how often do you have a "cheat" day/meal?



  • sunyg
    sunyg Posts: 229
    I never deprive myself, but I also don't log my food or think about calories at all on weekends. Saturday morning until Sunday night, I'll have whatever I want. Monday thru Friday, I stick within my calories. Unless it's a holiday weekend.

    I have a very very in shape friend who has eaten this way for 10 years. He has been trying to get me to at least try this for the past 9 months. I finally tried it and have completely broken my plateau. It may not be for everyone, but to me it is probably a more sustainable way to eat forever.
  • shtaylor
    I don't consider having a treat a "cheat". This is a long term life style change. It has to be sustainable. If I was really strict on myself I would never last. I would just fall off the wagon, give up, and gain it all back.

    I agree, I do not consider a treat as cheating, EX> the other day at work we had a celebration with cake and ice cream, I had a small piece of cake and 1/2 cup ice cream, but I added it into my daily calorie allowance and was still on target. You do not have to deprive yourself of some of the "Comfort Foods" we are use to eating, there are several alternative in preparation to give you the same taste with fewer calories. I adsolutely love Lisa Lillian has some of the most fantastic receipes ever.
  • Cathy92
    Cathy92 Posts: 312 Member
    Maybe my cheat meal is too much , but if I cheat, and I try not to, I enter the extra calories on the food log, and after clicking on 'complete' a message pops up telling me that if every day were like today, I'd gain weight! Not planning on cheating again.
  • Spedden
    Spedden Posts: 207
    I try not to cheat. but some days I get really hungry so I'll just keep eating vegetables and fruits because they're not so high-calorie. But then, I had a lot of weight to lose to start with, and that keeps me motivated not to want to cheat!:smile:
  • bmqbonnie
    bmqbonnie Posts: 836 Member
    I do better with more of an 80% rule. I have a hard time even going a whole day without some sort of indulgence. If I want something, I have it but in a reasonable portion and budget it in. If an occasion comes up where I go out to eat, I get what I want but rarely eat more than half of it. If fast food comes up as a necessity, I usually get something reasonably healthy.

    I tried the cheat thing. I just felt deprived and then when the cheat day came up it was a bit anticlimactic. After a while I don't crave unhealthy food all that much, and just feel like crap after a big meal of chinese food or whatever.
  • genxrider
    genxrider Posts: 107 Member
    My weekends are a little more loosey/goosey but I log everything no matter what. Saturday we had an event we were at all day. I worked my tush off, walked in a parade and enjoyed a corndog from my favorite corndog vendor.

    I wouldn't plan a cheat with a chili dog and a cheeseburger and fries - that would be too much for me and I"d feel pretty ill. But if it works for you, no judgement here.
  • charmainecurrie
    once a week!
  • GB333
    GB333 Posts: 261 Member
    Never. So far I've gone 2 months with no cheat days.
  • ohamberx0
    ohamberx0 Posts: 98 Member
    Whenever I want. I don't consider it cheating, its what I want. I just think about it more... so i would say once a week or every two weeks ill "binge".
  • pippifax
    I "cheat" every sunday (I usually have a soda and don't worry about it if I grab a burger for lunch or something.) I've found that by letting myself have a day each week where I can eat things I want without beating myself up over it, its easier to stay on track during the week. I think the key is to not go overboard on your "cheat" days... it'd be easy to binge all day and eat 5000 calories on sunday, but I've found that I'm totally satisfied (well, more than satisfied, I LOVE it) with a sugary soda and a handful of fries. :)
  • JaenaM
    JaenaM Posts: 251 Member
    i never have a cheat day i just eat whatever i want as long as i can budget it into my calories.. im glad some people do though i just feel like if i do ill be letting myself down so i dont.

    Yes! This ^ this!!! ^
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    i've thrown in structured refeeds here and there as i've gotten leaner, but i don't deprive myself of foods i like, i manage to fit in ben and jerry's nearly every night
  • it_be_asin
    it_be_asin Posts: 562 Member
    I have had one cheat day in the 2.5 months I have been on MFP.

    My sister's wedding in 3 weeks will also be a total cheat day.

    Then I don't plan to have another until at least Christmas. If not my birthday (start of March).

    I try to avoid them where possible. Unless something earthshatteringly huge is on. I reserve the right to eat my sister's wedding cake, and pick a bit with a metric butt - ton of icing, cause she's only getting married once!
  • splackk
    splackk Posts: 163
    I don't plan when I'll allow myself treats, I am just conscious not to let myself eat badly too often. Usually this ends up being once a week when I'll eat more or different foods than I usually do, just because those are the only times those foods are offered! During the week I have no problem sticking to my food plan since my hours are tightly structured, but when I'm relaxing or running around doing things on the weekends I'll usually share the treats my SO buys. It seems to even out and allows me to eat salty or more calorie dense foods I don't usually work in my plans for the week without getting the chance to continue on past the weekend.
  • gdb86
    gdb86 Posts: 126 Member
    Although, I think it truly depends on the person in terms of "cheating rules." In general, I think the idea of rewarding yourself with food after a week (or however long) of being healthy isn't the way to go. Try to make healthy versions OF so called "cheat" food. That way you aren't depriving yourself in flavor and taste, but you're also staying on track. Make eating right AND enjoying your food a way of living verses constantly feeling the need for the "cheat" days in the first place.

    There is also nothing wrong with allowing yourself to enjoy life and indulge (without counting every single morsel) on holidays or special occasions in moderation, that way you don't fall into the trap of feeling way too comfortable, but you also get to enjoy those days like everyone else without jeopardizing your progress. For some, the routine of being constant is the life saver of a healthy eating. So, all in all do what works best for you! :)
  • kyylieeeeee
    kyylieeeeee Posts: 197 Member
    I never think of it as "cheating" because I want to have a lifestyle that is forever sustainable. If "cheating" means I have some cookies or some alcohol, I really don't think it's a positive way to think about food and living! I just try to stay within my calories (and subsequent fat/carbs/protein goals). Today was the first time I went over my calories in a few weeks ("cheating," I guess?), and it was because of some good beers with friends--- definitely a worth-while tradeoff, I think!
  • who922
    who922 Posts: 26 Member
    Cheat days are good! I don't think it's practical to think you will never eat those foods again. Just enjoy them in moderation. That said, I do think there is an exception to that rule. Just like I think some people can't have one beer, some people can't cheat. I know way too many people that cheat and just fall apart in their weight loss journey. I enjoy them for a day and then I make myself go back to my regular way of eating the next day. If you can't do that, don't cheat!!! But I do think it's a worthy goal. At some point you have to know that you are in control and not the food!!!
  • nybor101
    nybor101 Posts: 477 Member

    yeah sure, that's realistic and I totally believe you

  • mathewb001
    Like any job, its best to take weekends off :tongue:
  • maryloo2011
    Typically, I do not log Saturdays (one or both of the weekend days). It keeps me on track to know that I don't have to worry about and log every single morsel that passes my lips so that I do not over-indulge when those opportunities do come along.

    Granted, this does NOT mean I run to McDonalds, eat a bunch of chips or donuts... not being meticulous about what I eat during these days means that I allow myself to eat grilled sausage for dinner with the husband, cheese and crackers for an app or desert...
