
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    Same here. It is that lack of blubber keeping me warm. My response is to wear good quality winter clothing, and get really active. When I am out skating, cross country skiing, tobogganing, or shovelling snow I am plenty warm.
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    Check thyroid
  • buzzcogs
    buzzcogs Posts: 296 Member
    I don't know the answer and I haven't lost a lot of weight yet but I always get the shivers after running more than about 9 miles. It doesn't matter if it is summer or winter. After a long run I try to drink hot liquids and cover up.

    If someone has an answer for this I would be interested to know.
  • brandimacleod
    brandimacleod Posts: 368 Member
    My thyroid has been checked and I am still freezing too. Just losing weight can do it. Doctor said maybe someday it will improve, or maybe I will just get used to it? But its a small price to be healthy and thin (which I am not yet but working on). And its nice to never sweat unless I am running. Hahahahaha!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I was the same when I started out last winter. I was cold all the time when I was on 1200 cals a day and losing weight. Now I am maintaining I am fine, even though I am thinner.
  • I had this problem when I initially lost weight, but after a while it began to feel "normal"? Like I don't feel freezing or hot, just normal, like I was before I began losing weight. I guess my body got used to it.
  • fitnoflab
    fitnoflab Posts: 90 Member
    I can't wait ti I start getting cold!
  • Mezmoralda
    Mezmoralda Posts: 1 Member
    I'm shivering also.. I am only cold around the core.....if I get several layers on around the middle or get into excercise mode, I get comfortable .I am down 68 lbs from around 12 years ago and and another 34 since June 2011. Thought it was just my age but I see lots of younger folks with same issue. My yearly blood tests are pretty much normal. I will be glad to see spring coming!
  • Nicoleo1
    Nicoleo1 Posts: 159 Member
    Thyroid was tested in the spring and was fine... So maybe it's just that layer of soft, insulating blubber... will ask the doctor anyhow... see if she thinks so too.
  • wyldweazel
    wyldweazel Posts: 41 Member
    My and my dieting buddy both have found a large degree of sensitivity to the cold weather. I love winter outdoor activities, but I am going to need some new gear before it snows. That is for sure. Glad to see I am not alone. I was thinking of getting some mechanics gloves for when I am at work, typing at my desk.

  • Jess5825
    Jess5825 Posts: 228
    Ever since I've been losing weight, I too have been a lot colder. I think it is all the insulation I've lost...LOL
  • Jami22
    Jami22 Posts: 253 Member
    I use to make fun of the other women in the office because they would always be running space heaters... Now I"m looking for my own! I tell people I have lost my insulation! :O)
  • rudegyal_b
    rudegyal_b Posts: 593 Member
    i get cold right after eating, its the weirdest thing
  • helloiloveukitty
    helloiloveukitty Posts: 448 Member
    Since I stopped being fat I am not always freezing, my hands and feet and usually my nose feel like blocks of ice. Its nuts and I don't love it but I guess I would rather be freezing cold than fat :(
  • I SLEPT with my winter gloves on the other night in a normal heated house. I am miserable this time of year and I live on the beach in South Alabama. Yes and the weight loss has made it worse!
  • FoamyRiver
    FoamyRiver Posts: 276 Member
    I'm always cold now too. I have a space heater under my desk that is always on, even in the summer. At home I either sit in front of a space heater or with a heating pad turned on high and I've added extra blankets to my side of the bed. My doctor has ran thyroid and iron level test and all was well--it's just the loss of all that insulation.

    The only time I'm hot is when I'm working out. I'm dripping sweat before I even finish my warmup. But within 10-15 minutes of finishing my workout I'm freezing again.
  • saj6
    saj6 Posts: 33 Member
    I've always been cold, and now I am freezing! I know its not my thyroid as I have it checked regularly (my mom has been on thyroid medication for the last 30ish yrs) I'm hoping it gets better, but I'm not holding my breath as I've been colder than everyone around me for as long as I can remember :-/ So its lots of sweaters for me right now (I live in Alberta Canada so we can get pretty darn cold in the winter)
  • JamieDD
    JamieDD Posts: 175 Member
    I can't remember what it's like to be cold. Damn menopause. :grumble: Just tonight I ran outside in the snow barefoot when the UPS guy came up the drive. :laugh:
  • JamieDD
    JamieDD Posts: 175 Member
    double post...:blushing:
  • dawnmichelea
    dawnmichelea Posts: 112 Member
    Losing 20 pounds did it for me! I am so very cold all the time. Doesn't help that we are having a much colder winter than normal here in Southern Oregon! So I use"hot hands"when I'm outside. My heated blanket is AMAZING (I keep it on 5 all night long!) And my husband bought me a heated throw blanket for the sofa, which keeps me toasty warm! Other than that, I keep my body moving to stay warm! The weight loss is so worth it!