

  • I sorta doubt it...but not getting invited to parties must make avoiding cheat pressure easier. I also hear douching can help a fella lose weight. The OP is selective in his trashing...he's ignored the sensible comments and attacked only those that have helped this thread to turn into a flame war. Since this is clearly his…
  • Fat is not a 4-letter word...kids shouldn't be drinking skim milk...and I'd say the higher the fat the better because they'll be hungry less for snacky crap while they're still picky little buggers and textures, flavors & smells are too extreme for their undeveloped pallates. Formula is really too expensive to feed the…
  • I "cheat" work by taking vacations. I "cheat" my parenting responsibility by getting them sleepover days with grandparents and having a date night with my wife. This usually coincides with "cheating" waking hours by sleeping IN late. I "cheat" my thrifty personal finance by treating myself and/or my family to something…
  • Agreed. Take the diet as a lifestyle, not a short-term tool. This means you can look at weeks at a time or months or even an entire year collectively as a win. Any "cheat/lapse" day doesn't just disappear, it gets averaged in with all the rest and the end result is what you see in the mirror. I like the indulgence…
  • Try one tablespoon of light olive oil and some brown sugar or fresh fruit in oat meal for the ultimate cholesterol ratio changing breakfast...olive oil with the high monounsaturated fat bias is linked to increasing HDL cholesterol while lowering LDL--two birds, one stone.
  • Second this! Also, opening things up to breakfast sandwiches...sausage, bacon or even cold cuts with some melted cheese. After I finish my coffee I also like to have 30 grams of dried fruit/nuts mix with a Lara Uberbar for a total of 380 calories...almost entirely nuts, chewy and the binder is brown rice syrup and…
  • I'm not sure your metabolism can be broken unless you've found a way to maintain a body temperature below 98°F. That is a mammal's first and only job: stay at that temperature. Everything else is a byproduct...movement & noise. The only sources of inefficiency are heat lost to the outside world and how much caloric…
  • Breakfast 290 -Builders Bar--Clif -coffee creamer-- 2t powder coffeemate Lunch 235 -8 slices hillshire farm club sandwich variety cold cuts -1T garden veggie cream cheese -arnold sandwich thins, multigrain Dinner 375 -Crumbled blue cheese 1/8 cup -Hidden valley light ranch 1T -110 calorie soft taco shell Reser's baja cafe…
  • Ha-ha, if you gotta have something in your hand instead of a shot, mix the drink in a highball, or, light a cigarette. Partying at home with some maryjane is WAY lower calorie as long as there's no chips or take out around!
    in Beer Comment by 19danno77 April 2012
  • On a per ounce basis this is correct, but that's not how spirits are consumed...the rough equivalent is 1 ounce of spirits to an average beer. Calorie content of those would be ~60 for the normal spirit (unsweetened, non-liqueur/schnapps) versus 150 for a normal non-lite beer. Spirits can catch up again on calories if…
    in Beer Comment by 19danno77 April 2012
  • I reckon it was! We had met up with two couples from Phili at the NB tour and hitched along with them down the street to O'Dells...liked their tour better. NB was a bit too adoring of their precious founder for me and reminded me a bit of wine snobbery...O'Dells was more down to Earth. I switched to diet cokes by the time…
    in Beer Comment by 19danno77 April 2012
  • Good suggestion!
    in Beer Comment by 19danno77 April 2012
  • Isn't that redundant and an oxymoron at the same time? I'm Irish and German..."it's noon somewhere" is a phrase I don't mutter because if I'm awake, it's an appropriate time for a drink if I want it. BTW, my profile pic there is my wife and I at New Belgium's Fort Collins brewery...I was pretty well lit. And we hit…
    in Beer Comment by 19danno77 April 2012
  • Dude, right on! A friend of mine calls that "earning beer credits!" 15 minutes of elliptical or walking up and down stairs at home would be free way to earn another guilt free beer. House cleaning is cardio (look it up!) so vacuum the carpet and dust the blinds and you've earned half a beer. Love it!
    in Beer Comment by 19danno77 April 2012
  • Four beers? That may be bordering on binge drinking by medical definition, not moderation. Even with each beer being a 12 oz Miller Lite that's over 400 calories and good for ~20% of ones daily intake. If it's a New Belgium Dig pale ale that's ~720 calories! But I don't think it's possible/practical to quit drinking…
    in Beer Comment by 19danno77 April 2012
  • I did 120 days of it in 2009...IMHO it's just too much work. The workouts are great, but an hour+ per day is intensely demanding and while I managed to make it 120 days missing only a couple workouts, I had a cake job and only one kid at the time. No way could I make it work now. Also, the key to P90X and getting ripped is…
  • Here I would have thought global warming and melting ice would increase the number of pirates...science is so hard! I gave up on regulators when they said eggs were bad. Or was it when they said we should eat margarine instead of butter and then said, oops, eat butter instead!
  • Yeah, bogg if you're not bitter sensitive potassium chloride is a decent salt replacer in the 20% range before the metallic off flavor can become more obvious. The problem with a study is that what it doesn't cover specifically is often construed to apply to a group larger than it should. At what point does anyone drop out…
  • Exactly...my diet is 40-50% fat with LOADS of almonds, walnuts, & pecans, avacados, olive & canola oil. I drink probably close to 60 oz of hydrating fluids/day and pee clear/light yellow so I don't suspect dehydration--also drinking crystal lite, coffee and Coke Zero. Fiber intake is right about the MFP recomendation but…
  • Answer is you shouldn't! Medicine and health "experts" are only guessing based on studies...and a lot of studies are highly flawed or incorrectly interpreted. It's easy for zealots in labs to confuse correlation with causation. Scully pointed out that too much water is also bad for the ionic balance...I'm confident more…
  • The dose makes the poison so too much salt like absolutely EVERYTHING else isn't good for you. That said, the primary impact excess sodium intake has on you is that your ionic balance can be thrown off. Very little sodium is actually needed...seldom is too little a concern; if only fiber was that easy! To keep the osmotic…
  • No nerves struck...and I agree with your assertion regarding gains and reps. In general, a good strength workout should be a somewhat (if not outright) unpleasant but very rewarding experience, right? Regarding the OP and what goaded me into chiming in at all follow below: -Heavy is a relative term and can intimidate those…
  • I also mentioned the library...anyone who's tried it can give you the deal on HIT in 5 minutes, and that's free. Google it...the jist can be had for free.
  • But you just can't know 'til you try...but as you said, no need to try if you're happy with what you've been accomplishing...BTW congrats there! I knew my opening sentence would get me in trouble...which is why I phrased it the way I did. :laugh: It was to match the bold assertion by the OP that his way was right. It makes…
  • LOL! I've been bugging my wife to repeat my P90X before after series to include a shot of me post MFP...I've never been leaner. I was stronger in college but damage to my body since then will forever limit my shoulder/chest strength. When I get the pics I'll toss one up here. But since I P90X didn't focus on big numbers in…
  • HIT practioners would make this assertion...but then again the body chemistry of "champion" lifters and athlets are often chemically modified. It's an efficient, common-sense alternative...that's all I'm saying. In a world of gimicks for sale, this one is free, saves time and works for the people that are willing to give…
  • There's good anecdotal evidence supporting the theory behind HIT by Nassim Taleb...he coined the term antifragility. It's an alternative...a viable one at that. It's certainly not the only one out there. But it's one of the only ones asking NOT to send the founder a check. And for most of our musclar needs, it's more than…
  • Our body only builds slightly more muscle than it thinks we need for the next of life's challenges. But it can't fully recouperate if you're unwilling/unable to give it the week off it needs for a full recovery. Much of what our ancestors did in a day required little exertion...tending to children, livestock/farming (fast…