30 day shred - anyone starting today?

I always see posts for starting the 30 day shred but I always miss them, I thought if anyone was starting one today - April 26th - I would love to join them! I've already done it today too! off to a good start :happy:



  • squoozyq
    squoozyq Posts: 305
    I have it sitting on top of my dvd player, but have yet to do it. How did you find it? Was it fairly easy to get through? I have a one year old and I have to wait until she goes down for a nap...but I could start if you want to encourage each other....
    Let me know...
  • jessierichardson
    haha I have a 4 month old so I know what you mean! altough I can plunk my son into his exersaucer and hes good for 20 min lol I'm sure a 1 year old is a little more difficult to work out with hehe
    I found it super easy to get through! (well, not the workout itself, that was challenging) but Jillian keeps reminding you that its only 20min so you have to give it your all!! and also because she breaks it down into 3min strength, 2 min cardio and 1 min abs circuits and you do 3 circuits then you know you only have 2 min of cardio, how bad can it be? lol thats how I get through it anyways.
    I would love to encourage each other! I really need to get down a dress size or two before a wedding I have to go to May 22nd (I know its not 30 days but it will be close) then I have my best friends Stag in Vancouver/Seattle for a girls weekend that I would love to be in better shape for!
    What are your goals?
    I'm excited to get started!! As soon as your baby goes down for a nap, pop it in the DVD player and do it! you will be so happy that it is done, and its only20 min!!
    good luck! Keep me posted :smile:
  • sniffles
    sniffles Posts: 295
    I'll join up! I really want to do this but figure I need a bit of help. ): I tend to run out of energy really quick if someone isn't urging me along.

    Anyway, I'll do the 30 minutes when I get home from work (12 hour shifts are hell but I think I can get a workout in after if I push myself).
  • Carly01
    Carly01 Posts: 5

    I have just bought this dvd and am planning on starting it tomorrow! I'm a little concerned on whether or not I can manage it after a full day at work so I was pleased to hear that you didn't find it too difficult!
    I would love for us to support each other, especially as I have only just joined my MFP.

  • all4tjs
    all4tjs Posts: 51
    Count me in!!!
  • thendrick
    thendrick Posts: 102 Member
    I just started it today too!!
    I was doing Slim in 6 back in Jan/Feb but then I kind of fell off that wagon. :(
    Hopefully my muscles will remember those workouts though! LOL

    I have a 13 month old and I do it when she goes down for her first nap (about 9am). I really like that it's only 20 minutes (the SI6 workouts were almost an hour) and I'm planning on doing 30 minutes on the elliptical in the evenings after the kids are in bed.

    I'm still carrying around an extra 10 lbs from my last pregnancy and another 10 lbs. from my other babies. I really want to lose 20 lbs before September (hoping to pick up some supply teaching and I need a new work wardrobe).
  • squoozyq
    squoozyq Posts: 305
    I will be one day behind....so I will start tomorrow. I had a one year old who didn't nap....but I managed to put her in the stroller and go like stink! I walked and walked.....
    So, I will report tomorrow...wish me luck!
  • angelicarebels
    angelicarebels Posts: 10 Member
    OOO I have it still in the wrapper- I did core rhythms today about 40 mins :)) But will do the 30 Day shred tomorrow before work...Phew Jillian makes my body ache ;.))
  • twojurfin
    twojurfin Posts: 75 Member
    I'm in. I have been doing in half halfheartedly for a few weeks now. Maybe now I will get with the program!
  • kkeegan11
    kkeegan11 Posts: 29 Member
    I just started a couple days ago and was looking for a thread!
  • nankae
    nankae Posts: 1
    Hello All,

    I would LOVE to join the 30 day shred. I need the motivation knowing others are doing it as well. I did it a few weeks ago for a week then went on vacation. The time frame is great but the workout is a killer the first few times you do it. The workout does get easier.

  • twojurfin
    twojurfin Posts: 75 Member
    Just finished L1D1- I started over again and forgot how hard that first day is! How did everyone else do?
  • Ladeejulz
    Ladeejulz Posts: 56
    It's amazing how when you think of starting something and you are not sure how you are going to keep it up, something or someone give you the direction you need. I have been wanting to start the 30 day shred for awhile now but I know how difficult it is and I get discouraged very easily. I know I am 1 day behind but I would love to start this with all of you. I am new to MFP so I may need some extra help!!!! I bought the DVD about 3 months ago and have only done it once. She is very tough and I wanted to put my hand weight through the TV screen at Jillian and I was cursing very loudly!! LOL! My husband was laughing at me because I got so angry at her!! LOL!!. I was very discouraged after that first try so I have been letting the DVD collect dust!! Not any more. Today is a new day and I will try my hardest to get it done today!!! It's only twenty minutes after all, right??? I will post again once i'm done!! Wish me luck!! Good luck to all of you!
  • calcote05
    calcote05 Posts: 462 Member
    My DVD was delivered yesterday!! I plan to start today! Hope I can make it through!!!
  • Carly01
    Carly01 Posts: 5
    Wow - well I have just completed level 1 for the first time and suffice to say Jillian Michaels certainly does not mess around! I thought I was fairly fit as I normally do the cardio, boxing and abs sections together of the Hannah Waterman dvd three times a week which is challenging in itself. This however put me to shame, It is extremely fast paced and works you hard. I thoroughly enjoyed it though and feel like my muscles have been put through their paces. I must confess, I think level 2 is a long way off for now!

    Did anyone else start today or fairly recently? Would love to hear how you've got on!

  • Ladeejulz
    Ladeejulz Posts: 56
    Okay!!! Can I be perfectly honest here? I just finished day 1 of the 30 day shred and I feel like quiting already!! I am not ashamed to say that I cried for the last 3 minutes because I did not feel like I could do it. I did finish but let me tell you I feel like vomiting. In the DVD she talks about people who weigh over 400lbs doing this and if they can I give them props because I'm currently at 289lbs and I am angry with myself for not being able to do better. I realize it's a process and I really want to continue the process but at this very minute I feel like giving up!!! I can't stop crying because I am very diappointed in myself. How say am I??? Somebody tell me I can do this again tomorrow because rigfht now, I don't feel I can!! I need your help!! :sad: :mad:

    P.S. I don't know what you will all think of me right now, maybe that I should just suck it up. But I wanted to be completely honest for the first time in me life. I really need help with this!! Thanks for listening!!
  • sniffles
    sniffles Posts: 295
    Ladeejulz - I agree with you 100% That was BRUTALLY hard. Nothing easy about it at all. I thought 'level one! it'll be a gentler workout and easy'. HAHAHAHA. hardly. I barely made it through and did most of the moves even smaller then the 'easy' girl.

    You can do this tomorrow because I can do this tomorrow. We'll do it together and we'll get through it, even if we're not doing it perfectly.

    Come on Ladee! We're stronger then this! We're going to make it one day at a time... so for now tell yourself you just have to do it again tomorrow... cause that's what I'm gonna do.

    But now I'm going to go curl up in bed and whimper for a bit. ):
  • yertle123
    I started the 30 day shred....glad to see others doing it....who ever is doing the 30 day...im ready to make a pact to commit and see it through :)

    definately would be good to have buddies for encouragement.

    so if you haven't done the workout today - no excuses - get it done...skin barring season is upon us!
  • Elokyn
    Elokyn Posts: 448 Member
    I think I wanna try this. I didn't want to when I first started but I think just riding my bike around outside is not cuttin it. I don't have it yet but that's nothing a trip to Wal Mart can't remedy! Mind if I start tonight??? :)
  • yertle123
    did it last night...need to do today...found muscles that have been hiding :)