Calling all Runner! (OR runner Wannabe's!)

I used to walk very fast, so i uped it to running! I LOVE IT! I love my Nike plus, and i have done 2 5k's and 2-3 mile runs a few times a week!! I just started a few days ago to train for 10k's! I want to finish! not be the fastest runner, but just to say i did it! and maybe up my 5k time! i have another 5k beginning of july! :-)

So i have started running more often lately...HELP! i am not losing what i thought i would. I do like to eat, but will i have to live on salads, to majorly drop the weight??? I need tips, and what motivates you! i want all the advice possible. And this is for runner wannabe's to! I want to help inspire people to NOT be afraid to run. I want running to become a hobbie! I love running, and i never want to go back to walking only!!!!!!! Sure i need to walk occasionally during runs' but i can't explain how i feel after running.

So i need whatever advice anyone can give me. Tell me your running story! I want to drop the weight and run!!!

Anyone have any ?'s contact, or ask on this post, I have found some websites, to help train or tips. but i want to know from all of you!!!!!!!! Thanks so much!
Add me if you want!


  • blockeramanda
    blockeramanda Posts: 68 Member
    I am starting to run more during my walks and build up my stamina. i'm trying to do a 5k on July 4th with my fiance before he deploys. I don't know what all you eat, but I'd suggest drinking more water..also Don't! chug water while you're working out or right after. All my marine friends tell me that you will be just putting all that water you sweated off during excerise right back in your body(so sip water while working out), and since listening to them I've been consistenly losing my weight. Also try uping your protein after may gain some weight back but it's muscle your gaining. Muscule burns fat!!

    Good luck! (hope I helped)

    Manda B!
  • RacheBell
    RacheBell Posts: 111
    I noticed when I started running, I didn't drop much weight. My body got freaked out because all the sudden I was exercising alot more, so it was holding onto all the water and fat. It'll take a week or two, maybe a month, before you'll see significant weight loss. It won't just melt off. I don't eat my exercise calories unless I'm ravenous. Remember, the key is to burn more than you eat. 3500 calories = 1 pound. Eat your calories they allow you, but try not to eat your exercise calories. You might be eating more than you think. Alot of people think that if they worked out that it's okay to have extra food, but that's not the case. You need to burn more than you eat. And that's not techically just eating salads. Remember, 1 serving of fat, protein, carbs (bread..) and 2-3 servings of fruit/veggies per meal. Stick by that, and you'll do great.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Congrats to all that are running. It has always been a dream of mine to run - esp a marathon. I finally started C25K in Nov of 2009 and graduated in Jan 2010. It took me 3 more weeks to actually get to the 5K distance. I haven't looked back and am consistently running 3 to 4 miles. My longest distance has been 6 miles. I've run 2 actual 5K races both in under 40 min. I may run slow but at least I'm running. I started to train for a 10K to be run on July 4th but have dwindled off doing it the last few weeks - my life is just too busy this summer. My plan is to run my own 10K on July 4th from my house to my mother's which is 6 miles away. Life has just gotten busy and the closest 10K is an hour away - just don't have a day to waste... I am debating whether or not to train for the Detroit 1/2 marathon in October 2010. I'm in the 40+ age group and who knows how long I'll be able to do it... It is a dream and I guess I have 2 more weeks to decide if I want to commit...

    I started running at 15 min miles. Now, I average 13.30 min miles when running outside with hills. A few days ago, I had to use the treadmill due to rain and actually completed my first 10 min mile (10 min at 6.0 mph)!!!!! YEAH ME!!!!

    Part of my problem is I was losing weight while training for a 5K but once I upped my distance and times, I stopped losing weight. I have another friend that was training for a 1/2 marathon and she stopped losing weight. For some reason, there is a trend of not losing weight with distance running. So, I have been cross training with low impact aerobics and biking.

    Just want everyone to know - if I can run, anyone can run!!! Good luck to all. RUN, RUN, RUN!!! I love it!!!
  • blockeramanda
    blockeramanda Posts: 68 Member
    you dont need to run everyday. You need to do strength training in between the days you run.
  • itsjoan
    itsjoan Posts: 5
    I've been in training for marathons and half marathons for 2 years now and I haven't lost weight. If anything, I've gained weight during the process. :angry: I was down to 143 after i finished a round of P90X. Then when I started concentrating on training for my first marathon, I gained 7 pounds. Since then, 5 marathons and 7 1/2 marathons later, I've been yo-yoing 5 pounds and it drives me nuts. I thought for sure after all this running, I'd be a tiny size 2 I am still trying though. The important thing is that you are putting one foot in front of the other and you are moving. :smile:
  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    I'm a runner too and while running is AMAZING and I love it, it did not help me lose weight. Weight training and interval training helped (I used ChaLEAN Extreme). Because of the weight training, i got leaner and stronger and therefore....faster. i imporved my half marathon time by 21 minutes! Woo hoo! Now I'm training for Marine Corps Marathon! See you there Itsjoan!!!
    I'd be glad to join in this conversation and help out whomever, where ever I can.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    What worked for me is eating more. If I try have too much of a deficit, I feel like garbage & my running suffers. Holding just a minimal calorie deficit has consistently dropped the weight (didn't need to lose much anyways) and i still have good energy for my runs.