30 day shred - anyone starting today?



  • yertle123
    absolutely am all for supporting each other :)
  • Elokyn
    Elokyn Posts: 448 Member
    absolutely am all for supporting each other :)

    Yay :) I'm pumped now! Goal weight HERE I COME!! :D
  • Elokyn
    Elokyn Posts: 448 Member
    Okay!!! Can I be perfectly honest here? I just finished day 1 of the 30 day shred and I feel like quiting already!! I am not ashamed to say that I cried for the last 3 minutes because I did not feel like I could do it. I did finish but let me tell you I feel like vomiting. In the DVD she talks about people who weigh over 400lbs doing this and if they can I give them props because I'm currently at 289lbs and I am angry with myself for not being able to do better. I realize it's a process and I really want to continue the process but at this very minute I feel like giving up!!! I can't stop crying because I am very diappointed in myself. How say am I??? Somebody tell me I can do this again tomorrow because rigfht now, I don't feel I can!! I need your help!! :sad: :mad:

    P.S. I don't know what you will all think of me right now, maybe that I should just suck it up. But I wanted to be completely honest for the first time in me life. I really need help with this!! Thanks for listening!!

    You can do this! I'm going to start tonight and I'll know what you're talking about I'm sure! I need the support of someone who is this honest about what I'm up against!!! You're one work out closer to your goal weight! :) Great job girl you did fantastic, and you'll do fantastic again tonight!! No need to feel dissapointed! You finished!! We'll do this together, All of us! Just ya'll bare with me when I'm crying tomorrow and you have to tell me the same thing okay? ;)
  • twojurfin
    twojurfin Posts: 75 Member
    Ladee- thank you for your honesty!! I am glad I am not the only one crying through those blasted side lunges- Thanks for being there with me!!
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    hello! i'm in - sort of. i'm alternating 30 day shred with my couch to 5k, so i'm only doing it three days a week. is that allowed? i'm on about my third week of the program, and that woman kicks my butt every time! she keeps saying it will get easier, but i don't know if i believe her yet! :tongue:
  • sniffles
    sniffles Posts: 295
    hello! i'm in - sort of. i'm alternating 30 day shred with my couch to 5k, so i'm only doing it three days a week. is that allowed? i'm on about my third week of the program, and that woman kicks my butt every time! she keeps saying it will get easier, but i don't know if i believe her yet! :tongue:

    I think it won't work quite as effectively if you're not doing it daily but it's YOUR body, your workout and YOUR choice. So there's no 'allowed or not allowed' involvd. :)
    And I think when she says it'll get easier, she means the pain'll eventually get so bad you'll numb out! HAHAHAHAHA
  • Ladeejulz
    Ladeejulz Posts: 56
    Thank you eveyone for those great words of encouragement and I am really happy to learn that I am not the only one feeling this way. I really think for the first time in my life, I might actually accomplish this goal!! (Wow!! that statement is a far cry from where I was earlier! lol!) I promise to be completely honest with how things are going and to let you know when it starts getting easier (if that day ever comes). LOL!! I feel much better now although my body is already feeling it. I'm afraid of getting out of bed tomorrow morning for fear that I won't be able to move!! But my moto is "It can only get better from here" and that goes for everything in life. So lets buckle down ladies and gents (if you are around) and get this show on the road. Only 29 days left to go!!! Lets go shredders!! Hahaha!!!:bigsmile:
  • Ladeejulz
    Ladeejulz Posts: 56
    Oops! Forgot to ask in my last reply. Does anyone know how to calculate this properly for the exercise journal. I don't want to me one calorie from these workouts. We deserve them all, even if I don't use them. I want to know how hard I am working. TKS a bunch!!
  • Carly01
    Carly01 Posts: 5
    Thank you eveyone for those great words of encouragement and I am really happy to learn that I am not the only one feeling this way. I really think for the first time in my life, I might actually accomplish this goal!! (Wow!! that statement is a far cry from where I was earlier! lol!) I promise to be completely honest with how things are going and to let you know when it starts getting easier (if that day ever comes). LOL!! I feel much better now although my body is already feeling it. I'm afraid of getting out of bed tomorrow morning for fear that I won't be able to move!! But my moto is "It can only get better from here" and that goes for everything in life. So lets buckle down ladies and gents (if you are around) and get this show on the road. Only 29 days left to go!!! Lets go shredders!! Hahaha!!!:bigsmile:

    You certainly are not the only one, my legs have felt like jelly all afternoon and walking up and down the stairs has been uncomfortable. I'm worrying already that tomorrow will be worse as I will have stiffened up by then. I'm considering dropping to a lighter hand weight, what size weights are you using?

    I'm so so pleased that you are feeling more positive and it has spurred me on too!:bigsmile:
  • sniffles
    sniffles Posts: 295
    Just as a note I weigh 189 lbs, my heart rate was between 120-163 throughout the workout and I burned 200 calories. However, this won't help anyone else since we'll all burn at our own rate! But I thought I'd put that down as a point of reference.

    And Carly! JELLY LEGS SUCK. hahahaha. I'm walking like such a weirdo today, I'm sure my coworkers think I'm nuts. I'm not sure how I'm going to do my run tonight... strength training is SO much harder then cardio! *whine whine*

    Ladee and Ladies! We can do this!!
  • sniffles
    sniffles Posts: 295
    Oops! Forgot to ask in my last reply. Does anyone know how to calculate this properly for the exercise journal. I don't want to me one calorie from these workouts. We deserve them all, even if I don't use them. I want to know how hard I am working. TKS a bunch!!

    The only way to log a workout like this properly is with a heart rate monitor, unfortunately... You CAN try entering strength training under Cardio but I don't think it'd be accurate since 30 day is cardio AND strength.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I entered it as "circuit training" since that is strength/cardio. Do you think this is close? I don't have a heart rate monitor.
  • Ladeejulz
    Ladeejulz Posts: 56
    Thank you eveyone for those great words of encouragement and I am really happy to learn that I am not the only one feeling this way. I really think for the first time in my life, I might actually accomplish this goal!! (Wow!! that statement is a far cry from where I was earlier! lol!) I promise to be completely honest with how things are going and to let you know when it starts getting easier (if that day ever comes). LOL!! I feel much better now although my body is already feeling it. I'm afraid of getting out of bed tomorrow morning for fear that I won't be able to move!! But my moto is "It can only get better from here" and that goes for everything in life. So lets buckle down ladies and gents (if you are around) and get this show on the road. Only 29 days left to go!!! Lets go shredders!! Hahaha!!!:bigsmile:

    You certainly are not the only one, my legs have felt like jelly all afternoon and walking up and down the stairs has been uncomfortable. I'm worrying already that tomorrow will be worse as I will have stiffened up by then. I'm considering dropping to a lighter hand weight, what size weights are you using?

    I'm so so pleased that you are feeling more positive and it has spurred me on too!:bigsmile:

    Hi Carly!!

    Isn't it a great feeling!! HAHAHA!!! I acutally didn't use hand weights today and I will tell you why. The very first day I did 30 day shred about 3 months ago, I used the hand weights and I almost died the next day. I could not lift my arms up over my head for 2 days straight. It was aweful!! (that's why I said I would never do it again) So today I decided that I wouldn't use any to see how I feel in the morning. When i did use them, I was using 3 lbs. weights. I would consider going to 2 or even 1 lbs weights but I don't have any. I will see how I feel tomorrow and let you know if I will add them again.
    I am pleased I feel more positive also and the reason I do is because of all of you!! I showed my husband all the great feedback I received after my meltdown this morning and I started crying tears of joy!! I was so happy that you were all there to listen and help me get through. You have all inspired me to continue!! I feel great emotionally, but physically, ouch!! HAHA!!:heart:
  • Ladeejulz
    Ladeejulz Posts: 56
    I entered it as "circuit training" since that is strength/cardio. Do you think this is close? I don't have a heart rate monitor.

    Thanks a bunch, i'll try that!!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    yes! I started the 30 day shred yesterday but mine was comcast, on demand and I only have the first one. For people with the DVD, are there 3 stages? Are they different everyday or just the same until you move to the next stage? Does anyone else do them on demand?
    I was sweating, and had to rest on the ab work, my abs are so weak!
  • sniffles
    sniffles Posts: 295
    yes! I started the 30 day shred yesterday but mine was comcast, on demand and I only have the first one. For people with the DVD, are there 3 stages? Are they different everyday or just the same until you move to the next stage? Does anyone else do them on demand?
    I was sweating, and had to rest on the ab work, my abs are so weak!

    The program has three levels (stages). You do the first stage 10 days, the second stage 10 days and the last stage 10 days.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    thanks, I guess I have 10 days to get my hands on the next stages!
  • amberlusc
    amberlusc Posts: 22
    I just bought this and waiting for it to be delivered - do you definitley need hand weights? ANd what size do you suggest for someone with relatively no arm muscle ;P?
    If so i need to run out and buy some soon :)
  • sniffles
    sniffles Posts: 295
    I have no arm muscle and I'm using 3lb weights. I think the program will be more effective with weights but I think if you just can't manage that yet you can start with no weights and build up to using weights? I'm not Jillian though so I'm not sure. Haha.
  • Elokyn
    Elokyn Posts: 448 Member
    Thank you eveyone for those great words of encouragement and I am really happy to learn that I am not the only one feeling this way. I really think for the first time in my life, I might actually accomplish this goal!! (Wow!! that statement is a far cry from where I was earlier! lol!) I promise to be completely honest with how things are going and to let you know when it starts getting easier (if that day ever comes). LOL!! I feel much better now although my body is already feeling it. I'm afraid of getting out of bed tomorrow morning for fear that I won't be able to move!! But my moto is "It can only get better from here" and that goes for everything in life. So lets buckle down ladies and gents (if you are around) and get this show on the road. Only 29 days left to go!!! Lets go shredders!! Hahaha!!!:bigsmile:

    I did just like I said! :) Went to Wal Mart straight after work and did it as soon as I got home!!! It kicked my butt!!! And I didnt even use hand weights cause I didn't know I needed them and didn't have any!! Holy Man this is gonna be tough, but we can do it!! :D My abs are on fire right now >.<