

  • I had this. I used to get so excited about losing then the next day be moving up again, it made me so demotivated. But now i hardly ever weigh myself (partly becasue my scales are cheap rubbish ones) and use physical things like when i turn sideways my belly sticks out a little les or when i sit down i dont have so many…
  • I never knew green tea had health benefits! I started drinking it when i came on MFP because its low calorie and i love it anyway, espeically with lemon. To know that something i really enjoy drinking could potenitally help with my weight loss as well is amazing! xx
    in Green Tea Comment by amberlusc June 2010
  • I put it as circuit training becasue it is a good balance of cardio and strength (the basis of circuit training) xx
  • I want to know the same thing, cos it really confuses me too! Cos else if you do eat all the calories youve burnt you surely wont lose any weight?!
  • thanks guys :) i also forgot to mention that the day i started this, was the day i started the pill. and the doctor said to expect a 3-4lb gain in weight in the first month, which should then decrease again. I guess it could be that. I have decided this week i am gonna kick-*kitten* and workout and eat healthy like crazy!…
  • I just bought this and waiting for it to be delivered - do you definitley need hand weights? ANd what size do you suggest for someone with relatively no arm muscle ;P? If so i need to run out and buy some soon :) xxx
  • I've just ordered this, but i didnt know you needed weights! What sort of weights like dumbells? or the weights around your wrists? I will buy some tomorrow :) xxx
  • I find (i guess it might be a bit ocd) that planning and writing down exactly what I am going to eat that day, or the food group and a rough amount, and when im going to eat it helps a lot. That way i can have a snack but will have to wait for it, and i wont overeat becasue i already planned what i would have. It also…
    in Snacking Comment by amberlusc April 2010
  • i know! like my food with the most carbs in one serving was an apple today! so im gonna try and stop with the apples so much :P what the hell do people survive on, on the atkins diet? i think they must just eat steak and drink milk :P
    in CARBS! Comment by amberlusc April 2010
  • count me in too :) i hate it when people try to sabotage my weight loss plan! or say you dont need to diet! it makes me lose focus and then i get even angrier with them! so yeah im in 100% for everyone helping to support eachother on here :) xxx
  • HELLO :D in the end i put it under aerobics general, cos i dont think its high intensity aerobics (cos im guessing thats like body combat) but its not low intensity (like the warm up section of the dvd) so i put it in the middle one :) xxx
  • HELLO :D in the end i put it under aerobics general, cos i dont think its high intensity aerobics (cos im guessing thats like body combat) but its not low intensity (like the warm up section of the dvd) so i put it in the middle one :) xxx
  • HELLO :D in the end i put it under aerobics general, cos i dont think its high intensity aerobics (cos im guessing thats like body combat) but its not low intensity (like the warm up section of the dvd) so i put it in the middle one :) xxx
  • hey 'spacie' thanks for your tip off at m and m direct! I think at that price (or as you did - ebay it) im swaying towards buying them :) and yeah improving posture cant be bad either! xxx
  • Wow, thankyou, my first ever reply :) Yeah i think they are the same things, just different branding but same technology really. I would really love it if you could let me know how you get on with them and if you can see/feel an improvement? I just want to be sure before i buy some :) xxx