I can't keep up with any workouts... help!

Hi everyone!

I'm just looking for some insight and some personal experiences here, because I feel pretty discouraged looking at the workouts everyone seems to be doing that I can't keep up with. I just started about 4 weeks ago seriously trying to get healthy. I went from literally just sitting around all day (I lost my job in June) and eating almost nothing but fast food and drinking nothing but soda, to (I think!) being quite healthy. I've quit soda and fast food all together and have been eating whole foods, drinking my water, and been very consistent.. my only indulgence is my occasional mint/honey iced tea.

My workouts typically consist of Leslie Sansone's 1 mile walk dvd, once a day 6 days per week, and this week have started doing it twice per day. A few days a week I walk outside for the same duration, instead. Where I'm getting really frustrated is that the 1 mile is the absolute most I can possibly do at once! I'm so out of shape that right into the workout I'm already sore, but I can push through that and end up generally feeling good afterward having worked up a good sweat. But when I try and do anything more, my body just can't. I even tried the 2 mile dvd and only got about halfway through before I had to give up and sit down. I've tried so many dvds and programs and I just find myself completely out of breath and done so fast that its impossible to continue.

I'm finding it impossible to get a good calorie burn or workout for the time I should each day because my body is so out of shape that it just can't. I've definitely learned that weight does not necessarily indicate overall health... as I'm seeing people much heavier than me who seem to be healthier and have the heart power to go much longer.

Props for reading this far if you have :) What do you think? Am I expecting too much to be able to up my stamina so soon? Or am I just being whiny? I'd love to hear some personal experiences... or even just that someone else started out where I am! How long did it take you to feel like you could keep up?



  • portexploit
    portexploit Posts: 378 Member
    WHy are you comparing yourself with others, this isn't a competition... you're talking about only being able to do 1 mile???? You know how much I did when I got started... 10mins at a 2mph pace... that's 1/3 of a mile. You know how much weight i lost in 3months?? a little over 30lbs...
  • Chastityx
    Chastityx Posts: 192 Member
    you get stronger everytime you try. Just keep trying.
  • msmitch
    msmitch Posts: 21
    i know the feeling. when i started out, my workout was also Leslie Sansone's 1 mile. it took me a while to actually get up to going further. in the back of my head i always thought about Jillian Michael s yelling at the ppl on Biggest loser saying that your mind gives up before you body will. It is true. Just keep pushing yourself. You'll get there.
  • atd81
    atd81 Posts: 225 Member
    Just keep plugging away at it and eventually you'll be able to do more. Just takes time, don't get discouraged! :)
  • pippifax
    pippifax Posts: 13
    :smile: Thanks for reading/replying... its comforting to hear that, because I feel like all I see is people saying they're burning 500 calories running but not losing weight, and it makes me wonder what hope I even have.
  • claguna23
    Just go at your own pace. I used to be able to run 5 miles and now I can't even jog a lap. It will take time, but it is better if you go at your pace and not rush in and end up giving up. In time you will see results. Best of blessings!! :)
  • pippifax
    pippifax Posts: 13
    Thanks everyone... I'm so glad I'm not alone! you have no idea... (or maybe you do :))
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    When I first started, I couldn't even burn 100 calories in one go! Give yourself some time, stay dedicated, and you will be burning hundreds of calories per day too!
  • whisperingdragon
    When I first started I could only do 6 min on the treadmill. I kept at it, now I can go over 5 miles with no trouble. It takes practice. Good luck.. :flowerforyou:
  • methetree
    methetree Posts: 381
    I started with just walking with Leslie.... now I can do her 5 miles with toning bands, and I have also completed Jillian's Ripped in 30... yes I modified where I had to, but the point it I completed it. I am now working on Jillian's 30 day shred.

    When I started Jillian I could barely do one push up on my knees. Now, I do at least half of them regular military style. I find myself getting stronger all the time.

    You just have to keep doing what you are doing and eventually you will get where you want to be. This isn't a race, it isn't a competition. Every person is an individual with unique abilities and specific needs. Walk until you are strong enough to do more.

    You will do just fine. This is about you... not everyone else on here. Just keep on keepin on. You WILL get to where you can do more things.

    Good luck and stay strong.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    If you're working out once or twice a day 6 times a week - that's fabulous!!
    You don't need to be doing someone else's workout, you need to be doing what gives YOUR body exercise and gets YOU moving.
    Endurance and strength will come with time and practice. Walking is great exercise.
    Don't stop!
  • rachelrox81
    rachelrox81 Posts: 26 Member
    Wow! Great job! Just keep pushing through. Variety is key, make sure you put strength training into your routine as well. Muscle burns fat! My favorite is Chalene Johnson's Turbo Jam the Turbo Sculpt workout. Love it!!! Plus the turbo kick is fun too. Ever watch Biggest Loser? I always think to myself, if they can push through those insane workouts and aren't dead, then I can handle my workouts. Just remember to do what's comfortable so you don't hurt yourself. Keep it up, you're awesome!!!
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    I wouldn't sweat it. 4 weeks seems like a long time but it's just a blink of an eye.

    I work a desk job and all winter I literally did nothing. Once it started to warm up I decided to do someting.

    When I started out I too was doing 1 mile. It would take me 20 minutes (roughly 3mph). At the very beginning, after just 1/4 mile my legs would start burning badly and become so sore that I would start limping.

    After a length of time, I could do the whole mile without hurting too badly. Then I started doing it faster and faster. I eventually got down to 15-17 minutes for the mile (almost 4mph). So I started upping the distance. Did 1.25 miles for a bit, then 1.5 miles for a bit. Now I'm up to 2 miles in ~33 minutes after approximately 4 months (shooting to get it down to 30mins currently). My leg muscles have literally grown a solid 50% and I have lost ~25lbs overall in those 4 months. I won't lie, walking that "fast" for that long definitely makes my muscles burn and I sweat pretty good the second mile still. But I'm getting there. And you will too.

    Give it time. You don't lose 50lbs in a few weeks and you don't get significantly stronger/better endurance in a short period either. It takes months and months and possibly years, chipping away at the various goals to get there. Just take it one day at a time.
  • futurefitgirl88
    You have no idea how many times I've felt this way!! That I can't keep up!...Fitness builds slowly and with practice.... and it will happen for you too. All the best.
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    You have so got this girlie. . . Don't ever say never. . . . You are going to get stronger with each step you take and the more you push yourself on your walks the easier it is going to get. . .

    Just because someone else is doing something different that works for them. . doesn't make what you are doing any less difficult. . .everyone here has a different weight and body composition as well as different goals. . . Always remember that. .

    And you are going to find a lot of support of those that have been right where you are right now. . .my neice was only able to walk 30 mins a day when she started around the neighborhood. . and it was really hard for her and now she is shakin it up with biggest loser videos. . . ones that are hard for me. . and I am lighter than she is. . . so it is not always about weight it is about endurance. . and muscle strength. . and attitude. .

    "Trust the process, change forever!" a quote I like. . . another is "Finish strong, you DO have it in you!

    Good luck in your journey here hon. .
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    i'd agree, don't compare yourself. as long as you are working hard, and doing your best, you will get results.

    If you aren't sweating, you aren't working hard enough, that's my theory, and i'm sticking to it.

    i started being able to do 1 man pushup, now i can do maybe 15 man pushups. it's taken my over 6 months to get there. i don't care what anyone else can do, that's what i can do.

    i started out doing 1-2 minutes on a cross trainer, now i can easily do 20-25 minutes, not a problem

    i started out barely being able to jog slowly for 1 minute, now, well i can jog for about 2 minutes, but i do it on incline and intervals with walking, jogging, walking, jogging.

    as long as you improve over the months, that's all that matters.

    As long as you are worn out, sweating, hot, sore after your workouts, you will get benefits.

    some people lose a lot of weight doing exercises that I would consider a bit weak, and all power to them, i have to work very very hard indeed for my weight loss, no 1kg dumbells here, that won't do a thing for me.
  • ohamberx0
    ohamberx0 Posts: 98 Member
    Leslie sansones 5 mile fat burning dvd. Turn it on, put on a show you like (lol I watch Maury or jerry or something) and just go... maybe not even worry about everytime she changes stuff up.. just move! When you feel it is when you're making progress! You can walk a hell of a lot more than a mile, I guarantee that! Just do it once... push yourself and see afterwards how you feel.
  • pippifax
    pippifax Posts: 13
    ugh, thanks everyone! looks like I just need to focus more on doing all that I can do and less on what everyone else is doing. I don't know why thats been so hard for me!

    @ohamberx0 that's a great idea and I'm going to try it tomorrow. If I can walk through one episode it'd be such a huge improvement!
  • portexploit
    portexploit Posts: 378 Member
    ugh, thanks everyone! looks like I just need to focus more on doing all that I can do and less on what everyone else is doing. I don't know why thats been so hard for me!

    @ohamberx0 that's a great idea and I'm going to try it tomorrow. If I can walk through one episode it'd be such a huge improvement!

    Also... don't push yourself too much, if you push yourself too much you won't like doing it, and your body will start to give which will lead to failure.
  • SJSharksChick
    SJSharksChick Posts: 83 Member
    When I first started my weight loss journey at 200lbs, I couldn't get through HALF a mile of Leslie Sansone's 1 mile DVD. I honestly had to stop to catch my breath halfway through, and rest for 5 mins. After my mini-recharge, I'd finish the workout.

    Listen to when people say 'it gets easier', because it's true. I went from not being able to do 1 mile to doing 5 miles a day, if not more. Her workout DVDs are seriously addicting, lol.

    I was on Leslie's website for awhile as a success story, I totally credit her for my initial 60lbs weight loss. The rest came off with a lot of hard work at the gym. :)

    Good luck to you, & stay strong and positive. You can do this!