRM, so I just made a new workout, and update it according to what I burned each day - some days it's exact, other it's a little over/under if I worked harder or not - so my minutes may be off - example - I worked out for 35 minutes burned 218, but I had to put that I had worked out 21 mintues so that it would…
  • LOVE IT - def. a challenge for me- I'm doing the 30 day program to cut weight - **Just started today** I went to work afterwards *and a shower lol* and my thighs were KILLING ME! But I felt fantastic - def. reccommend this game!
  • I have a Wii and have done EASA2 (and all of the others in the series) with super results - so of course I'd recommend that - although I did hear that there were some tracking problems when it first came out. We got the Kinect for Christmas, and I bought Your Shape 2012 - It has some fun workout warmups and activities, but…
  • I've got Kinect Adventures, Sports 2, Your Shape 2012, and we just picked up UFC (it's the only one I haven't tried yet). Your shape is great for working out because not only do you see yourself on screen and it can help you correct your form, but it has area specific routines to tone/shape/and drop weight. I've tried most…
  • Just bought UFC trainer from Best Buy yesterday for $30 - hoping it will kick my butt some - I need to pump up on more strength moves though - all the running and dancing from the other Kinect games have me covered for cardio!!
  • I am on day 4 of Your Shape 2012, and I'm freaking exhausted! Some of the "activities" are fun and get you moving, others are serious workouts........basically if it's pink it's going to kick my *kitten*. I did Shape up and Burn D on the legs, and actually laid on the floor after the 2nd rep of pushups crying that they…
  • Xbox live - Seren Mom May find me watching Netflix or DVD's with my boys when not working out! Happy Gaming!
  • I'm Serena - I'm 29, and have lost 34lbs (*All thanks to my Wii and EASA series*) I started on MFP at 227lbs, was down to 183, but am back to 194 and I swear I will never see the number 2 in the front again! My Long Term goal is to be 150, and smoking hot, lol. I went back to work in the past year, working as a preK…
  • Didn't get in time for the challenge, but on Sunday I walked 2 miles, and jogged 1 ~ A huge deal for me as I am not a runner at all! Did it all during the March of Dimes walk in NEPA at the Mohegan Sun Racetrack! The mom's group I'm in raised 1075 for the foundation! So proud of those mamas!
  • Failed big time at the Hula Hoops - but did go to NJ for a few days, and hubby has been hogging the TV. ((He has his xbox hooked up to my Wii TV, and it's double points experience for his Call of Duty game, so he outranks me till tomorrow - at least that's how he sees it!)) I'm doing EASA2 regularly, so squeezing in some…
  • Yay Hula Hoop - will do tommorrow
  • Got 13 minutes of boxing in today - none yesterday though. I had a 3.6 mile walk/run for the March of Dimes. I am not a long distance runner, so I maybe did a mile of running out of all of that. I wore my HRM, and burned 620 calories in an hour!!! And my thighs are screaming at me still! I did over an hour of boxing for…
  • "Wii said I burned 150 calories, but my Polar HRM said 281...hopefully it is the latter one." Always trust the HRM! Wii Fit and even EASA2 will never be accurate on your personal effort or body type. I find that I get about 20 to 50 calorie difference usually - but I've had them be different (the Wii and HRM) by over 150…
  • Woo Hoo - 30 minutes of Rhythm boxing, and 30 minutes of EASA2 - I can't wait to see those 5 lbs I gained go away and I can get back to focusing on the last 40 I wanted to lose! As for the dodge parts, I hold the remotes in front of me and swing them slightly in the direction I am dodging to - kind of like using them as a…
  • Got 20 minutes in today! Still ate terrible - Darn homemade babka from my mom though! I should have known how bad it would be!!! ((and my oldest totally monopolized the wii fit for over an hour~ but who can be mad when their son is exercising!)) 30 minutes - EASA2 20 minutes - Rhythm boxing
  • I'm in to join if I can! I had been doing really great, but the past few months I have been such a bum with everything. I stepped on the scale yesterday and saw that I was up 10lbs (but the scale must have just been shocking me, because at my weekly weigh in this morning I had gained 3 not 10!) **darn near had a heart…
  • I've been terrible with working out, and even being on MFP since November - I've gained back almost 10lbs - and have eaten terrible - such a slippery slope this is! I celebrated Valentines day (also my 3 year anniversary with my hubby) last night, and ate some great food (not super healthy, but way yummy). I've been on top…
  • I'm in - today will be day 3 on the 3 week cardio kickstart - wanted to do the 3 week program before jumping into the 9 week one - give me a little build up since I've been super lazy the past 2 months! I have a Polar HRM too, just need to remember where I put the band in November! Grrrr - shouldn't have gotten lazy, but…
  • I have been terrible about weighing in the past 2 weeks - the holidays just have been rough - I'll try for this monday!
  • Woo Hoo! Back to pre thanksgiving weight - 183!!! And I have to be honest - I have no clue why I lost anything. I've eaten terrible, no exercise. I was real down on myself earlier in the week - I know I have to work out - just been so lazy lately. The only exercise I've gotten is from super cleaning my house for the…
  • Grrr - gained 2.5 bringing me back to 186, but I know it's from my holiday weekend with my best friend - ate all sorts of yummy bad food, and drank a ton of wine/beer (and a few shots). I never drink (almost never) and I way indulged. But I know it won't happen again until late January, so it's ok for a little gain this…
  • Happy enough with my loss - 186 to 183.5 (down 2.5lbs) I had a pretty decent workout week - jog/walked a mile relay with my mom's group for the salvation army (we raised over 1600 for the group - my mom's group donated 208 of that). I also got the chance to swim/play 2 days with my kids, and then managed a wii workout or…
  • Todays weight was 186 - mad at myself though - it was Much lower mid week, but I had a halloween candy binge, and threw off some progress! Oh well - new week - time to be stronger! Sorry it's late in the day posting this- busy busy day today!
  • I'm in for this challenge - I have been on MFP for quite some time, but my progress has been great till recently - I need a push to get myself going in this cold weather! I have weigh ins on Monday, and today's was 187. I primarily work out with my Wii (several programs on it) but I've been slacking! I only had one workout…
  • I missed the past 3 days but I have been working out with the new Golds Gym Dance - and loving it! I have a day off the Wii tomorrow since I'll be hitting the streets of NYC for a few hours, but come Thursday I'll be back!
  • I've seen super great reviews, and really poor reviews, but I decided to buy this because it was $20 at Target, and totally caught my eye yesterday! So after my meeting, and cleaning, I will be popping this in the Wii and giving it a chance! I'm hoping it will give me a great and fun workout till the new EA Sports comes…
  • Yay for me! I worked out 56 minutes yesterday, and feel like I made up for missing on my bday. Started my Wii Fit before lunch today, with my two little men joining me! Day 3 - Hula hoop, Rhythm Boxing, Lunge, Advanced Obstacle course, Island cycling, Skateboarding, Basic Run, 10 minute free run Total Time - 30 minutes…
  • So didn't work out yesterday - had a massage/body treatment instead! lol. But I'm here today, and I plan on 60 minutes of workouts, 30 on Wii Fit Plus, and 30 EA Sports or Gold Gym........maybe I'll do a mix of them Day 2 - Hula hoop, Rhythm Boxing, 10 minute free run Total workout time - 29 minutes Calories burned - 185