Wii Fit Weekly Challenge



  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Wii Fit Rhythm Boxing 13 mins.

    Recumbent bike 30 mins.
  • scgma
    scgma Posts: 185 Member
    Between the dodge and the step backs..I look like a comedy routine!!!
    JBJLOVER Posts: 7
    I'll join, like others my DD likes to do it with me, I lay a towel down for her to do it at the same time.....lol

    How do i put it into my exercise thingy too??????
  • linnettbenson
    linnettbenson Posts: 63 Member
    Between work and meetings last night I was unable to get on the Wii. Keeping the calories under control was all I could accomplish. I am aiming for a very active evening after work today.
  • Improvised
    Improvised Posts: 925 Member
    15 minutes of boxing, and 15 of other wiifit stuff. 109 calories burned. Yay!
  • Triquetra
    Triquetra Posts: 270 Member
    :wink: I just got my Wii on Monday and am going to get the fit board tonight so hopefully I can keep up with your challenges soon....bump for later
  • Triquetra
    Triquetra Posts: 270 Member
    :wink: I just got my Wii on Monday and am going to get the fit board tonight so hopefully I can keep up with your challenges soon....bump for later
  • Triquetra
    Triquetra Posts: 270 Member
    :wink: I just got my Wii on Monday and am going to get the fit board tonight so hopefully I can keep up with your challenges soon....bump for later

    I got it!!! Wii Fit Plus. I did the Plus trainer circuit and did 35 minutes in all areas. Wii said I burned 150 calories, but my Polar HRM said 281...hopefully it is the latter one. I loved it, didn't feel like a workout at all but according to my HRM it was, can't wait to see which activities it gives me tomorrow!
  • Juliey10013
    This is great, I am definitely in as well. I just had a C-Section 4 weeks ago so I'll be a bit behind on the endurance for the next couple of weeks but I'm there. Game on for me to be up to speed in no time! I was able to tackle 3 of the Advance Step and a few Pilates stretches. I attempted the Jack Knife ab workout...yeah, that didn't turn out so great but will keep trying it each day until it's more comfortable.

    Awesome idea getting this going.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    After boxing on Tuesday I am sore in arms and back. Not used to it yet.
    Upped the time on the boxing from 3 to 10. Should have done 6 mins
    and got used to it. Didn't do anything last night and went out for dinner.
    Still did lose some ounces this morning. Watched my intake at dinner.
    Will do some Wii tonight.
  • scgma
    scgma Posts: 185 Member
    spent yesterday with new grandson!!!
    Soo I really hit the wii today...
    Boxing 26 min and hula hooping for 6..for a total burn of 122 then walked the pups for 20 minutes AND clean my carpets!!!
    Now, I am heading into work!!!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Wii Strength Training 32 mins.

    Wii Boxing 12 mins.

    Total 44 mins. 212 calories

  • Sbozek123
    Sbozek123 Posts: 94 Member
    "Wii said I burned 150 calories, but my Polar HRM said 281...hopefully it is the latter one."

    Always trust the HRM! Wii Fit and even EASA2 will never be accurate on your personal effort or body type. I find that I get about 20 to 50 calorie difference usually - but I've had them be different (the Wii and HRM) by over 150 calories before.

    I was a busy lady today (on the Wii of course)

    2 rounds of boxing - 30 minutes
    EASA2 - 23 minutes
    Tennis - 15 minutes

    And I have about 30 minutes to kill before I start my shows, so I'm going to clean up my kids stuff, throw in some dishes, and set up an hour long step aerobic Free Step on the Wii while I watch some random Primetime show! My kiddos and hubby went to a Penguins (minor) hockey game, so I'm alone till 10pm-ish!!!!
  • Improvised
    Improvised Posts: 925 Member
    Hi! Did 15 minutes of Boxing, only 15 min. till I beat the challenge!
  • Triquetra
    Triquetra Posts: 270 Member
    Day 2: Fit Plus with trainer for 57 minutes burned 303 cals (on my HRM). I have discovered I do wa-a-ay better on the trainer yoga and aerobics and really suck at the balance games, I think I even ran over a few people and dogs on my bike ride!
  • Improvised
    Improvised Posts: 925 Member
    Lol, Triquetra, I've run over my fair share of dogs and people in the bike game. :)
    Yoga is SO hard for me. I love doing it in real life, but in the WiiFit it's soooo challenging for me.
  • scgma
    scgma Posts: 185 Member
    I hit the great outdoors yesterday and according to my Exercise Tracker burned 437 calories cleaning up the yard !! BUT it was probably more because pulling vines(and briars!!) out of trees is more than general gardening !!!
    Sooooo what is our challenge next week????
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Yesterday I did my bike for 31 mins. 350 calories
    No Wii

    Today will be walking the neighborhood today it is
    sunny and 61 degrees. We have had so much rain
    lately I just want to go outside and enjoy it !!

    I do the Wii Yoga and Strength training and yes they are a
    challenge but I can see a difference after months of doing it. My
    core is getting stronger. Try it and it will get you in shape. :happy:
  • krey945
    krey945 Posts: 8
    Saturday April 30- Wii Boxing 10mins
    20/60 completed
  • Improvised
    Improvised Posts: 925 Member
    So, I ALMOST had the boxing completed when the batteries died in my balance board. SO, I'm off by 5 minutes, but oh well. I did get 1/2 hour of biking on the WiiFit, that was good. It was only 20 degrees outside today AND snowing, so I did my workout stuff inside.