

  • I "cheat" every sunday (I usually have a soda and don't worry about it if I grab a burger for lunch or something.) I've found that by letting myself have a day each week where I can eat things I want without beating myself up over it, its easier to stay on track during the week. I think the key is to not go overboard on…
  • In my experience, Forever 21 is VERY, VERY inconsistent with their sizing. I used to work across the way from one of their stores and my friends and I would stop in all the time... and I would say not to trust the size chart on their website at all. If you can, get in to the store and try the dress on, or if ordering…
  • I just did the same! (but i was addicted to ALL sodas... I drank around 2 liters a day of pepsi, mt dew or dr pepper.) The only thing I found was to quit "cold turkey." I HATED when people told me to drink diet soda or any of the low calorie drinks because I couldn't stand the taste of artificial sweetener/sucralose/etc.…
  • not if you don't want to! my vice is "real" soda. the bad stuff in all its sugary-calorie ridden goodness. i would drink 4 or 5 cans (sometimes an entire 2 liter bottle) per day before... and i tried cutting it out completely to lose weight and i was totally miserable! i don't recommend cutting it out entirely, because you…
  • I think the best you can do is take it one step at a time, try not to think ahead saying "I can eat this now if I starve tomorrow" and likewise, don't think about the past too much with things like "if I don't eat anything today, it'll make up for the binge I had last night." Just take it one step at a time, and do your…
  • ugh, thanks everyone! looks like I just need to focus more on doing all that I can do and less on what everyone else is doing. I don't know why thats been so hard for me! @ohamberx0 that's a great idea and I'm going to try it tomorrow. If I can walk through one episode it'd be such a huge improvement!
  • Thanks everyone... I'm so glad I'm not alone! you have no idea... (or maybe you do :))
  • :smile: Thanks for reading/replying... its comforting to hear that, because I feel like all I see is people saying they're burning 500 calories running but not losing weight, and it makes me wonder what hope I even have.
  • I hope we can do this for September, I'd love to join in!
  • i'm a diehard vancouver canucks fan. words can't describe! for soccer i'm with the timbers (i live in portland afterall)... i've been a season ticket holder for years but we're definitely all enjoying our first season in MLS! how about you?!
    in new :) Comment by pippifax August 2011
  • thanks everyone! this place is great!
    in new :) Comment by pippifax August 2011