Weight changing daily sucks!

Arynamber Posts: 162 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I hate that one day I weight myself and I'm 151 and think I have lost...then the next day I am right back up to 153. Feels like I am NEVER going to get under 150! And the change is weight gets me SOOO EXCITED only to find that it was just a tease and I haven not really lost at all :(


  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    Then stop weighing your self every day!
  • I only weigh once every few weeks, cuz that rollercoaster that your body does every day makes me INSANE.

    My personal trainer gave me a good tip for daily weigh ins though. she said if i were going to weigh in daily, that i should write it down every day and then take the average at the end of the week as my real weight.

    That seemed like a really good idea if I were going to weigh that often.

    Maybe if you are taking the average, it won't make you so crazy. :0)
  • amyday1
    amyday1 Posts: 35
    I have the same issue. So I have to agree. I will still weigh myself daily in the morning. But I dont let the small flucuations bother me.. Pay more attention to how your cloths are fitting and how you feel. Find a pair of shorts or something that is just a little snug and pay more attention to getting into those. So dont sweat the numbers as much as HOW YOU FEEL. : ) Dont get frustrated...:flowerforyou:
  • amberlusc
    amberlusc Posts: 22
    I had this. I used to get so excited about losing then the next day be moving up again, it made me so demotivated. But now i hardly ever weigh myself (partly becasue my scales are cheap rubbish ones) and use physical things like when i turn sideways my belly sticks out a little les or when i sit down i dont have so many rolls of flesh :P
    stuff like that makes you feel better as well cos you know its real heard evidence of your hard work :)

  • cphtevans
    cphtevans Posts: 1
    I know we are NOT to weigh ourselves everyday. But how do you keep yourself going in the right direction without weighing yourself??? I hate seeing it go from down 2lb.s to up 2 lb's. It does get so hard. Will this ever end??????
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    I know we are NOT to weigh ourselves everyday. But how do you keep yourself going in the right direction without weighing yourself??? I hate seeing it go from down 2lb.s to up 2 lb's. It does get so hard. Will this ever end??????
    You keep yourself going in the right direction by eating correctly and logging all your food, exercising, eating your exercise calories, and drinking plenty of water. Once a week weigh ins are plenty if you do all this.
  • I weigh in one day a week. The scale hates me these days and seems stuck, but I'm not giving up. Try once a week.
  • i have this problem, too. i'm up 4 pounds from my weight this morning! D:
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    I know we are NOT to weigh ourselves everyday. But how do you keep yourself going in the right direction without weighing yourself??? I hate seeing it go from down 2lb.s to up 2 lb's. It does get so hard. Will this ever end??????

    You make sure you stick to your sensible eating plan, ensure you exercise and weigh and measure yourself ONCE per week.

    Fluctuations in body weight happens to everybody and you notice it when you weigh yourself everyday, however, if you weigh yourself just once per week, same day and in the morning, that 1lb or 2lb loss means so much more than up and down up and down weight changes of the daily weigh-in and to cap it all you will not know about any fluctuations and therefore feel more positive :wink:
  • If your going to weigh yourself everyday, you should only weigh yourself in the mornings after you have gone to the bathroom and before you eat or drink anything. Never weigh yourself again throughout the day because that isn't true weight...that is water weight that your body holds onto from the sodium, carbs, sugars, etc in the food and drink that you are taking in.
  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    To stay on track, I weigh myself every 2-3 days. I find it helps me stay motivated. When I was weighing myself every day, I was obsessed and wasn't loosing anything.

    There is a difference between staying motivated and being obsessed.

    Weigh yourself after your first pee in the morning, before you eat or drink ANYTHING. If you miss that moment, then wait till the next day and chill.
  • Sunsh1ne
    Sunsh1ne Posts: 879 Member
    Don't weigh every day. Your weight can fluxuate so much from day to day - if you eat heavily and are still digesting, if you drank a lot of water, if you ate a lot of sodium, it can even depend on your workout. Weigh yourself once a week, in the morning, after eliminating but before eating. It's fine to hop on the scale whenever (we all do it) but pick that one day and make that your "official" weight for the week - everything else is just a check in, and it's nothing to get excited about, good or bad.
  • Sunsh1ne
    Sunsh1ne Posts: 879 Member
    i have this problem, too. i'm up 4 pounds from my weight this morning! D:

    Because since then, you need to have eaten and had something to drink. It's the weight of what you consumed, not you. It's not like a slice of pizza LITERALLY goes straight to your hips. It has to get through your digestive system first, and most of it gets, um, flushed.
  • EKarma
    EKarma Posts: 594 Member
    it is just water weight.. Are you eating salty, processed foods or making your meals from scratch? Any processed food is going to have higher amounts of salt in it, which will retain water.. You could've had a "salty" day yesterday and that is making you retain water.. If you want to help yourself, drink more water.. Get at least 8 glasses down a day and that will flush a lot of the sodium out of your system faster. Also, watch your sodium intake.. This should help.. it's helped my weight loss dramatically. =)
  • bebbjeb
    bebbjeb Posts: 134
    My weight jumps around every day too and I only have a few pounds left to loose so the weight is coming off much more slowly now. I've developed a method that works for me but most people would disagree or call it cheating.

    I weigh myself most days but I just record the new lows that I achieve. This keeps me motivated to see a downward trend and it also motivates me to beat the new low.

    If I weighed only once a week and it happened to be on a day which was 3 lbs heavier than the last I would be going nowhere fast.
  • genann
    genann Posts: 236
    I hate that one day I weight myself and I'm 151 and think I have lost...then the next day I am right back up to 153. Feels like I am NEVER going to get under 150! And the change is weight gets me SOOO EXCITED only to find that it was just a tease and I haven not really lost at all :(

    I'm sure you've probably heard this before, but only weigh yourself once a week. I weigh in every Sat. or Sunday morning.
  • surlydave
    surlydave Posts: 512 Member
    Here's the thing... for every time I have been discouraged by the fluctuating scale and perceived weight gains, I have also been ENCOURAGED by losses, especially when I see they are sustained over several days in a row. This only motivates me to keep it going. That's why I can't stop weighing myself daily. The whole thing is a double edged sword.
  • sblim
    sblim Posts: 99
    Here is some food for thought: I got back from a 2 week trip and for the most part I ate healthy just a ton more sodium than I normally do. Probably 2000-3000mg more from eating out a lot. Before leaving I was about 178, the day I got back home I weighed in at 187 which was on Last Thursday. Right now I'm about 178/177 again. It is completely normal to go up and down Ina daily basis due to eater retension alone. If weight fluctuations bother you, I recommend that you never weigh yourself everyday.
  • emmyvera
    emmyvera Posts: 599 Member
    I understand how you feel. Exactly. I love to see the numbers, for me it's my type A personality. However, each time, I support myself and say it's water, stress, alcohol, etc. There are so many factors.

    Also, remember.... when you work out you are gaining muscle. So it's really about how you fit in your clothes. I'm still slimmer and my jeans out of the dryer are loose. That's my positive direction. Because a couple of numbers on the scale are just nature. So don't fight it. Find other ways to check your progress :)

    Each day is too short of a time to measure anything in my opinion. The week to week month to month is the real progress. :)
  • Mirabilis
    Mirabilis Posts: 312 Member
    I'm weighing myself every day and I'm making a note in my food journal as to anything unusual so that I have something to cross-check against. So, for example, if it's TOM, I write that down. If I went to a restaurant to eat, I write that down too, although most of the time it's really obvious in my journal. If I'm on antibiotics, again, something out of the ordinary.

    Also, you can set your food diary to show sodium consumption. That's another element in water gain.

    Ultimately, if you want a pick-me-up, then do a 90 day report on your weight from the options *looks up* at the top of the screen. It gives a lovely graph that should put everything in perspective.

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