saj6 Member


  • you can use a paper lunch bag, I can't remember how much popping corn to go in (you can probably look it up online) but I do know you can do it without any oil so it would be like air popped. I got a book from the library, it was all popcorn recipes, and the information was there. I guess I should have written it down!…
  • I've had just dance 3 for a week now and I love it!! Today I danced for 70 min and burned 534 calories according to my hrm so your calories burned sounds right to me :-) My problem now is that I want to go and buy just dance 2 and just dance summer dance party (which I don't think is available anymore darn it!) for more…
  • I met my husband over 10 yrs ago on an internet dating site, we will have our 8th wedding anniversary in April this year :-) we have 2 great kids and are doing MFP together right now :-) we are very happy and hope to have a long life together :-) so for me (and I was skeptical at the time if internet dating would work for…
  • I found out I had "extremly low" vit D about this time last year, I was told to take 2000IU per day. I had bloodwork done last month and my levels were just in the low end of the normal range. I was told it could take 2 yrs to get my levels to a good range. That being said, I live in Calgary, so I'm farther north and the…
  • what a great price! I buy ground pork to make cabbage rolls, my family recipe uses all ground pork, no ground beef at all. I haven't calculated the calories per roll yet (I'm making it next week) but it should be fairly low, cabbage, pork, rice, onion,tomato and vinegar is basically what is in my recipe. Now every family…
  • I havn't noticed my fat loss to be lop sided, but the fat I have is more jiggly. Enough so that my 6yo mentioned it to me! I think its just due to the skin not shrinking down yet so things are looser now that the fat is disappearing.
  • I had thought they lasted longer than 5, but I think my doctor is just being cautious. He told me has had some patients who left them in so long they could no longer be removed, they were embedded into the uterine wall! (eww!) I was hoping by the time 5 yrs was up my husband would have had a vasectomy, but he has changed…
  • I have the copper IUD in, have had for almost 5yrs now. I was told I was a good candidate because my periods had always been very light (usually lasting about 3 days, could only use a tampon 1 day, rest was too light so it wasn't comfortable. No cramping, no bloat.) I wasn't happy the first 6 months I had it in because all…
  • I've always been cold, and now I am freezing! I know its not my thyroid as I have it checked regularly (my mom has been on thyroid medication for the last 30ish yrs) I'm hoping it gets better, but I'm not holding my breath as I've been colder than everyone around me for as long as I can remember :-/ So its lots of sweaters…
  • I buy my chicken bone in skin on and clean it up myself, that is cheaper. I also use beans alot. If you are cooking with ground turkey/chicken/beef, use half the amount of meat and the rest canned beans (or dry beans you've boiled if you want to be really thrifty, I just don't feel I have the time) Use cheap seasonal…
  • I have BL for Wii, and I just log it as calisthenics light/moderate and the number I get for calories burned generally match what I get from my HRM.
  • its not sweet, but I always add a few tablespoons to a pot of chili when I make some.
  • Hi, I'm Stephanie. I'm 42 yo and have been knitting and crocheting since I was 8 or 9 :-) I read the description of this group and knew it was for me! When I started this journey my first excited thought was I would be able to buy less yarn per project therefore have more money to buy yarn for other projects LOL I am…
  • a few years ago I also stopped all dairy (involuntarily, I developed an allergy after my son was born and had huge hives all over my body!) I was completely dairy free for almost 6 months. I did not gain nor did I loose any weight. I have eczema, it did not clear up nor did it get any worse. I did feel less bloated after…
  • I believe it! if you have kids you will see that even the sight of a fast food sign is enough to make them cry for fast food (and we hardly eat out!) My husband calls McDonalds 'crack for kids' due to our kids seeming immediate addiction to it!
  • I haven't actually done this, but my husband used to cook barley and eat it like oatmeal. Just added some brown sugar and milk. So I guess you could just eat it with fruit and yogurt or however you eat oatmeal :-)
  • sounds great! I think I know what I'll be baking this weekend now :-) thank you!
  • I asked my doctor this same question and I was told that if I had diabetes the spikes in blood sugar would be something to worry about. But because I'm not diabetic, so long as I stay within my calorie goals I could eat fruit with no worries :-)
  • I've been doing biggest loser on the wii as well, and I've noticed it only counts calories when you move in cadence with the trainer! so if you go faster or slower its not counting you as working! also I don't have a pocket in my work out pants so I have to keep the remote on my wrist so it doesn't count those calories…
  • I've had eczema my whole life and sweat can cause me to have flare ups :-( not sure what you can do about it though. Hopefully someone else knows what to do besides just using your cream on the rash.
  • yes thats the turkey burger recipe :-) its really good, I would recommend it to anyone!
  • Cooking light had a really good turkey burger recipe this summer (sorry, can't remember what issue and can't seem to find it right now) it had pictures of burgers on the front cover. Anyway the turkey burger has oven roasted eggplant puree in it as well as vegamite -which I had never tried before and I was a bit nervous…
  • I do the wii zumba routine 5-6 days a week for my cardio because I can't go to a gym (small kids and the cost) I am seeing good results doing this plus watching my calories. So for me its working, but eveyone will have different results, good luck :-)
  • Thank you so much everyone :-) I'm feeling really good tonight! :-)
  • baking powder is activated by the heat of the dish cooking and I think the liquid when you mix it also activates it. Baking soda needs something acidic, the buttermilk in this recipe provides the acidity but you could sub in 1 1/2 cups milk mixed with 1 Tablespoon of vinegar or lemon juice if you don't have any :-)
  • when I cook brown rice I often use chicken broth instead of water. I may start off by sauteing onions until they are golden, then add the rice then the broth and cook as normal :-)
  • this is going to sound weird, but I put on my underwire bra today that usually pokes me under the arms (which I thought was from my shape changing after having kids) but today it isn't poking me at all and is in fact comfortable! So now I have moved my underwires from the 'only wear if I need to do laundry' pile to the…
  • I hadn't heard about that, I'm deficient and am supposed to take 2000 IU of vit D daily, but to be honest I forget a lot. Maybe I should start taking it more regularly and see if it helps my weight loss!
  • I noticed I was cranky with my husband and kids for the first few weeks after I joined MFP. But I discovered the more I worked out the more I could eat so I wasn't as hungry all the time, and my crankiness has disappeared. It was bad enough that I noticed I was cranky, and that is bad :-(