tyanna68 Member


  • In the same boat! Just started or I can say started again as failing seems to be where I succeed! Sabotage everywhere in my home but I am my own worst enemy!
  • Funny I just saw a commercial. I love him but isn't this program old like 2007? Surely the meal plan and exercises should be updated. And the price should be lowered.
  • Thanks guys and I guess it is true. I only have about 40-50 pounds to lose so it wouldn't be as fast as those who need more. My coach is the one who tells me to weigh myself everyday. It can be frustrating. I guess I stress because last time I got to this point and couldn't get under 160. And I gave up. I'm now getting to…
  • I lost the first couple weeks but have stayed the same this week. I have done a couple 3 mile intervals sessions this week. Hoping for a loss next week!
  • Thanks ladies. I just don't want to get so dependent on the scale. When is see it go up a pound I tend to say oh well I might as well eat bad!! For example, I gained last week and totally got discouraged and just ate but then today I started TOM and hit myself on the head. Well no wonder it went up! I got down on myself…
  • I myself exercised a lot and a runner. My coach literally wanted me to stop for a few weeks. I have kinda stopped but when she see I go hiking or something not to vigorous, she tells me not too. I hate sitting on my butt.
  • What are your thoughts on weighing yourself every day??? I don't really like to but my coach says I should. It discourages me to see it go up and down even by ounces.
  • Thanks sweetie! Getting back on the horse!!
  • I totally split it today and it worked. Of course I still WANT to snack. Grrrrrrr
  • I had read that one package is 3 greens, but I added veggies to my recipe. First time eating the noodles.
  • Hate celery but totally forgot about the sugar free jello!
  • So far I like most of the food. I did MF about 8 years ago for the first time and did not like it much. They have come a long way. I agree, I do not like the puffs. I do like the cinnamon pretzels and they are my go too snack when I'm out and about. Some bars melt where I am as I live on an island and it's hot!. I also…
  • Actually it was coach who told me to do it that way.
  • Thanks guys. I did have an extra meal. Put my carbs at 120. Will concentrate harder today!
  • Oh and what about fats and sugars! What should those be set at.
  • Does anyone eat their extra calories if they exercise?
    in Exercise Comment by tyanna68 July 2013
  • Hey guys, do you eat your extra calories if you exercise?
  • The fit bit, does it have hrm?
  • Exactly, everyone is different. I will be doing another half in October and I know I will need to go to 4 and 2 when I'm training. But for now I will keep my running scaled back a little. I commend my coach for losing all the weight she has and she is a great person but I don't know about others, sometimes I feel like I'm…
    in Exercise Comment by tyanna68 July 2013
  • Ya that's what I assumed. I do it just because it keeps me accountable. I had my MFP set to show up on my FB but my coach questioned me counting calories so I changed that setting.
  • You can open accounts in other names to get the "deal" of course it doesn't last forever unless you have a huge family lol. For example, I have an account in my hubbys name and my daughters name. When my 2 month deal is done, I cancel my be slim and sign up under my hubbby, when that 2 month is done, cancel and sign up…
  • thanks for this. I had it on "guided" and I was always wayyy over on protein etc. What do you guys put for exercise goals.
  • Thanks for posting this. I too am a runner. Did my first half marathon last year. I tried doing MF while I was training but it was hard. I even tried doing the 4 and 2. I think my problem was not being prepared. The whole time, my coach would yell at me for exercising so much but I felt like I was untoned if I wasn't. Now…
    in Exercise Comment by tyanna68 July 2013
  • I'm confused, I just started again on MF. Last time I did not keep track of calories and this time I'm just using MFP because it helps me keep accountable on my l&g but do we really need to keep track of calories??
  • Hi, I just started again on medifast this week! I lost before a couple years ago but put it back on. I didn't do the maintenance like I was supposed too.
  • Congrats on your weight loss so far. Keep it up. I sent a request.
  • this is my favorite to run too http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-sxTpWOQn80 I also have a lot of old school music.
  • I'm doing WW online and MFP. I'm in Guam so we don't have meetings. I lost a few pounds but just started about a week and a half ago. So we will see.
  • That's awesome. I too am a Pepsi addict. My husband and I would go through a 12 pack a day. I quit this passed week. Though I do admit a take a sip of my at least once a day. Yesterday I had a big streser and while most pick up a cigarette or alcohol, I had a pepsi!!! So my goal is to take NO SIPS. I wish I could just not…