missball Member


  • Hi. I'm a FTM due in November. It's been a long time since I've tracked and BMI is 29-30 so keen to avoid excessive weight gain during this pregnancy and hopefully avoid complications.
  • Weighing your pasta and rice is a really good idea. We used to have 100g (uncooked) each and suprise-surprise there was always some left for seconds. We have eventually got it down to about 70-80g each, which is perfect. I intend to reduce that even more by subbing some of the pasta for zoodles. Wholegrain pasta is more…
  • I just spiralized a pear to have with low-fat natural yoghurt and a tiny bit of granola this morning, worked great! Apparently apples work well too. I've heard of people spiralizing carrots, broccoli+cauli stalks, beetroot, and potatoes or sweet potatoes. Check out the Inspiralized blog suggested above and good luck.
  • I've only been at it a week now and still very much ironing out the creases. My mother lost a good few stone through it and I'm hoping to do the same to get backlk down to a healthy weight. My first fast day was a lot more comfortable than this one, but I'm ending up between 550 and 700 so far to avoid passing out or being…
  • No posts here for a while... 1. Vegetarian or Vegan? Vegetarian most of the time since my fiancé is, but I occasionally have a bit of mackerel or some bacon. 2. Why did you chose the 5:2 diet? My mother has been doing it for over a year with amazing results. No other approach has worked for me. 3. How long have you been on…
  • Doesn't help with the logging but having worked at a subway in my student days and seen the length of the ingredients list on almost every product, the calories are the least of your worries!
    in Subway Comment by missball July 2015
  • Agreeing with the oatmeal. My preferred approach, which keeps me super ful and feeling healthy is also one that you can prepare night before. I soak a portion of muesli (with nice big flakes, not the fine Alpen style) in fruit juice, low fat Greek yogurt, and some chopped fruit overnight, then its ready to go straight from…
  • We always keep loads of frozen vegetables in (peas, sweet corn, peppers, spinach and green beans), quorn (mince and chicken style pieces), then tinned beans and chickpeas, wholewheat pasta, brown rice, basmati and load of tinned tomatoes. Pair that with onions and a good supply of lentils, herbs and spices and we can make…
  • I usually end up making a vegetable soup of some sort when I've used up too much calories the rest of the day
  • My partner and I have been cooking and eating vegetarian for around 6 years now so glad to offer help and a few of the recipes we regularly use. Just message or add (diary is visible to friends). Generally speaking for your proteins you'll want things like beans, lentils, other pulses, meat substitutes like quorn, and…
  • That she loves her funky hair more than the rest.
  • Low calorie to one person is not the same as another! My breakfast of choice works out at ~300kcal... Overnight oats: In bowl/mug/container .. 50g muesli, soak in enough fruit juice (orange works well) to cover. In the morning, add 3tbs/80g low fat Greek yogurt and a big pile of fruit (I usually use mango or strawberries),…
  • Been a vegetarian for many years but trying to seriously cut down on my dairy intake so glad to share any ideas...
  • Have you tried using raw chocolate or cacao nibs. Both very chocolatey, but relatively unprocessed so not full of the same fat and sugar that normal "chocolate" is (I don't count milk chocolate as chocolate)
  • I go for 50g total muesli and soak it in fruit juice (usually orange), then a sensible amount of fruit and 3tbs/80g low fat greek yogurt. Works wonders for me and only 300kcal, which for something that makes me more active and stops me snacking is fab.
  • I've started doing my own take on Bircher muesli. 50g muesli, soak in orange juice overnight (enough to cover), then in the morning stir in a few tablespoons of low fat Greek yogurt and some fresh fruit. Wonderfully balanced, fills you up til late lunch, and I find makes me feel just super all day. Soaking the muesli makes…
  • Just sent a request. Your title dragged me in...
  • Feel free to add for some mutual pushing. I'm positive and eating habits have got better but just not losing weight. Happy to help motivate.
  • Welcome and good luck.
  • Hi. I've been using this for a couple of years now, maintained weight but not lost any based on when I started. Would be very glad to have some more motivational people on her, especially if food diary is visible. I focus a lot of the health of what I consume so like to get an idea of new meal ideas, particularly…
  • I'm a 1. I study, and it's got me pretty far qualifications wise. Not studying but still doing well may work in school, but it certainly won't once you hit Uni. I don't understand 2 - why would studying be something to hide? Sure it's a sign of taking pride in yourself and your future.