blockeramanda Member


  • Haters will always hate. Remember why you decided to start this journey. It wasnt for them it was for you! The are just a bump in the road and I know it hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel but you will be thankful for pressing on. Dont let a few negative people deter you from reaching your dream. Keep going!!!!!…
  • WAY TO GO!!!!!! Keep going! :D As long as you see the change thats what really matters!!!
  • its said that it's 100 lbs for woman of five feet then add on and additional six lbs for every inch after that. I know because I just looked for myself last night :)
  • yummy for your tummy :)
  • Thank you for sharing your story with us. Alot of people struggle with their self image, even those who look skinny and healthy on the outside may have a dislikes on the outside. It takes a brave person to stand up and say this is what I don't like about myself and I'm going to change it. You are strong! You've made it…
  • AMAZING job!!! You are doing a GREAT job!! Keep it up hun!! Inspiring to others who are starting this journey!
  • Thanks :D I will try both of those tomorrow! :happy:
  • Everyone has there own ways of working out, my advise would be to find something that you enjoy doing. I bought a bike thingy from walmart for thirty dollars and I do it everynight there are sports on because by watching the game i forget about pedalling the bike so the bike becomes sorta like background noise and its easy…
  • Welcome :D I've been there since April? and I've lost 35+ so far..last month I didn't workout as much. but my point is you can do it everyone has their own hard days when they feel like they can't do it, that they won't ever reach their weight goals, but remember this. You didn't put all that unwanted weight on in one day…
  • my aunt also have PCOS so I know what you mean. Its is VERY hard for her to lose weight and trust me she struggles with it every day, but you can do it!! Take it day by day if you have to buy giving up is the easiest yet worse thing you can do. Good luck! Manda B!
  • today is my 'cheat' day too. For over a week I've been eating under my calorie goal so I think I deserve a cheat day.
  • You can do it too. I have 85 more to lose which means I had over a 100 to start with. Take it day by day or week by week and you will get there. Don't give up! If you stumble remember that everyone else has too, just get back on track and keep moving forward. You will get there! Manda B!
  • just like everyones journey to lose weight is different, where you first lose weight is different for everyone. For me it was my butt, then boobs! The two places I really didn't want to lose, but I'm ok with it now. You will get there you just have to be dedicated. Good luck hun! Manda B!
  • The way I look at it is...when you first start MFP it tells you how many calories you need in order to maintain your current weight...look under 'goals'........ but since you're trying to lose weight( i'm assuming) you need to eat less than that. So say your maintaining calories is 2800 and in order to lose say 1lb a week…
  • It's ok to go over a little every once and a while. I splurge a little atleast once a week and I've been consistantly losing weight. By doing that by body doesn't go into starvation mood because it can't tell that I'm changing my calorie intake. I agree with the jumping in place(jump rope) because you can do it at home.…
  • Thanks so much! I am very happy about it and I can't wait to show my fiance :heart: how much I've lost in the two months he's been gone! :bigsmile: I told him I need a new bathin suit because my boobs don't fit into the top I have anymore...and whenever I swim my bottoms fall off when I kick off the side of the pool!…
  • you dont need to run everyday. You need to do strength training in between the days you run.
  • I am starting to run more during my walks and build up my stamina. i'm trying to do a 5k on July 4th with my fiance before he deploys. I don't know what all you eat, but I'd suggest drinking more water..also Don't! chug water while you're working out or right after. All my marine friends tell me that you will be just…
  • I've only got 25 more to go before I'm under you I cannot see myself as small as i'm suppose to be..Im very happy with any weight lose :) There's nothing wrong with walking as your only excersie, but i'd suggest walking a little further each day. I walk with my ipod and I listen to alot of songs on there and…
  • I too am a HUGE fan! They are going to be replaying all episodes from the first season this I will be rewatching it :) I too have alot of the songs from the show on my ipod and listen to them while working out! My favorites are Gives you Hell, Dreamed a Dream, Total Eclipse of the Heart. Manda B!
  • I did 100 sit ups yesterday on my yoga that ok or should I do them on the floor? Either or I'm in edit- after looking at the site, I probably should do them on the floor..I will do the inital test tomorrow and join in on friday :)
  • I too was very addicted to got soo bad that my dad had to hide the bags from me, but thats been years ago and every now and then i'll get the craving for them :) I would suggest like many others have to purchase the smaller bags and only eat one bag a day...good luck!! Manda B!
  • no you are not...I do get hungry after a workout I try and eat something that has alot of protein in it...I told it helps build muscule and is best to eat protein rich food after work outs. Manda B!
  • thanks everyone!! I am actually trying to that program already :) just different days. I do walk and run but I want to be able to run longer without having to stop and walk...the first time I ran(like a turtle) I ran for 8 mins straight! So today I walked and ran down my road, but my road has HUGE hills so I have to walk…
  • thank you :)
  • Congrats Hun! See...'you have to learn to crawl before you can walk' You will get better and I'm proud of you for getting the courage to try!!!
  • The old sayin "You have to crawl before you can walk' and before that you have to work at sitting up in order to crawl. everyone is going to have good days and bad days, but just know that you are 100% not alone in this fight and you are better off than most because are couregous enough to get on here and try to lose your…
  • I don't know how many people will agree with me, but my Marine friends tell me to sip water while working out because the whole point of working out is to sweat so why do you want to chug water while exercising? i don't drink anything when i go walking. I wait until I get home and instead of chugging the water like my body…